Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Six: Icy Landing.../Find him!

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While the Ghost was being attacked by some of the All Terrain Defense Pods, otherwise known as (AT-DP) as they were hiding in the Hanger Bay, Kanan and the others saw that an Imperial Dome Droid was locking down the doors now while they were all trying their best to blast the Stormtroopers or deflect them! Zeb however, was battling Agent Kallus again while Kaitis was deflecting the Blaster Fire that came from the Deflected shots of Ezra's twin Lightsabers! As the two locked with each other's Bo-Rifles again, Kallus sarcastically remarked that Zeb's kind never knew when to give up, even after the mess on Lira San!

Kaitis: Nice shot... Good to see that you haven't lost your touch!

Ezra: Yeah? Well, it's a good thing that you haven't either!

Agent Kallus: Lasats... Never know when to give up!

Seeing that they were trapped, Kanan contacted Hera about their usual mess!

Kanan: Spectre-2, we're in the usual mess... Agent Kallus has joined us, and there's some droid out there locking down doors!

Hera smirked from the Cockpit, sarcastically remarking that is just lovely!

Hera: Agent Kallus, how lovely!

Rex quickly ordered Chopper to go and deal with, knowing that Ezra and the others need his help right now!

Captain Rex: Chopper, go get that Droid!

Chopper quickly leaves the Ghost, knowing that Ezra and the others have gotten themselves into another fine mess to which he has to rescue them from again!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping Sighs)

After rushing to the Door's control console, Chopper tries to reopen the doors... But instead, he gets into a struggle fight with the Imperial Astromech!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting)

Imperial Astromech: (Grunting)

Through the almost closed door, Ezra saw Chopper's little Fight with the Imperial Astromech and cheered him on!

Ezra: Come on, Chop! Get him!

Finally, Chopper managed to knock the Imperial Astromech, and finally reopened the Doors for the others!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting)

(Tazer Zapping)

Imperial Astromech: (Screaming Beeps)

As the door reopened, Kanan says that it certainly took Chopper long enough!

Kanan: Took you long enough!

As everyone slowly made their way to the door behind them, Ezra reached a worried and concerned hand to Zeb, who was still too focused fighting Agent Kallus to leave through the door!

Ezra: Zeb!

Struggling, Zeb told them that he would meet Ezra and the others back at the Ghost!

Zeb: I'll meet you at the ship!

Kanan nodded, as he told Ezra and the others to hurry it up!

Kanan: You heard him... Let's go!

Ezra nodded, as he and the others quickly fought their way back to the Ghost! After Hera and the others took care of the All Terrain Defense Pods, The Pilot started to Steer the Ship off the ground as Ezra leaps onto Loading Ramp! Seeing that they are about to leave, Ezra quickly contacted Zeb, asking where he was, still worried for his life!

Ezra: Spectre-4, we're leaving! Where are you?

Back in the hallway, Zeb was still fighting Kallus!

Zeb: Busy right now!

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