Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Transfer/Afraid of the answers you'll get!

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Back on Tarkin's Star Destroyer above Lothal, Kanan was still being zapped by the Torture Chamber's metal rods! As Kanan kept screaming and Crosshair looked away not wanting to watch this, Kaitis entered the Cell, seeing that the Jedi is still screaming! He turns to his Master, seeing that Kanan hasn't said anything!

Kaitis: Oh! Still going on?

Grand Inquisitor: Uh-huh!

Kaitis: Still hasn't said anything about any of the other Rebel Cells, especially Ezra and the rest of his Precious Crew?

Grand Inquisitor: Unh-Unh!

Kanan: (Screaming in Agony)

Seeing that Kanan isn't going to tell them anything, Tarkin thinks that enough is enough for now!

Governor Tarkin: The Jedi is no good to me dead...

Seeing that the Governor makes a good point, the Grand Inquisitor waves the metal rods away, causing the electricity to finally stop! 

Kanan: (Groaning in Pain)

Grand Inquisitor: His resistance is... Impressive...

Governor Tarkin: Yes, he does possess the will of a Jedi of old...

Grand Inquisitor: Is it possible he does not know of any other rebels to speak of?

Governor Tarkin: Perhaps... I recommend we transfer him from Lothal to another location... One that never fails to extract a confession...

That got Kaitis's attention for sure, wondering what Tarkin should suggest!

Kaitis: Oh really? What did you have in mind?

Tarkin smirks evilly, before giving his answer!

Governor Tarkin: Mustafar!

Even in his weakened state, Kanan's features stiffened as his heart sank, knowing that this can't be good! Crosshair however didn't seem to know that System!

Crosshair: I'm sorry, the Mustafar System? I can't say that I've heard of it!

Kaitis smiled evilly, explaining the history of it since Kanan was so too weak and terrified to say anything!

Kaitis: Mustafar is a small planet that is located within the Atravis Sector of Galaxy's Outer Rim Territories... Once a garden world nourished by the Bright Star artifact, its orbit was shifted when Lady Corvax unleashed the energies of the Bright Star in an attempt to return her husband to life. The Gravimetric resulting duel between the gas giants Jestefad and Lefrani over Mustafar heated the planet's core, transforming the lush world into an imbalanced Volcanic hellscape!

Seeing the pale expression Kanan had, the Grand Inquisitor knew that his student had experience with it!

Grand Inquisitor: And the reason that you think it will help make our little guest talk is cause why?

Kaitis smirks, knowing dangerous it truly was from what his former Jedi Master told him when he was a Padawan...

Kaitis: Because during my former life as a Padawan Learner during and before the Clone Wars, my former Jedi Master had warned me and my sister not to go near Mustafar at all! It was dangerous, one of the few planets in the Galaxy that is strong with the Dark Side of the Force! After the Empire rose to Power, any remaining Jedi that had survived the Clones and Order 66... Unlike some people that either refused that Order like Hunter and the others did or are choosing the Empire just to help my traitorous Adoptive brother...

Crosshair and Kanan both glared at Kaitis, upset at the way he is threatening Ezra, especially since Crosshair had saved Ezra's life just as much as Omega and Echo had without them knowing it!

Kaitis: Any remaining Jedi traitorous that had any information that needed extracting are taken to the Mustafar System were tortured there, where the presence of the Dark Side broke their resolve until they had finally either succumbed to it and became an Inquisitor like me, or were either killed by it! Besides, the only reason Kanan hasn't said anything is because Ezra's still on Lothal...

Crosshair frowned, surely Ezra would've gone into hiding by now!

Crosshair: Don't you think that Ezra would've gone into hiding and left Lothal already like Eldra did after you betrayed them?

Kaitis: Without Kanan and leave him to become an Inquisitor or die at the hands of us and the rest of the Empire? I don't think so! Tarkin, give the orders to make the jump to Hyperspace for Mustafar tonight! Oh, and Kanan? Consider speaking up about the other Rebel Cells now, especially Ezra and Fulcrum, and I promise that it will be far easier here than it will be in Mustafar!

Tarkin and the Grand Inquisitor nodded, agreeing with him!

Governor Tarkin: Very well, Kaitis!

Grand Inquisitor: Kaitis is right about one thing, Jedi... You will either become one of us, or you will die! And then your Padawan will be next!

The two Imperials left, leaving Crosshair and Kaitis alone with Kanan!

Kaitis: This is what happens when you, Echo, and even Omega rescue someone who is a traitor to the Jedi Order as much as Anakin is!

Crosshair: Hey! That kid saved Kanan's life, unlike the Empire who would have left the Jedi for dead in a second!

Kaitis: Disobeying orders again over a kid? Bad play! You know what you should work on Explaining when you went soft!

Kanan growled, knowing that Crosshair had suffered enough after he failed to protect him as his Master and Hunter did!

Kanan: Stow it, Kaitis!

Kaitis: Don't you see that every choice that he has made since Lothal has been wrong?! First Mayday, then Omega, and now Ezra... You're becoming a liability!

Crosshair: I did what I thought was right!

Kaitis: Yeah? Well unlike you after I joined the Empire, I never asked questions!

Crosshair: Well, maybe you should start... Or are you afraid of the answers you'll get?

Crosshair frowned before he left the room, sending a silent apology to Kanan... The Jedi nodded, knowing that he lost faith in the Clones and the Jedi, just as much as he and Ezra did! Kaitis frowned, remembering the last talk that he and Eldra had when she refused to believe that Anakin was a traitor after he left her and Ezra for dead all those years ago...

Eldra: Why should I trust you? 

Kaitis: Because we want the same thing!

Eldra: Do we, brother? Do you really want Ezra dead like Anakin? Where were you while Vader was killing my friends? He was your best friend... Why didn't you stop him? Why didn't you save us?

Kanan: Don't fool yourself, all you'll ever be to them unlike Crosshair, is a number!

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