Chapter Eighty: Because of me?/Ahsoka pushes Ezra too far!

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As the days turned weeks after Ezra's Force Vision about the two new Inquisitors and Rex, Crosshair, and Hunter's near-death experience with them, a lot of stress and pressure had been pushed onto the young boy due to Ahsoka's hard-core training without Rex or Kanan knowing it! One day, Ezra was rushing late for his actual test that Ahsoka had promised him... But he was unsure if this was a good idea, especially since he promised both Kanan and Rex that he would do blaster training and go on the mission to help them find Commander Sato's lost generators! But as he arrived where Hunter, Ahsoka, and the others were, he overheard the ex-Jedi arguing with the leader of Clone Force 99 about something!

Ahsoka: I know why you agreed to this mission... But we can do better things with Commander Sato's generators than just hide, Hunter... With what we're up against, we have to be prepared to fight... That means numbers and weapons!

Hunter frowned, he knew that was not the kind of life that Kanan wanted for Ezra!

Hunter: That's not the kind of life this kid deserves...

Ahsoka: Our lives are like this because of Ezra!

Omega, Echo, and Wrecker shushed the Ex-Jedi to be quiet, knowing that Ahsoka's words could have a huge negative effect on Ezra if the kid is nearby!

Omega and Echo: Shhh!!!

Wrecker: Hey, don't scare the kid!

Ahsoka: Taking him off Lothal was the right thing to do, but there are others out there who need our help! We've seen what the Empire is doing throughout the galaxy... We should be doing more...

Ezra frowned, feeling hurt that Kanan and the rest of his Rebel Family can't have a normal life because of him... He shook the guilt off, before walking over to join them!

Ezra: Ahem!

Ahsoka stops the argument between the two of them as Omega silently glares at her, meaning that they will talk later! Omega smiled a little bit at Ezra, teasing at how he is right on time!

Omega: You're right on time!

Ezra: I thought I was late...

Ahsoka: That's what Omega meant... Hunter and the boys have agreed to help with the test!

Echo: It's our privilege, kiddo...

Ahsoka: Let's get started, head out to the center...

As Ezra and the others did what they were told, Hunter was about to follow them when he saw the troubled look on Omega's face... The leader placed a concerned hand on the young Clone's arm, seeing that she was upset about something!

Hunter: Something wrong?

Omega frowned, warning her friend to stop Ahsoka's little test if it gets too tough and pushes Ezra too far!

Omega: Just make sure that if Ahsoka pushes Ezra too far than she already has in the past few days, you should call off the lesson! No pressure on the kid when Kaitis did enough of that to him when he was little! No treating him like a soldier when he's not ready for it like Rex and Kanan warned us, Hunter...

Hunter frowned, he couldn't agree more with her right now!

Hunter: Never crossed my mind!

Wrecker and Tech started to get concerned, asking if the kid and Hunter are coming!

Wrecker: Are you guys coming? 

Tech: If you two are done talking, Ahsoka is growing impatient!

Hunter: Be right there!

Omega: I'm coming!

The two of them walked over to join them, as Ahsoka explained where they came in about helping with Ezra's test!

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