Chapter One Hundred and Ten: Escaping Titus's reactor!/Somebody's in trouble!

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Meanwhile, Admiral Titus was about to kill Rex, without knowing that Kanan had arrived to save him while he was wearing his Stormtrooper helmet!

Admiral Titus: I am going to terminate you not like a soldier or honored veteran... Oh, no... You will be discarded and forgotten, like an obsolete piece of field equipment! And no one will know or care...

But before he had the chance to do so, Kanan's voice interrupted them!

Kanan: I will!

Kanan stunned both the Officers holding the Clone hostage, angering the Admiral even more!

Admiral Titus: Stop them!

Luckily, Kanan manages to deal with them, leaving every one of them leaving the room! Rex smiled, Kanan does care!

Captain Rex: Wow... Nice to know you care!

Kanan rolled his eyes, not wanting Rex to ruin the moment!

Kanan: Don't ruin this!

Kanan helps Rex to his feet, trying to find his way back to the ship! The only problem was that there were too many Stormtroopers in their way!

Captain Rex: The whole ship's between us and that hangar!

Kanan reached for his comlink before he contacted Ezra, wanting to get the kid away from here before Kallus and the Fifth Brother shows up!

(Comlink Beeps)

Kanan: Ezra, tell Sato to take off!

Ezra thinks that is a bad idea, refusing to leave his two friends behind!

Ezra: No way! We're not leaving!

Kanan smiled, knowing that there was no need to worry about him and Rex since he had another way out of here!

Kanan: Just do it! We've got another way out...

Rex thought that Kanan was crazy, they needed to get back to the ship!

Captain Rex: We've got to get back to the ship!

Kanan: No time!

Captain Rex: Then how are we getting out of here?

Kanan smiles before showing Rex a door that leads to a escape pod, as he answers the Clone's question for him!

Kanan: Escape pods!

(Powering Up)

While he and Kanan made their exit, Ezra made his way back onto their Rebel ship, just as Commander Sato and Minister Tua got the ship free from the docking clamps!

Coomander Sato: We're free of the docking clamps, but Imperial reinforcements are trying to cut their way on to the ship! Where are the others?

Ezra frowned, trusting that both Kanan and Rex will be okay!

Ezra: Kanan ordered us to go! He said they have another way out...

Seeing that Kanan and Rex will be fine, Sato gave one of his Pilot's the cue to go!

Commander Sato: Pilot, disengage!

While everyone else left the Star Destroyer, Titus made his way to the main room, where the Imperial Pilot has reported Sato's ship was escaping!

Imperial Pilot: Sir, the rebel ship is escaping! Shall I order our cruisers to intercept?

Admiral Titus: Prepare to fire the gravity wells!

(Console Beeping)

While the Gravity Wells were firing up, Kanan and Rex's escape Pod had just arrived near Sato's ship!


As Ezra helped Kanan and Rex out of the airlock and onto the ship, the Jedi asked if Chopper and the kid sabotaged the reactor!

Kanan: Hey, you sabotaged that thing, right?

Ezra nodded, knowing that Chopper better have for all their sakes!

Ezra: Of course we did! Right, Chop?

Chopper grunted, everything will be just fine!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunts)

While Minister Tua warmed up the hyperdrive, Admiral Titus asked the Imperial Pilot to fire!

Admiral Titus: Fire!

Imperial Pilot: Gravity projectors engaged!

(Electrical Warbling)

While the Gravity projectors were engaging, Ezra and Minister Tua asked Commander Sato get them out of here!

Ezra: Everyone is onboard! Go, go, go!

Minister Tua: Make the jump!

But before Sato could get them away from here, they were caught in the Reactor's Gravity well tractor beam again!

(All Grunting)

Commander Sato: We are caught! Again!

Ezra frowned, Chopper said that he sabotaged it!

Ezra: Chopper! You said you sabotaged it!

Chopper grunted, leaving Ezra confused by what he meant by his translated answer!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting)

Ezra: What do you mean, "Wait for it"? Wait for what?

Meanwhile Titus and the Imperial Pilot saw that their weapon was malfunctioning and pulling in all their cruisers too!

Imperial Pilot: Sir! The weapon is malfunctioning!

Admiral Titus: It's drawing in our cruisers too!

Ezra and Kanan saw what Chopper meant from the ship, seeing the weapon is rigged against them while pulling them and everything in!

Ezra: Chopper's rigged their own weapon against them!

Kanan: It's pulling everything in, Including us!

Just then, a shockwave from the ship and Cruisers caused them to break free, before Minister Tua and Ezra told Sato to get them out of here now that they're free!

Minister Tua: Commander! We're free!

Ezra: Get us out of here!

Quickly, Sato makes the jump to lightspeed, causing everyone to cheer in delight!


Chopper grunted, saying that he's the big hero causing Ezra to roll his eyes!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting)

Ezra: Oh, now you're the big hero?

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting)

Ezra: It was a team effort!

Chopper grunted, fair enough!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting)

Commander Sato: Heh! When you set your mind to something like Ezra and Hera do, you and Rex kinda of frightening, Kanan!

Kanan and Rex smirked at each other, that was something that they both could agree on for once without arguing with each other!

Kanan and Rex: Heh! You and Minister Tua don't know the half of it!

Ezra smirked at Tua, knowing that he would hate to be the guy that has to tell both Kallus and the Fifth Brother about all this mess!

Minister Tua: You know who I would hate to be?

Ezra: The guy that has to tell both Kallus and the Fifth Brother about all this mess!

True to their word back on the barely working secret Star Destroyer, another ship had just showed up!

Imperial Pilot: Sir, we found something!

A hologram view of Agent Kallus and the Fifth Brother came through, causing the Admiral to gulp!

Admiral Titus: Agent Kallus...

Agent Kallus smirked, knowing that Titus had some problems with the boy and didn't listen to his and the other's warnings like he said that he should!

Agent Kallus: Admiral... Had some problems with the boy, I see...

While the Admiral frowned nervously, Kaitis entered with the Seventh Sister... He smirked at his two Inquisitor Siblings, somebody is in trouble!

Fifth Brother: We warned you...

Seventh Sister: Burn!

Kaitis: Somebody's in trouble!

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