Chapter Twenty-Six: Ezra's new Lightsaber/Rescuing Ezra, Sabine, and Hera

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Some of it I got from the story called Girl of the Rebellion so like I said before: Do not judge me or delete my work!

In his room back on the Ghost, Kanan was meditating as usual. But when he heard Ezra shouting through the comlink across the hallway, he could feel how distressed and scared the kid was through their Force Bond! Kanan tried his best to send him some waves of calmness through the Force, hoping that it would make Ezra feel a little bit better... Plus, he could hear Jai, Zare, and Zeb fighting outside his room... Needless to say, the former Imperial Cadets were not happy because of Zeb and Chopper that their new Rebel friends were in danger, especially Ezra! As they hurried to the Jedi's cabin, Zeb was nervous since the two angry Cadets were the least of his problems right now! Knowing how very protective their Leader was of Sabine, Hera, and even Ezra as well, Kanan was not going to take it well or like it at all if he learned that it was Zeb's fault that he lost both his unofficial Daughter figure, his girlfriend, and even his own Padawan!

Jai: This is your fault, you and Chopper!

Zare: You were the one running the diagnostic! Sabine and Ezra are both right, you know... You should have checked!

Zeb: I'll check you into the wall!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Jai: We have to tell Kanan.

Zeb: But don't tell him it's our fault.

Zare: Okay...

Zare glared at both of them, before hitting the button to open the door to the Jedi's Cabin!

Zeb: Kanan?

Jai: Kanan?

Zare: Ezra, Hera, and Sabine are in danger!

Kanan smirked, he knows!

Kanan: I know...

Zare: Whoa... How could you tell? Could you sense it?

Kanan: Yes, I could feel Ezra's distress and Fear through our Force... Plus, I could hear you guys arguing across the hallway outside my door!

Zeb smiled a bit nervously at Kanan's death glare, before the Jedi responds to the comlink connection between Ezra and the girls, trying to ease his Padawan's distress!

Kanan: Ezra, Hera, Sabine, don't worry! We're on our way, Spectre-1 out!

Ezra, Hera, and Sabine sighed in relief at that!

Ezra: Between our chances with those things trying to kill us and Kanan coming to rescue us, I would say that we all have a 94% chance of getting out of this mess alive!

Sabine: Okay... And if it were Zeb and Chopper?

Ezra: Then a 15% chance of getting out of this mess alive! However, if Sabine is helping us, a 99% chance of getting out of this mess alive!

Hera: Yeah, no way they get here before that asteroid blocks the sun and... I guess we could hole up in the Phantom?

Ezra: Yeah, judging by the torn-up shuttle in there, locking ourselves in the Phantom won't protect us! Could get grim!

Hera: Well, I'll take grim right now!

As they step outside of the Phantom, Sabine recognized some old explosive friends of hers!

Sabine: Thought I recognized these markings. Allow me to introduce you to one of my oldest and most explosive friends, rhydonium!

Hera: It's good to have friends...

Ezra: Okay, you're in charge Sabine... So, what's your plan?

Sabine: Since we don't know how many of those creatures are in there, we can set up groups of canisters and create explosions that take them out a wave at a time!

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