Chapter Five: A Skywalker Revealed\Kanan Rescues Ezra.

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It had been less than a few hours since Kallus had left Ezra alone in Torture Chamber Cell Even though the kid's strength was weakened a little, he could hear what one of the guards was saying to the other outside his Cell!

Stormtrooper: The delay was insignificant. The transport ship Agent diverted will dock on Kessel within two hours The Wookies will be off-loaded to work spice mine K-77!

Ezra couldn't believe it! 

Ezra: If Zeb didn't leave me behind, I never would have learned where Kallus is taking them!

Suddenly, the door opened, revealing it to be Kallus! He turned to the guards, wanting to be alone with Ezra!

Agent Kallus: Leave us...

The guards left as the door closed behind him, knowing thatno one can save him now!

Agent Kallus: Let me tell you something, kid... You're right to be afraid! You couldn't save your real parents or your foster parents then, and you can't save your new friends now! And that's when you should start worrying... Young Skywalker!

Ezra gasped in fright at the mention of his real last name... But before he could pass out from the pain of the Imperial Torture Chamber's effects, a voice came through Agent Kallus's wristcom!

Agent Kallus: Yes?

Stormtrooper: Agent Kallus, there's a security breach in the lower hanger! I don't know how, but the Rebel Ship approached without alerting our sensors! 

Kallus smirked wickedly while Ezra couldn't believe it! 

Agent Kallus: They're here, so predictable!

Ezra: They came back! I... Don't believe it!

Agent Kallus: Order all Stormtroopers to converge on the lower hanger. I'll meet you and the others there!

Stormtrooper: Yes sir!

As Kallus leaves the room Ezra sighs in worry and concern, knowing that Kanan and others should have just left him behind! 

Ezra: (Groans) They should have just left me behind!

Meanwhile, Hera stood on the ramp of the Ghost, armed with blaster in her hands! She turned to Kanan, knowing that she can handle herself until Kanan rescues Ezra!

Hera: Find Ezra, I'll be ready!

Sabine nods, knowing that Hera can hold herself and the bay until they return! She follows Kanan before turning to Zeb, not wanting to him ditch Ezra again!

Sabine: Hold the bay till we get back. And this time, try not to leave until everyone's back on board!

Zeb just groaned in frustration!

Zeb: (Groans) That wasn't my fault!

Kanan just rolled his eyes.

Kanan: Well, that's debatable!

Once they got to Ezra's cell, Kanan opened the door as Sabine smirked! You think that Empire would have a better hacker defense system on these Cell Doors!

Sabine: You think that the Empire would have better security locks on these Cells.. (Bumps into Kanan.)

Kanan sees his young friend was tortured by Kallus and made no time telling his friends what to do!

Kanan: Sabine, get Zeb back to the Ghost! Me and the kid will meet you there later!

Zeb wanted to disagree, but Sabine grabbed his arm and ran out of the Cell!

Sabine: (Sighs) You're the boss!

As soon as the two of them left, Kanan lifted Ezra's head in his hands. The young man felt sadness and anger at the Empire for doing this to the young boy.

Kanan: What have they done to you?!

Suddenly, Kanan felt Ezra's eyes opening up!

Kanan: Ezra...

Ezra: (Groans) My head... Kanan? What happened... I-I feel so cold!

By the time he says that, Kanan had already unlocked Ezra from the Chamber as the kid collapsed into his arms!

Kanan: I know... It's okay, we're leaving!

Kanan scooped up Ezra in his arms and begun running to meet up with his friends! Zeb looked at the unconscious Ezra, tried and worried for the kid's life!

Zeb: Is he okay?

Kanan checks for a pluse, knowing that Ezra is still breathing before calling out to Hera!

Kanan: Specter Two, we're leaving!

The others get on the Ghost as Sabine blows up some paint explosives as payback for hurting Ezra! After the Ghost leaves, Kallus glares at the painted ruins of his Ship! Things aren't over between him and Ezra...

Kallus: This isn't over, Skywalker!

After they are safe in hyperspace, Hera puts the ship on autopilot and rushes to the cargo hold... She saw that Kanan was holding a unconscious Ezra in his arms!

Hera: What happened?!

Kanan: He was using Wookie slavery as a diversion and... (Turns to an unconscious Ezra laying in his arms, fighting back his tears...) We've got a member down!

As the others left with Hera to help prepare the medbay, Kanan looks at Ezra's unconscious form, feeling the tears of grief from his eyes, before falling down from his face!

Kanan: Ezra... I never should have left you! (Sobbing)

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