Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Five: No life at all? /Another Trap?!

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The Ghost was flying over Three Imperial construction modules that was orbiting the Planet of Geonosis in the Outer-Rim, an System that Ezra and Eldra were all too familiar with, considering Ezra's Birth Parents, along with both Kaitis and Eldra were there for the first Battle of it along with their Old Jedi Masters during the Clone War! Ezra frowned, notes that rebel intelligence was right, and the Empire was building something big over the Planet!

Ezra: Rebel intelligence was right... The Empire was building something over Geonosis!

Eldra frowned, the only question was what were they building!

Eldra: Yeah, but what?

Sabine agreed with her, never once seeing an orbital construction field this huge before!

Sabine: Eldra's right, you guys... I've never seen an orbital construction field this big!

Kanan and Rex both frowned, remembering that the Geonosians lived down there made Weapons back in the Clone War... Whatever they were up to, the Jedi had a feeling that they were not gonna like it!

Captain Rex: The Geonosians made weapons back in the Clone War...

Kanan: Rex is right, you guys... (Sighs) Whatever they were up to, I'm betting that we're not gonna like it!

While Zeb knew that they were both right, he also knew it must have been pretty huge if they had to build it up there and instead of down on the surface!

Zeb: Yeah... But it must've been huge if they had to build it up here instead of down on the surface!

Hera agreed with the Lasat's point, before telling Chopper to run a planetary scan, just to be safe!

Hera: Hmm... Chopper, run a planetary scan!

As Chopper begins to do so, Rex knows that through personal experience along with both Anakin and Ahsoka that the bugs that down there didn't usually take too kindly to unexpected guests!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping and Starts Scanning!)

Captain Rex: Good idea... I know through experience the bugs down there don't take to unexpected guests!

Unfortunately, Chopper didn't seem to find any life on the Planet! Rex asked Chopper to scan again, thinking that Chopper was cross-wired since there are billions of Bugs down there!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping Negatively!)

Captain Rex: No life? Are you cross-wired?! There are billions of bugs on Geonosis! Scan again...

Ezra however, knew that Chopper was telling the truth... Through the Force, Ezra sensed that all life down there has been wiped out!

Ezra: They're dead! All of 'em...

Zeb seemed a little bit scared by that as much as Eldra and Ezra both were, not liking any of this one bit!

Eldra: (Gasps) Oh, no...

Zeb: I don't like any of this!

Hera tried to keep everybody calm, as Sabine suggested that they check out the construction module to know for sure!

Hera: We don't know that for sure, you guys!

Sabine: I have an idea, let's check out that construction module!

Hera: You got it, Sabine... Bringing her in for a landing!

After landing the Ghost in the Hanger of the middle module, Eldra, Ezra, Zeb, and Sabine all went down the Ramp while Chopper and Rex both stayed on the Ghost with Hera! As Kanan left with the others, Kanan told Hera keep the Ghost just in case...

Kanan: Keep it running in case things...

Hera smirked, in case things on these missions go like they usually do!

Hera: In case things go like they usually do?

Rex and Chopper both chuckled, as Kanan knew that Hera got him there with that one!

Captain Rex: (Chuckling)

Chopper: (Chopper Chuckling Beeps)

Kanan: Pretty much, yeah!

Kanan left the Ghost along with the others, to search for some answers... As they passed through some open Blast Doors that wasn't both locked or closed, Ezra asked Sabine what they were they looking for?

Ezra: So... What exactly are we looking for?

Sabine and Eldra both him that they were looking for the primary data backs, they might have records of what the Empire was making!

Sabine: The primary data banks...

Eldra: They might have records of what the Empire was making!

Ezra nodded, seeing their points!

Ezra: Oh... Right, got it!

Suddenly, as they passed through some more opened Blast Doors, Ezra noticed that Kanan ordered everyone to stop, placing his hand over his lightsaber in the process! Ezra seemed concerned, before asking what was wrong?

Ezra: Kanan, what's wrong?

Kanan explained that his gut feeling is telling him that those data banks will be empty, considering it's too quiet in this hallway for his liking!

Kanan: My gut tells me those data banks will be empty...

Ezra frowned, he didn't like the sound of that... And it got even worse, with Zeb adding that his gut feeling is telling him that this is a Trap!

Zeb: Yeah... And my gut tells me this is a trap!

At that moment, the door that is infront of them opened, to reveal a Squad of Stormtroopers, with both Kaitis and Agent Kallus themselves, with their weapons activated already!

Kaitis: Well... Hello there!

Agent Kallus: How perceptive!

Everyone else activated their Weapons as well, with both Zeb and Ezra groaning at the sight of those two!

Zeb: Oh, come on!

Ezra: Oh, come on!

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