Chapter Fifty-Nine: A long-awaited meeting!/Deceived or Destiny?

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Ezra glared at the person who lied about Anakin's fate, at least from what Kaitis told him! Vader chuckled in evil amusement, his long-awaited meeting with Anakin's youngest son has come at last!

Darth Vader: It was foretold that you would be here! (Evil Chuckling) Ezra Skywalker, the infamous youngest son of Anakin Skywalker, the young Rebel Jedi of Phoenix Squadron, and Padawan of Kanan Jarrus! Kaitis and Agent Kallus have told me so very much about you the last few weeks since you left Lothal to rescue your Jedi friend from Mustafar System after you supposed Death, our long-awaited meeting has come at last!

Ezra: I'm glad that I gave you something to look forward to! My real name is Ezra Skywalker, the rightful bloodline of General Skywalker!

Kaitis: Oh please... Did you really think that I was aware that you would try to save Minister Tua from the Empire's trap to turn Lothal against all of you?!

Kanan: Anything is possible, you haven't exactly impressed me today!

Minister Tua watched with the others as the young boy revealed who his true Father was, no longer afraid of hiding his true name from her!

Darth Vader: We need not be adversaries... The Emperor will show mercy, peace, and freedom for you and your Crew if you tell me where any other Jedi Knights can be found!

Ezra frowned, he realized a long time ago that peace was never an option with the Empire as much as Sabine!

Ezra: Peace? Funny... (Laughs with bitter amusement!) There was a time were just Minister Tua and Sabine did that I believed in that as well! So much so, that the two of us created weapons that were supposed to help Tarkintown, Lothal, and even Mandalore alike, to bring honor to our families and to end the war and well... Both my Master and my Captain know perfectly on how well that ended! Your Supreme Chancellor... Or should I say your Emperor and Master rejected it before I was even born! I realized then that... Peace was never an option!

Hera and Kanan's eyes softened, remembering how both Sabine and Ezra's families even if they are blood-related or not, have hurt them both more than any sword in the Galaxy could!

Ezra: And second of all, even I knew of any remaining Jedi that escaped Order 66 other than Kanan and my adoptive sister... Why in the world would I tell you or trust Kaitis after everything you've done to my people?

Kanan saw that Ezra was about to pull out his twin blue lightsabers before Kaitis offered them one last chance to do this the nice way!

Kaitis: Okay... Last chance to do this the nice way!

Kanan smirked, his hands already on his own lightsaber... And where is the fun in that?!

Kanan: And where is the fun in that?!

Kanan activates his lightsaber, as Ezra pulled out his twin ones and activates them as well! Kanan turns to Hera, they'll cover her and the others while they get ready to fly out of here, while he and Ezra deals with the Sith!

Kanan: Hera, go! We'll cover you!

But as Hera turns to get the rest of the crates aboard their ride out of here, she saw that Vader was about to attack him, just before she warned him! 

Hera: Kanan, look out!

Luckily, Kanan blocked Vader's lightsaber with anger in his eyes, as Ezra was dealing with Kaitis!

Kaitis: What are you doing back here after you vanished off the face of Lothal, little brother?

Ezra: You're clever like Vader is, figure it out!

But while the two Jedi were dealing with the new Sith Lord and Kaitis, Stormtroopers had started shooting at Tua and the others! Crosshair gave her a spare blaster, knowing that she could use a weapon and learn how to defend herself! 

Crosshair: Here! You might a weapon to defend yourself, even though you're not much of a soldier!

Sabine: Chew on this, you pus-filled boils! 

Minister Tua manages to shoot one of the Stormtroopers, causing him to fall onto the ground! She looked at her new weapon, a bit shocked and amazed at what she just did! Sabine was impressed as well!

Sabine: Did you actually aim for that? 

Minister Tua: You know, actually, I did! 

The two of them take cover as more blaster fire is aimed at them, while Darth Vader and Kaitis force pushed Kanan and Ezra onto the ground! Kanan was fine, but Ezra was still struggling to get up! Shaking his head from the force push that Vader and Kaitis had just given them, Kanan attacked Vader! But he simply blocked the man's attack, as he grabbed the Jedi's hands along with his lightsaber, deactivating it at the same time! The Sith Lord grabbed Kanan's wrist, before the Sith Lord threw him across the platform, causing his face to smack into the side of a crate, knocking him out cold!

Kanan: (Grunts)

Ezra, who had just managed to get up after Vader and Kaitis force pushed him to the ground just saw Vader fling his friend across the platform, and boy, was he mad!

Ezra: KANAN! Oh, you just crossed the line, pal!

Ezra grabbed Ahsoka's old spare lightsaber that he had dropped due to Vader's and Kaitis's force push off the ground with the help of the Mandalore Vambraces that Sabine had given him as a Birthday Present, using a yellow grappling line!

Sabine and Zeb watched with amazement as they defended themselves against the Troopers, impressed at the use of Sabine's gift!

Zeb: Whoa...

Sabine smiled, remembering her lessons with Ezra about using them just a few weeks ago after they joined Phoenix Squadron...

Sabine: Grappling line, paralyzing darts, and repulsor... All designed to combat the abilities of the Jedi!

Ezra: Wait... You didn't give me these for my 15th Birthday just to give Kanan an unfair advantage when he, Eldra, and Ahsoka are helping me with my Jedi Training, aren't you?

Sabine: Well, yes and no... You can always use an extra advantage in a real fight, especially since most of the Empire other than Kaitis thinks you're dead! Also, maybe the next time you see Kaitis or that ISB Agent again, you can take either them down a peg or two!

Ezra: (Smirks) Being dead in the Empire's eyes right now does have its advantages... Cause like Kanan and Ahsoka always say...

Both: Real fights are rarely ever fair in a War, before and after Clone Wars happened! (Giggles)

As the two sibling figures giggling vanished from her head, Sabine smiled from under her helmet, that's her little brother!

Sabine: That's my little brother!

Reactivating his spare lightsaber, Ezra charged himself at Vader! But Vader used the Dark Side of the Force to force pin him against a beam! Ezra dropped his spare lightsaber, as he fought to get free!

Ezra: (Groans) Let me go!

Suddenly, Vader slowly started using his powers to Force push the boy's weapon close to his neck to try and kill Padawan with his own lightsaber!

Darth Vader: Your master has deceived you into believing you can become a Jedi!

Ezra saw his lightsaber moving towards his neck, knowing that this can't be good! All hate, fear, and cold that was coming from Vader was so overwhelming for the kid that he couldn't move! Ezra tried to fight it and to break free, but it was no use! Kaitis smirked evilly from where he stood, he obviously enjoying this far too much!

Kaitis: Say adios to the last rightful heir of the Skywalker Family, destroyed by his own lightsaber that he earned himself!

Ezra could feel the close warm heat of his lightsaber coming closer and closer to his neck, as he tried to resist as much as he could! But like his Force trance that he caught earlier this morning, Ezra was trapped and couldn't move even if he wanted to! Vader moved his force powers closer in on Ezra, seeing that he's got the young Jedi right where he wants him! Ezra soon felt his lightsaber coming close to his neck and knowing that his skin was close to burning flesh right now, Ezra screamed for someone to help him right now!

Ezra: (Grunts)

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