Chapter Fifty-Two: Someone in need/Sato and Ahsoka's advice about Kanan...

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Back on Phoenix Squadron's command ship, Commander Sato was congratulating Hera and her Crew for the useful skills they have used to help their fleet, especially Ezra!

Commander Sato: You and your crew have proven invaluable to our fleet, Captain Syndulla... The fuel acquired in your convoy attacks has helped keep us one step ahead of Imperial patrols! Your Jedi and flying skills especially helped us as well, Ezra Skywalker!

Sabine and Zeb smiled at the kid, before smacking a proud hand on the kid's shoulder!

Sabine: Way to go!

Zeb: Well done, young Jedi!

Ezra winced but also plushed at the praise before Hera thanked the Commander and apologized about their intel being wrong!

Ezra: Ow! Hey, take it easy! I gotta use that arm later!

Hera: Thank you, Commander Sato... I'm just sorry that our intel about the shield generators being on that shipment was wrong!

But while Hera was talking, Ezra had noticed that Kanan has been a bit upset about something throughout the whole meeting! He moves away from Ahsoka and Sabine, much to both the two girl's confusion! Gently placing a worried hand on his Master's shoulder which surprises him, Ezra asked if there was something wrong!

Ezra: You looked troubled and upset... Is there something wrong? 

Kanan frowned, memories of what happened with Gray and Styles still fresh in his mind even though he's forgiven Crosshair for almost trying to kill him as well...

???: Execute Order 66...

(Blasters Firing)

Caleb: Master... Master!

Depa: You must run! Run, Caleb! RUN!!!

Caleb: (Gasps) Stay away from me!

Hunter: Kid, wait! Come on down, kid! We're here to help! No!

Caleb: Liar! (Caleb grunting)

Hunter: Crosshair, stand down! Don't! Take it easy, kid... Easy... I'm on your side...

Caleb: Stay back!

Hunter: Just hear me out...

Caleb: No! You killed her!

Hunter: (Sighs) The others did, I'm just as confused as you are!

Caleb: Stay back... Stay back!

Hunter: I can help you... Come with me...

Kanan: Ezra... I should tell you something... You see, the thing is that...

Commander Sato: Perhaps with your next attack, Hera...

But before the Commander could continue or Kanan could tell Ezra why he was upset, Chopper burst in! Ezra could tell that Chopper was worried about something if neither he, Sato, or Hera could answer what he was saying!

Ezra: Chopper?! What's the matter, buddy?

Commander Sato: What is the meaning of this?

Chopper beeped worried at the Commander before Ezra moved him and Ashoka out of the way, he could tell that something was wrong!

Ezra: Hey! Stop it! Chopper, what's wrong?

Chopper calmed down and beeped slowly so that Ezra and Kanan could understand him better!

Ezra: An incoming transmission?

Kanan: From who, Chop? Ah, why don't you just play it?

Hera frowned at Kanan's rudeness, wondering what's gotten into him! As Zeb and Sabine calmed their droid down so that he could play the transmission, Ahsoka seemed to notice the tension between Kanan and Hera as much as Ezra and his sibling figures did!

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