Chapter Sixty: Escaping Vader/This isn't over!

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Slowly, Kanan started to get up from being knocked out cold by Vader... But as he shook his head awake from being thrown across the landing platform, he was horrified and shocked to see that Ezra was being pinned up against a beam with his own blue lightsaber blade inching slowly towards his throat! 

Kanan: NO!

Ezra: (Groans)

Ezra frowned at Kanan, as the warm heat of his lightsaber inched closely towards his neck, almost close to burning his throat and killing him! But before Vader could do just that, Kanan attacked him!

Kanan: Get away from my kid!

With his focus now turned to the Jedi, Vader's Force grip on Ezra and his lightsaber was released, freeing the kid before his own weapon could even kill him! Feeling the terrible Force grip on him vanish, Ezra finally dropped to the ground! 

Ezra: (Gasps) Thanks, Kanan...

Kanan: Hands off my student, you misshapen excuse for a monster!

Darth Vader: Are you happy, Jedi? Your Padawan, does he treat you well?

Kanan: What concern of it is yours?

Darth Vader: There is a wildness to you, young one... Seeds of the dark side planted by your student... Do you feel it?

Kanan: No! He is like no other Jedi! Sure... Passionate, impulsive, but I trust him with my life!

Darth Vader: There are many contradictions in you... And in him... Especially since Ezra is evil like his Father was, right before I destroyed him!

Although Kanan is a little bit shocked at what Vader just told him, he shakes it off, proving that he doesn't believe the Sith Lord's claims about Ezra one bit!

Kanan: Oh, that's rich, pal! My student is evil like Anakin was right before you killed him almost 16 years ago! (Laughs) Yeah, you and your new student crack me up!

The two of them continued to fight Vader and Kaitis, Hera rushed over to Chopper after she got the rest of the crates aboard their Shuttle! She knew that they were almost ready to go, before asking Chopper to get ready to fly them out of here when they were all ready to go!

Hera: Get ready to fly us outta here!

Meanwhile, Zeb, Crosshair, Minister Tua, and Sabine were still blasting the Stormtroopers, when they saw that Ezra and Kanan were still in trouble since Vader and Kaitis were throwing them around like toy dolls! The Minister knew that this can't be good and she also knew that her former enemies who were now her allies wouldn't just leave the Jedi and his pupil behind!

Minister Tua: Oh, blast it!

Fortunately, Sabine knew what to do in hopeless situations like these, before giving Zeb one of her explosive surprises!

Sabine: You know what I do in hopeless situations?

Zeb took it while chuckling, knowing what her plan was!

Zeb: Yeah! (Chuckles) Blow stuff up!

Minister Tua looked at the Walkers before turning to Sabine, he was about to ask the former Cadet and her friends to do something crazy!

Minister Tua: Sabine, I'm going to ask you and your friends to do something crazy with those explosives of yours!

Sabine smirked from underneath her helmet, she's okay with crazy!

Sabine: I'm okay with crazy!

Minister Tua sighed, getting Zeb and Crosshair's attention as well before she explained her plan to them!

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