Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Six: Kanan's fears for Ezra.../Growing dangers!

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Meanwhile, Kanan had passed through the doorway and was shocked to find himself within a dojo, an old Jedi Training one that was used back in the Clone Wars when he was little... In the middle of the room, sat an old Sentinel Temple Guard! Underneath his Mask, Sentinel frowned, sarcastically wondering when the Jedi would return!

Kanan: (Gasps)

Sentinel Temple Guard: I wondered when you would return...

Recognizing the Sentinel as an old Temple Guard, Kanan explained reasons for being here!

Kanan: (Gasps) A temple guard! I've come for knowledge... I need to know how to defeat Vader and his Inquisitors!

The Sentinel Temple Guard stood up, saying Kanan's worst fears out loud, especially the worst of them all was the one person that he loves and trusts more than Hera or anyone else in the World will become an Agent of Evil!

Sentinel Temple Guard: Try to fight, and you will fail... The Rebellion will be destroyed! You will die, and your apprentice will become a servant of evil!

That definitely hit a sore spot as Kanan growled, confused what that is supposed to mean about Ezra and what Sentinel wants with him!

Kanan: What are you talking about?!

The Sentinel moves closer to Kanan while his double bladed Lightsaber, explaining that the Dark Side pulls at Ezra and calls to him... Eventually since Ezra's abilities were growing more and more powerful every day, the Boy would be consumed by the Dark side of the Force!

Sentinel Temple Guard: The dark side... It pulls at him, it calls to him... Eventually, he will be consumed by it!

The Sentinel activated his doubled bladed Lightsaber, not willing to take that risk! Kanan however, didn't like the sound of the that since the Guard was talking more like a Sith Lord! Putting the two Lightsaber parts together, Kanan activated his own Saber in Defense to protect Ezra! The Sentinel warned Kanan to stand aside, knowing that Ezra must be killed before he embraces the Darkness as well!

Sentinel Temple Guard: Stand aside... The boy must be eliminated before he embraces the darkness!

Raising his Lightsaber in the same Stance with a familiar Foe, Kanan refused to let that happen to his Student!

Kanan: I won't let that happen!

As the Sentinel did the very same stance, the two of them fought in a almost familiar feared Lightsaber Duel!

(Lightsabers Clashing)

As Kanan and the Sentinel fought, Chopper had detected some incoming Imperials!

Chopper: Uh-oh!

As the Little Droid flees and hides the Phantom in a safer place, Kaitis and his Two Inquisitor Siblings arrived the the Jedi Temple! The Fifth Brother rolled his eyes believing that the Jedi are gone and that the Seventh Sister's instincts have failed her!

Fifth Brother: They have fled... Your instincts have failed you!

The Seventh Sister however, disagreed knowing that their Prey is still here!

Seventh Sister: Have they? Our prey came here, and they are still here!

Deploying one of her Parrot Droids, they start to scan the Mountains! She asked her little pet what it sees!

Seventh Sister: Tell me what you see...

The Droid brings up a scanned structure to show to the Seventh Sister, causing Kaitis to realize that this was the Jedi Temple Ezra used to see all the time as a little kid, and that Ezra and the others were inside of it right now!

Kaitis: A Jedi temple... And it's the same one that Eldra used to take Ezra to all the time when Ezra was little!

The Seventh Sister smiled evilly, knowing that their sanctuary will soon be their tomb!

Seventh Sister: Their sanctuary will be their tomb!

Back inside the Jedi Temple, Ezra was talking to both Ahsoka and Quinlan about Master Yoda!

Ezra: You knew Master Yoda?

Ahsoka: Yes....

Quinlan Vos: He taught almost all of the younglings in the temple at one point or another!

Ezra: Kanan and Eldra both described him to me! Small, green, and wrinkly with pointy ears... But he didn't know what he was really like!

Ahsoka and Quinlan both fought back a small smile and a Chuckle at the same time, before they explained what Yoda was like to them!

Quinlan Vos: I'm not sure anyone did, kid...

Ahsoka: Yeah... He was wise, kind, but when I was young, he seemed happier! As the Clone War dragged on, he carried a great burden, a deep sorrow, as if he knew before anyone else that one time was ending, and another beginning!

But as the two of them were talking, Quinlan and Ahsoka reopened their eyes to find that both Eldra and Ezra were gone too! The two of them both shrugged at each other, unsure what Trials and Paths that the two Padawans will face as well! Soon, both Ezra and Eldra opened their eyes and found themselves in a very familiar place, it also happens to be the same place that Ezra got his lightsaber crystal from, and the same place that Ezra used to hear Master Yoda's voice all the time as a little kid!

Ezra: Whoa... I know this place!

Eldra: Isn't this the same place where you got your lightsaber crystal from and where you used to hear Yoda's voice all the time as a kid when we came to visit?

Ezra nods, knowing that it is special to him!

Ezra: Yeah! It's...

Suddenly, a friendly familiar funny voice finished Ezra's sentence for him! 

Master Yoda: Special to you it is, hmm?

The two of them turned around, surprised to see a Force Vision of Master Yoda communing to them from afar while sitting on a branch!

Ezra: Master Yoda?!

Eldra: You're here!

Master Yoda: Or here you two are, hmm?

Both Eldra and Ezra sat down on the familiar blue circle in the middle of the room, recalling that Ezra couldn't see Yoda the last time that they were before Ezra's 10th Birthday!

Ezra: Last time I couldn't see you...

Eldra: He's right, Master... Only I could see you while Ezra only heard you!

Yoda nodded, knowing that Ezra's abilities were growing... But he also knew that just like his Father's abilities though powerful and beautiful, great danger also came with them as well!

Master Yoda: Ah, growing your abilities are... And with them, danger!

Ezra frowned, sensing that the same cold truthness that came from Kaitis earlier during their fight about both Anakin and Vader had started to grow cold in the room as well, knowing that this can't be good!

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