Chapter Ninety-Three: Never underestimate a piece of junk!/Mission accomplished!

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Back near the Ibaar System, Agent Kallus the Imperial Commander, and Kaitis saw that the Rebel Fleet had returned! 

Imperial Commander: Sir, enemy ships are approaching from sector nine!

Agent Kallus: Scan the rebel ships... The one which carries the relief supplies will be our primary target!

Imperial Commander: Initiating scan now, sir!

Meanwhile, Kanan was doing his best to make sure that the Empire doesn't block their exit this time!

Kanan: Command ship, I'll follow your lead...

Kanan: Hopefully, we can break through their line and make a run for the surface!

Ezra frowned, who's idea was this again?

Ezra: I'm sorry, but whose idea was this again?

Kanan shrugged, seeing that Ezra made a good point! 

Kanan: Alright kid, fair point...

Unfortunately, the Imperial Commander brought up a com scan of the Ghost to show Agent Kallus and Kaitis!

Imperial Commander: Sir, com scan has identified the Corellian VCX as the supply transport!

Agent Kallus and Kaitis sighed, it's probably Ezra and his Rebel cohorts again!

Agent Kallus: Of course... 

Kaitis: Oh, it's probably the Ezra Skyloser and his idiot cohorts again... Commander, focus all fire on the Ghost!

Ezra saw that they had TIE Fighters incoming, knowing that Empire is onto them now!

Ezra: Fighters incoming!

Kanan: Rex, keep those TIEs off our back!

Captain Rex: Workin' on it! Better pick up the pace, though... The cruisers are closing the gap!

Kanan: I'm trying!

Unfortunately, the blockade ended up blocking the Ghost's way, again!

Ezra: We're cut off!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Captain Rex: That's it, we're doomed!

Kanan frowned, not on his watch they are!

Kanan: Not for long, we are! I'm gonna swing around and try from another direction!

Luckily, a familiar voice answered for Kanan to stay on course right now!

Hera: Stay on course, Ghost!

Ezra: Wait, Hera?!

Hera: I'll knock that cruiser out of your way!

Nearby, Sabine and Hera asked Zeb who was in the Phantom with Quarrie, to turn the Blade Wing loose now!

Hera: Turn me loose, Phantom!

Zeb: Say hello to Agent Kallus for me!

Hera: Oh, we will! 

Sabine: If there's anything left of him...

The Imperial Commander noticed the new Rebel ship and showed it on a hologram to Agent Kallus and Kaitis!

Imperial Commander: Sir, rebel reinforcements have arrived! One shuttle and one ship of unknown design...

Agent Kallus rolled his eyes, surely Ezra could call reinforcements that are better than that!

Agent Kallus: I would hardly call that reinforcements! Surely you and your friends can do better than that, young Skywalker!

Kaitis frowned, never underestimate the Captain of Ezra's crew!

Kaitis: Never underestimate a hunk of junk if Captain Hera is flying it, Commander!

Seeing that she'll need some room to get the blockade out of the way and not to destroy them completely, Hera asked the boys to give her some room!

Hera: You boys better give me some room!

Ezraa smiled before he turned to Kanan, knowing better than to get in her and Sabine's way!

Ezra: You heard the captain!

Everyone did so, as Hera knew that they would only get one shot at this!

Hera: Sabine, we'll get one shot at this!

Sabine smiled, it's a good thing that Hera trusts her then!

Sabine: Then it's a good thing you trust me...

As Hera starts Ezra's spinning trick, the Commander and Agent Kallus noticed where Hera's target is!

Imperial Commander: Sir, the unidentified ship is taking the lead... It's moving into attack position off our starboard side!

Agent Kallus: And... It seems to be spinning? But that's not flying!

Kaitis frowned, he is confused what Hera and Sabine are up to...

Kaitis: Wait a tick... What are you girls up to?

Sabine waits for just the right moment, before telling Hera to take her shot!

Sabine: Steady... Steady! A little closer, and... Fire!

Hera stops spinning, before she shoots the blockade away from the Ghost and the rest of the Rebel Fleet! Hera's shot hits Kallus's Star Destroyer, disabling it much to his shock and anger!

Kaitis: That's impossible!

Kanan smiled at Ezra, knowing that's their cue to leave now!

Kanan: We're clear! Going in!

Hera: We'll hold off any pursuit once you've made the jump out... We'll meet you back at the rendezvous!

Kanan: Okay!

As the Ghost left, Kaitis watched with the Imperial Commander's broken hologram and Agent Kallus... So, maybe it's not such a junk as he and Agent Kallus thought!

Imperial Commander: So, maybe it's not such a hunk of junk after all...

Kaitis: (Sighs) I warned you two...

Meanwhile over the Ibaar System. Kanan and Ezra were about to release the cargo over the drop zone!

Kanan: We're over the drop zone now! 

Ezra is already one step ahead of him, before he releases the cargo!

Ezra: Releasing cargo... Now!

The cargo lands where the Citizens are, before their contact from Ibaar earlier tells them the good news!

Ibaar Citizen: We've recovered the drop! Thank you, Phoenix Squadron... You've saved us! You've saved us all...

Kanan and Ezra smiled at each other, glad that they could help!

Kanan: You're welcome... And nice job, co-pilot!

Ezra smiled at the praise, learned from the best!

Suddenly, Hera contacts them from the Blade Wing, hearing that the drop-off was a complete success!

Hera: We have confirmation the drop was successful... 

Ezra smiled at Kanan and Hera, time for them to go home!

Ezra: Our work is done here... Let's go home, Phoenix Squadron...

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