Chapter Thirty-One: Good thinking, Padawan/ I want him alive!

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Later that day, Kanan, Sabine, and Ezra were spying on the main communications on Lothal!

Kanan: There it is. The Empire's main communications tower on Lothal. It routes comm from every Imperial operation on the planet, including the Empire's HoloNet broadcasts!

Ezra: I got bucket heads on the perimeter and at least three anti-ship batteries around the base. Not an easy trip to the front door!

Sabine: Don't underestimate yourself!

Kanan: Sabine, let's be optimistic. Say we get to the front door. What then?

Sabine: I could upload a data spike into the central computer and have that transmitter operational in, I don't know, five minutes?

Kanan: I said be optimistic!

Ezra: Five minutes is optimistic.

Kanan: Three is better.

Sabine: Hey. You can have it good or you can have it fast!

Kanan: All right. Scan us a holomap and let's get out of here!

Sabine does so but before they could leave, Ezra saw that they have a problem! Sabine and Kanan turned to see what the kid was worried about, and they did not like it either!

Kanan: I don't like the look of that thing!

Sabine: Imperial probe droid...

Ezra: Does it see us?

Sabine: Not yet...

Ezra: How can you tell?

Sabine: Because we're not dead!

Kanan: We need to move!

But before they could, Ezra was worried where the bikes were in case the Droid sees them!

Ezra: Hate to mention this, but where are the bikes?

Kanan: Next to the road, right where that thing will see them!

Sabine knew that someone needs to take out the Droid before their cover is blown!

Sabine: Hope somebody's got an idea, or this whole plan is shot!

She and Kanan looked at Ezra, the Jedi could sense that the kid is using the Force but for what? Focusing as hard as he could, Ezra used the Force to calm down an angry Lothalcat before using it to attack the Imperial Probe Droid! After destroying it, the Lothalcat happily ran off! Kanan helped Ezra up while Sabine thought that she could've blasted the droid instead!

Sabine: I could have blasted it and gotten that result!

Ezra knew that, but Sabine's blaster fire would make the Empire suspect that something was up!

Ezra: Yeah, but then the Empire would suspect something was up!

Kanan smiled before giving the kid a gentle pat on the shoulder, proud of Ezra's quick thinking!

Kanan: Good thinking, Padawan...

Sabine rolled her eyes, knowing that the two of them could bond later, right now they have to move!

Sabine: Okay. It's really touching when you two bond, but I'm betting that probe has friends, so let's move it!

Ezra nods, as he and Kanan quickly followed Sabine back to the Ghost! Back at the Imperial Dome, Kallus, Crosshair, and the Inquisitor had reported to Kaitis and Tarkin what they had found out!

Kaitis: Now remember Tarkin, Lord Vader and I both want Ezra alive!

Governor Tarkin: The boy? He is but a child! 

Kaitis: I warn you... Do not underestimate that boy! He may not be a fully trained Jedi Knight like General Skywalker was, but as the youngest child of him and Senator Padmé Amidala, he is not to be trifled with! Both Vader and I want him alive! Is that clear?!

Governor Tarkin: Yes, old friend...

Agent Kallus: Governor, one of our probes seems to have found something. We believe these are the speeder bikes responsible for the rebel activity near Jalath!

Governor Tarkin: Where was this footage taken?

Agent Kallus: Outside the main communications tower...

Governor Tarkin: A perfect target for these criminals!

Agent Kallus: We can't risk losing the tower, we should reinforce security...

Kaitis had a better idea, they should let them think that they still have the element of surprise!

Kaitis: No. Let them believe they still possess the element of surprise... Lure them in, and we shall be waiting!

Grand Inquisitor: As you wish...

Governor Tarkin: Inquisitor, I am giving you the opportunity to redeem yourself. Do not disappoint me. And remember, I want this Jedi alive. Your faith will be rewarded!

The Inquisitor nods before both Tarkin and Crosshair turned to Kaitis!

Crosshair: We have been watching you, Kaitis... We know what it is you seek... Prove yourself by capturing Ezra's Master alive and the position of Commander is yours...

Governor Tarkin: Do not fail me, and trust me... You will not live to regret it! Is that understood?

Kaitis nods with an evil smirk, Kanan will either become one of them or he will die... Just like Ezra will!

Kaitis: Yes, sir!

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