Chapter Thirty-Two: I guess you and I are learning these things together!

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Back at the Ghost, Kanan and the others were using the old communications device from Ezra's old house to send their message through the tower!

Sabine: If it works, we should be able to use this to transmit directly through the tower.

Kanan: How we doing?

Hera: Well, Chopper has the spike. We get him into the tower and he can upload it right into the computer core from any terminal...

Chopper started complaining while Zeb told him to stop it, saying that he has the easy job!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Zeb: Stop complaining, bolt-brain. You have the easy job!

Hera: What's the range of this spike?

Sabine: As long as the tower is transmitting, we're good to go. Everyone will hear what we say. Well, anyone who's listening! Once the spike is uploaded, we'll signal...

Hera: And I spirit you away in the Phantom!

Kanan: That's the plan!

Sabine: And things always go according to plan, right?

Kanan: She's right about that, right kid? Ezra?

Suddenly, Kanan notices that Ezra is nowhere to be found!

Kanan: Speaking of things that always go according to plan, where is Ezra anywhere, Hera? 

Sabine: Last time that I saw him he went outside on the loading ramp, Probably wanting to talk to the picture of his real parents that I got him for his Birthday, what's the problem? 

Kanan saw that Sabine was upset about something, knowing that Ezra told her something that makes him very upset!

Kanan: (Sighs) What's on your mind?

Sabine: Ezra's not sure we should go through with this...

Kanan: Sabine, Ezra is up to this. I know he is!

Sabine: I know that's what you want to think. But look. As much as he wishes that he was like both his Adoptive and his real parents, he's not!

Kanan sensed that was more to it than that!

Kanan: There's something else...

Sabine sighs, before explaining that he doesn't wanna lose her, Kanan, and others over this!

Sabine: (Sighs) His parents spoke out and he lost them, and he doesn't... (Groans) He doesn't want to lose the rest of us, okay? Not over this!

Zeb shrugged, thinking that the kid's been working too hard!

Zeb: If you ask me, the kid's just been working too hard!

Hera: Zeb, stop it!

Sabine rolled her eyes at Zeb, knowing that Ezra's doing the best that he can!

Sabine: Ease up. It's hard enough for him without all the pressure from you!

Zeb: Pressure?

Sabine: You're treating him like a fifth wheel. Wasn't that long ago I was the one trying to fit in with you and the others, Zeb? So be nice! (Sees Kanan's confused face!) What's with you? 

Kanan: Nothing, it's just... Sometimes you make sense!

Hera looks at Kanan, knowing that he could use a friend right now!

Hera: It's just... It's a challenge being his age with so much responsibility...

Kanan: I know that feeling...

Hera: Maybe he could use a friend...

Kanan's eyes softened, knowing that feeling all too well before going to look for Ezra... Outside on the loading ramp of the Ghost, Ezra gazed at the picture of his real family, knowing that he can't let his fear of losing Kanan hold him back from doing what needs to be done...

Ezra: Mom? Dad? I know what I have to do now, but I'm afraid, not for me, but for my friends...

As Ezra keeps talking to the picture that Sabine had given him, Kanan overhears him before stepping back a little bit, wanting to hear the rest of what Ezra was saying...

Ezra: They've fought so hard and given so much and helped me to understand why both you and Eldra's parents stood up to both Separatists and the Empire and made the sacrifices you did... Man, I wish that Mira, Ephriam, and the two of you could meet them, my new family... 

Kanan smiled a little bit, before looking down at his lightsaber, remembering their talk of how Anakin and Padme would have loved him and Hera...

Ezra: Mom and Dad would have liked you, Kanan. Both you and Hera...

Kanan's eyes are filled with awe and disbelief at that statement!

Kanan: Really? Are you sure, Ezra?

Ezra gave a real smile for the first time in years as he gazed at the picture with Kanan's warm and firm hand on his shoulder, he's sure!

Ezra: Really... I am sure!

Ezra: I guess, in some way, you will be with us today, when we finish what you started... I want you to know everything I've done and will do began with you. 

Kanan: Ezra?

Ezra screams in fright at Kanan's voice before dropping the holo view of his birth family on the ground, before he turns around to glare at Kanan for scaring him!

Ezra: Never come up behind me like that!

Kanan held up his hands in mock surrender, gently giggling at his Padawan's reaction!

Kanan: Sorry! I'm proud of the way that you Force connected with that Lothalcat today, Ezra...

Ezra smiled a little bit before Kanan decides to give Ezra some advice on how to deal with his Fear of losing him and the others...

Ezra: Uh-oh, here comes: Lecture Number four thousand five hundred fifty-eight, Why Jedi shouldn't be afraid of losing their Family for a third time! I know Kanan, I know!

Kanan shakes his head, before gently giving Ezra some advice instead of a Lecture!

Kanan: Relax kid, I wasn't going to give you a Lecture this time!

Ezra crosses his arms, confused on what his Master is up to!

Ezra: Okay, then what did you wanna talk about then?

Kanan placed his hands on Ezra's shoulders, remembering something that his Master had once tried to teach him!

Kanan: Hey... All of us have lost things, and we will take more losses before this is over... But we can't let that stop us from taking risks, We have to move forward... And when the time comes, we have to be ready to sacrifice for something bigger!

Ezra sighs, knowing that it's not exactly easy for him!

Ezra: That sounds good, but it's not so easy!

Kanan sighed in the same understanding, knowing that it's not exactly easy for him either!

Kanan: (Sighs) It's not easy for me either... My master tried to show me, but I don't think I ever understood it until now, trying to teach it to you!

Ezra smiled a little bit, knowing that makes him feel a little bit better!

Kanan: Heh... I guess you and I are learning these things together!

The two of them smiled at each other, knowing that things will be okay as they have each other!

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