Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Nine: Escaping the Temple!/Anakin's true fate!

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Outside the Temple, both the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister have finished opening the door to the Temple! Kaitis entered along with them, knowing that the Secrets of the Temple would be theirs soon enough!

Fifth Brother: The secrets of this Temple will be ours...

While the Three of them entered, both Ezra and Eldra finally reunited with Kanan, Ahsoka, and Quinlan!

Eldra: Kanan, Ahsoka, you won't believe what we...

But as Eldra tried to tell them what happened, Kanan knew that they didn't have time for this right now!

Kanan: Tell us later! Come on!

Ezra agreed before he and the others quickly made a run to find the exit, knowing that he would rather not be here when Vader arrived since Kaitis and the Inquisitors were the least of their problems right now!

But while he and the others tried to find a way out of there, Kaitis and the Two Inquisitors find themselves in the main chambers, where they are confronted by the Jedi Temple Guards...

The Three of them pulled out their Red Lightsabers, while the Fifth Brother was astonished to learn that the Leader of the Sentinel had the face of the former Dead Grand Inquisitor, as the Temple Guards surrounded them...

Fifth Brother: Grand Inquisitor...

Kaitis rolled his eyes, knowing that he didn't have time for this since he had a Temple reclaim right now!

Kaitis: Let's get this over with!

While Kaitis and the others were busy with the Guards at the moment, Kanan and the others ran through the Jedi Temple Catacombs, seeing that they had finally found an exit and a way out!

Kanan: Up ahead! The way out!

But while her friends ran ahead, Ahsoka stopped, she sensed a familiar presence before turning around to see who it was... Seeing Master Yoda, who had appeared behind her on his branch in his same Force-Vision, waving to his old friend... Ahsoka smiled at the Old Master before she continued onwards after the rest of her Friends! Finally, the trio of Jedi friends managed to exit the Jedi Temple, where the Phantom had come out of hiding, with Chopper telling them to hurry since Imperial Forces were already on their way right now!

Chopper: (Chopper 

Kanan: Chopper!

Chopper: (Chopper Worried Beeping)

Ezra: He says Imperial forces are on their way!

Kanan nods, as he and the others quickly get on, causing the Phantom to fly off as soon as everyone is onboard! As soon as everyone is safe and sound away from Lothal and finally has a moment to catch their breath, Eldra tells the other Jedi what happened with Master Yoda and Malachor!

Eldra: We saw Master Yoda...

That got both Quinlan's and Kanan's shocked attention, before asking Eldra what Yoda said!

Quinlan Vos: Saw him?!

Kanan: What did he say?!

Eldra frowned, before explaining the mysterious answer that Yoda gave both her and Ezra from earlier! 

Eldra: He said to find Malachor...

Kanan, Quinlan and Ahsoka all flinched, leaving Eldra to ask again who Malachor was!

Eldra: Who's Malachor?

Ahsoka however, corrected Eldra, knowing that Malachor wasn't a person... It was a place instead!

Ahsoka: Malachor isn't a person... It's a place!

But just then, Kanan noticed that Ezra had turned away and was sitting on one of the hold-out seats, hugging his arms in a protective embrace... Something was very wrong, he could sense it!

Kanan: Ezra?

Seeing that his Student was struggling to keep his tears from falling, Kanan went over to him before he asked Ezra what was wrong, even though he knew what had happened to him in there other than learning about Malachor!

Kanan: Oh kiddo... What's wrong?

Ezra sniffed softly, before explaining that Kaitis wasn't lying earlier!

Ezra: Kaitis... He wasn't lying earlier, Kanan! Vader and Anakin are one and the same!

Seeing the heartbroken look on Ezra's face, Kanan gently pulled him in for a comforting Hug... While the Jedi did his best to calm Ezra down, Quinlan saw the same unhappy look on Eldra's face as well, before gently pulling his old Student into a comforting Hug as well! As Kanan and Quinlan both comforted their Students, Ahsoka pulled herself in for a hug as well...

Sparkling Angel,
I believed...
You were my saviour,
In my time of need...
Blinded by faith,
I couldn't hear...
All the whispers,
The warnings are so clear...
I see the angels,
I'll lead them to your door...
There's no escape now,
No mercy no more...
No remorse 'cause I still remember...
The smile when you tore me apart!

You took my heart,
Deceived me right from the start!
You showed me dreams,
I wished they would turn into real...
You broke the promise,
And made me realize...
It was all just a lie!

Sparkling angel,
I couldn't see...
Your dark intentions,
Your feelings for me!
Fallen angel,
Tell me "Why?"
What is the reason?
The thorn in your eye?!
I see the angels,
I'll lead them to your door...
There's no escape now,
No mercy no more...
No remorse 'cause I still remember...
The smile when you tore me apart!

You took my heart,
Deceived me right from the start!
You showed me dreams,
I wished they would turn into real...
You broke the promise,
And made me realize...
It was all just a lie!

Could have been forever,
Now we have reached the end!

This world may have failed you,
It doesn't give you a reason why...
You could have chosen,
A different path of life...
The smile when you tore me apart!

You took my heart,
Deceived me right from the start!
You showed me dreams,
I wished they would turn into real...
You broke the promise,
And made me realize...

It was all just a lie!

Could have been forever,
Now we have reached the end!

Meanwhile, back on Lothal, Darth Vader had just arrived at the Jedi Temple, seeing that Kaitis and the Two Inquisitors had reclaimed it, knowing that the Emperor himself would be most pleased indeed by its discovery!

Darth Vader: My Master will be most pleased with this discovery...

Kaitis frowned as his Two Inquisitor Siblings saw their Master approaching, knowing that Jedi were growing in their Power!

Seventh Sister: Lord Vader...

Fifth Brother: The Jedi are growing in their Power!

But Vader wasn't concerned, before reassuring them that it would be the Jedi's undoing!

Darth Vader: It will be their undoing!

As Vader left, the Young Jedi Hunter overheard his Two Inquisitor Siblings talking about Ezra, saying that the Boy probably found that he was not lying and took it rather well!

Seventh Sister: So, how did it go with Ezra do you think, Fifth Brother? 

Fifth Brother: I think he took it... Rather well!

Kaitis frowned, knowing that things would never be the same again after today!

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