Chapter Ninety-One: Making the run.../Flying the Blade Wing!

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Meanwhile back on the Ghost, Ezra didn't understand why they were loading the Ghost itself up with the food supplies!

Ezra: I don't understand why we're loading the Ghost up with the food supplies.

Chopper beeped confused, and what's that supposed to mean?!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: Well, I thought Hera would be back by now!

Kanan knew that they had to make the run now since Hera said that there was never a full guarantee that she'd be back in time!

Kanan: But when she went out there, there was never a guarantee she'd be back in time... So we're making the run!

Ezra pieced Kanan's crazy plan together, knowing that would make them the Empire's primary target since they are transporting the supplies that are still inside the Ghost!

Ezra: Wait... We're transporting the supplies in the Ghost? That'll make us the Empire's primary target!

Kanan: Yeah, but the Ghost is smaller and faster, so, with any luck, we'll just slip right by!

Ezra rolled his eyes, the two of them knew that not even the Empire is that predictable or that easy to fool!

Ezra: You actually believe that?

Kanan shrugged, it makes him feel much better when he says it!

Kanan: It makes me feel better when I say it! Besides, we gotta feed those people... 

Ezra frowns at a hologram of the people of Ibaar, remembering that his love for flying and Jedi training is how he's able to help others in need like Hera trying to do right now...

Ezra: I was a little boy when the Galactic Civil War first came to Lothal... My adoptive mother always hid us below inside our old house, but I'd peek out when the small Rebel ships flew over as they fought to liberate people in need from Empire! From that moment on even before I even knew who my real family was, I dreamt of nothing more than to be up there with them! So I ended up leaving my home not just to fight, but also so that I could fly!

Kanan frowned, remembering from Eldra's stories about Kaitis that being a combat pilot was not something her brother had approved of like she did!

Kanan: As a combat pilot even though Kaitis didn't like the idea?

Ezra: If we want freedom from the Empire as badly as the people of Ibaar down there do, we must make difficult choices... I chose to leave my home, I chose to learn to fly, and then I chose to use that ability to help others in need... But it's all rooted in something that I couldn't explain that well to Kaitis as a kid as easily as I could to you guys... A feeling and a need to be up there! Because even when there are explosions and sabers clashing all around me, and things seem like they are at their worst... That's when I feel like I am at my best...

Kanan: Now are you in?

Ezra smiled, knowing that it is time to prove Kaitis wrong about his and Hera's skills as a combat pilot!

Ezra: Count me in!

Kanan smiled before they started to get ready for the mission! Back on Shantipole, Hera was sitting in the Blade Wing with a pilot helmet on, just to be on the safe side! Sabine smiled from the comms system after she had just finished finishing up the Phantom, Quarrie was lucky to have Hera as his pilot!

Sabine: You're lucky to have her as your pilot... How many times have you flown it?

Quarrie knew that it was too dangerous for him but Hera should be able to fly it, theoretically of course!

Quarrie: Me? I don't fly... Too dangerous! But theoretically, it should fly!

Zeb didn't like the sound of that!

Zeb: Theoretically?

Quarrie: Better to be down here wishing I was up there than up there crashing back down here...

If Hera crashes, Zeb is tossing Quarrie over the side!

Zeb: If that ship crashes, I'll toss you over the side, and see how well you fly!

Hera rolls her eyes at that, knowing that she can handle this! Hera presses the start button on the ship... The Blade Wing is a bit rusty, making it seem like the engine's fried, much to Sabine's worry!

Sabine: Hera!

Luckily, the Blade Wing can still fly perfectly, as Hera puts a thumbs up at her friends, much to their relief and happniess!

Sabine: Yes!

Zeb: Yes!

Hera: Let's see what this beast can do...

Hera starts to soar the ship into the clouds,

Hera: Definitely not a freighter...

Then, she remembers a trick that Ezra gave her...

Ezra: Try spinning when you're flying, Hera... It's not flying but it's a good trick!

Hera does so, and times her soaring and spinning at just the right speed!

Hera: That's it...

As Hera speeds past them, Quarrie knew that Hera was a master of piloting skills!

Quarrie: Masterful!

Hera decided to move onto the weapon testing!

Hera: Commencing weapon test!

But it didn't pack much of a punch as Hera thought it did!

Hera: I was kind of hoping your ship packed more of a punch, Quarrie...

Quarrie: Did you pull the big lever on the right?

Hera: No...

Quarrie: Try again!

Hera did so, and it had a lot of firepower! She smiled from the ship, causing Quarrie, Zeb, and Sabine to cheer in

Both: Yay!

Quarrie: I told you!

Hera: Your ship certainly has the firepower we need, but the targeting system could use some work!

Luckily, Sabine has some ideas on how she can fix that!

Sabine: I've got some ideas...

However, Quarrie thinks that's a bad idea as the girl approaches the Wing Blade, wondering what Sabine is up to!

Quarrie: No, no. That's my ship, young one! Just what do you think you're doing?!

Sabine: Never get between a Mandalorian and a weapon package!

Luckily, Zeb noticed that the comms system was fixed and Kanan was contacting them!

Zeb: It's Kanan... He'll want to hear about our success!

Hera smiled, knowing that both Kanan and Ezra will want to hear about this, especially the spinning trick was something that Ezra's Dad had learned during his first space fight during the battle over his mother's home planet of Naboo as a kid...

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