Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Five: Arriving on Lothal!/Separate doors...

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Later on the Ghost, Ezra and his Jedi Friends had left with Chopper on the Phantom to head back to Lothal to get the advice and answers that they need! In the Cockpit, Hera, Zeb, and Sabine had just watched them depart in the hyperspace, without the Jedi telling the three of them where they are going now to keep everyone safe! Sabine frowned as she held her helmet on her usual hip pose, before she asked confused where Ezra and the others were headed now!

Sabine: So, where are they going now?

Hera frowned at the explosives expert, she knew that sometimes that sometimes that it was better not to know where they are going!

Hera: Sometimes it's better not to know!

Sabine nodded, no longer letting her distrust from her days at the Imperial Academy get the best of her anymore! Zeb turned to her, he was a little concerned about what Kanan had told them about Vader and Anakin both being one and the same person... He asked Sabine if she was sure that they shouldn't go with Ezra to help him discover the Truth, knowing that he has been conflicted for Years now!

Zeb: Are you sure that we shouldn't go with Ezra and the others to help find out the Truth with the kid?

Sabine nodded sadly, knowing that both Ezra and Ahsoka are growing up now!

Sabine: Hmm-hmm... They're growing up now... Whether we all like it or not as much as Kaitis would never admit to us or the rest of the Empire, both Ahsoka and Ezra has to make their own decisions, and learn from their own mistakes...

Later near the Lothal System, the Ship drops out of Hyperspace, and starts to land near the Jedi Temple! Quinlan smiled, impressed at Ezra's tactic to keep a low-profile on this mission!

Quinlan Vos: Dropping out of light speed near the Planet's surface so that the Empire won't bust us! Nice thinking, kiddo!

Chopper agreed as he landed the Phantom, as Ezra smiled with appreciation!

Chopper: (Chopper Praising Beeps)

Ezra: Thanks you guys!

The Phantom landed near the hidden mountains where the Jedi Temple was, as everyone exited the Ship and headed towards where the Temple was! As they did, Ahsoka remembered that Lothal was the Planet where Ezra was raised for 10 Years!

Ahsoka: Ezra, you're from Lothal?

Ezra smiled at Eldra, knowing that this was their Home!

Ezra: Yeah, this place is both mine and Eldra's home!

The Five of them all came to stare at the hidden Mountains at the Jedi Temple, as Eldra explained how they open it!

Ezra: Here it is... 

Eldra: Okay, here's how it works, Ahsoka... If you and Kanan stand here, you can just use the Force to open the Temple!

However, Ezra knew that Ahsoka couldn't do that!

Ezra: I'm not so sure that Ahsoka can do that, Eldra!

Ahsoka frowned, knowing that the Kid had a good point!

Ahsoka: Ezra's right, guys... I cannot!

Seeing that Eldra was confused, Ahsoka explained that she left the Order and is no longer a Jedi!

Eldra: Why?

Ahsoka: Because I am no longer a Jedi... It was my choice, I left the Order!

Quinlan nodded at Ahsoka's logic, before suggesting that both Ezra and Kanan should probably open it instead!

Quinlan Vos: She has a good point, you guys... It's probably best if you two open it!

Ezra nodded in agreement, before he nods at Kanan to give him a hand!

Ezra: All right then... Kanan?

Kanan smiles, as both he and Ezra used the Force to open the Temple just like both he and Eldra have done so many times in the Past! But there was one slight problem... The usual door that they used had disappeared, much to their both shock and surprise

Ezra: Hey, where's the door going?

Eldra: I don't know!

Suddenly, instead of them stopping at the entrance that Ezra and Eldra had used before, the Temple opened further and revealed a new entrance in its place! 

Ezra shrugged, knowing that's something that they don't see everyday!

Ezra: Well... This is new!

Eldra shrugged as the two of them and the others started to enter the Jedi Temple, new problem new door!

Eldra: Well, new problem, new door!

Kanan turned to Chopper, telling him to stay here and get an eye out, sensing that they will need to make a quick exit!

Kanan: Chop, stay here... And keep an eye out!

Chopper: (Chopper Affirmative Beeps)

Once the Five Jedi Friends were inside the Temple, Ahsoka was confused on how both Ezra and Eldra managed to contact Master Yoda from here when Ezra was just a little kid!

Ahsoka: So... How did you contact Master Yoda here?

Ezra and Eldra both shrugged at each other, they both knew that it was more like Yoda had contacted them through the Force, as they recalled some of their old visits here when they were younger...

Eldra: Well, he kind of contacted us!

Ezra: She's right, Kanan... I thought I was dreaming when I first heard Master Yoda's voice!

Eldra: Yeah, and I was only meditating!

Ahsoka shrugged at both Quinlan and Kanan, knowing that is probably a good place to start if they all want to get both some advice and answers!

Ahsoka: Then perhaps that's a good place to start!

The Five of them soon start meditating together, hoping that it could at least get them somewhere... But not too long after they were meditating, Kanan opened his eyes and got up, he had spotted a bright white light emanating from a doorway!

Kanan: I see a doorway...

The only problem was that only Kanan saw it while Ezra and the others didn't see anything!

Ezra: Where? I don't see anything!

Ahsoka: Neither do I!

Quinlan: Well, don't look at me!

Eldra explained to them that she and Ezra were both usually separated from each other when they spoke to Master Yoda in the past!

Eldra: Last time we spoke to Master Yoda, we were separated!

Kanan frowned, seeing that Eldra had a good point while seeing that maybe this is his path alone!

Kanan: Maybe this is my path alone...

As Kanan walked towards the door, Ezra warned his Master to be careful!

Ezra: Be careful!

Kanan shrugged at Ezra as he told his Student not to worry, he wouldn't do anything that the kid would do!

Kanan: Don't worry... I wouldn't do anything you would do!

Ezra rolled his eyes, pretending to be reassured by that!

Ezra: That is so reassuring!

But as Kanan walked through the door, he disappeared, much to both Ezra and Quinlan's shock!

Quinlan Vos: Where'd he go?!

Ezra: I don't know, he just disappeared!

Ahsoka frowned, knowing that these Temples can be tricky!

Ahsoka: As you know, these temples can be tricky...

As the Three Jedi watched with concern, Eldra frowned, hoping that Kanan really does take her advice from earlier and doesn't almost make the same mistake that she had made with Ezra a few weeks ago!

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