Chapter One Hundred and Forty One: Vizago's help... /Captain Orrelios?

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After Hera had recovered from being blasted to bits a few weeks ago, she, Ezra and the rest of them had just arrived at the Nixus Hub 218, which was a station that on the blacket market of Nixus! Ezra had gotten a tip from one of his contacts that some people were being held captive and that was wanted by the Empire! As the soon as the Ghost landed outside the Hub, the others went inside to find these people, and for Zeb's case, to get out of the freezing cold! Once inside, Hera was impressed that Ezra taking the lead on the rescue mission!

Hera: Ezra, I'm proud of you for taking the lead on this rescue mission!

Ezra shrugged, knowing that Hera would've done the same thing in his place!

Ezra: You would've done the same thing!

Kanan was curious to know if Ezra knew why these people were wanted by the Empire!

Kanan: You said these people are wanted by the Empire... Do you know why?

Ezra shook his head no, but he hears that they are closing in and fast!

Ezra: No, but I hear they're closing in!

Sabine knew that meant they better hurry!

Sabine: We better hurry!

Zeb was curious to know where did the kid hear about these refugees anyway!

Zeb: So where'd you hear about these refugees anyway?

Ezra remembered that it was from one of their contacts, before telling Chopper to let him know that we're here now!

Ezra: Huh? Oh, you know, one of our, uh, contacts... Speaking of, Chopper, you better let him know we're here!

Chopper does so with transmitter dish, just as Ezra pulls out a transmitter, much to Zeb's shock who is being way too loud right now at the moment!

(Electronic Noise)


Zeb: Hey! Where'd you get that transmitter?

Chopper, Kanan, and even Ezra shushed him to be quiet so that they don't blow their cover just yet!

Ezra and Chopper: Shhh!

Zeb: But I--!

Chopper, Kanan, and Ezra: Shhh!

Ezra struggled to get his transmitter to work, realizing that there is no answer!

Ezra: (Grunting) There's no answer! We better hurry!

Everyone rushed to Cargo Bay, where they found that they were too late since an Imperial Officer and a Storm Trooper were carrying the Cargo Containers that they were held captive inside of right now, which Zeb didn't like at all!

Zeb: Oh, no... We're too late!

Ezra kept him from blowing their cover, knowing that they had to be free from the Cargo Containers first!

Ezra: Shush, wait for it!

As everyone hid behind the door so that they wouldn't be seen just yet, they saw that the the Imperial Officer and a Storm Trooper were dragging the refugees out of their Cargo containers!

Imperial Officer: Drag those refugees out of there! Move!

Everyone was shocked before Ezra whispered to Hera, he couldn't believe what he was seeing more so than Zeb was!

Ezra: Okay, please tell me that you and I both aren't seeing what I think we are seeing, Hera?!

Hera: I see it... But I don't believe it!

Zeb: (Gasps) My people... They're Lasat!

The Imperial Officer told the Lasat survivors to move it already! 

Stormtrooper 1: Move!

???: Where are you taking us?

The Imperial Officer remarked that they were talking them to a Detention Facility for a nice long stay!

Imperial Officer: To a detention facility for a nice, long stay!

Ezra rolled his eyes at Kanan, more likely a Blaster Squad!

Ezra: Hmm... More likely a blaster squad...

Kanan: Now?

Ezra: Now!

Zeb didn't need to be asked twice before knocking out the Stormtrooper while Sabine and Ezra both freed the Lasats from their handcuffs! 

Zeb: (Grunts)

Sabine and Ezra: (Grunts) Got it! (Gives each other a High Five!)

But just then, the Imperial Officers tries to shoot the two of them, much to both the other's worry and concern!

Zeb: Sabine! Kid!

Hera and Kanan: Watch out!!!

Luckily, someone blasts the Imperial Officer with a Blaster, saving both Sabine and Ezra! Fortunately, the young boy knew who it was!

(Lasers Fire!)

Vizago: Hello, hello! You arrived just in time, as I knew you would!

Hera and Ezra both sighed with relief, it's only him!

Hera: (Sighs) It's only you...

Ezra: You could have warned me the Empire was here!

Vizago: Ah, but I sold the Lasats to the Empire knowing the heroes would save the day! (Chuckles) You being the heroes, of course...

Sabine was confused, Vizago was Ezra's contact?

Sabine: Vizago is your contact?

The two of them both shrugged at each other, to be completely fair Vizago was the one who contacted Ezra!

Ezra: To be fair, he contacted me!

Vizago: Yes, to be fair... 

Zeb: And the reason that Hondo isn't your contact is because why?

Vizago and Ezra both rolled his eyes at Zeb, don't make them have a flashback of what happened with Hondo the last time he was with him! Especially with Anakin's, Obi-Wan's and even Ashoka's encounters with him the past during the Clone Wars!

Both: Don't make us a flashback!

Seeing the glare in both the Smuggler's and the kid's eyes, Zeb knew that they made a good point!

Zeb: Alright, point taken!

Kanan and Sabine both covered their mouths with a smile, trying their best not to laugh at Zeb's frowny expression over that!

Both: (Both Laughing)

Hera cleared her throat as soon as they stopped, asking Vizago why he thought that they could help them!

Hera: And the reason why you thought me, Ezra, and the rest of my Crew could help them or know them... Is because why again, Vizago?

Vizago: Because I knew these two belonged with that one!

The two Lasats, Gron and Chava were shocked to see Zeb, since they knew something that not even Ezra or the others did!

Vizago: It is him... Captain Orrelios!

Gron: (Gasps) By the Ashla... The prophecy!

Chava: (Gasps) Captain?

Gron: Yes... Captain Garazeb Orrelios of the Lasan High Honor Guard!

Ezra and the others watched with amazement in their eyes while Zeb groaned, this is gonna be one long story and a very long day indeed!

Sabine and Hera: Captain?

Chopper: (Grunting in Confusion)

Kanan and Ezra: Wait, what?!

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