Chapter Three: Left Behind/Just A Kid?

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Later that day, Ezra was in the cockpit of the Ghost with Hera, while Kanan, Zeb, Sabine, and Chopper were doing the mission to try and rescue the slave Wookies from the Empire. It had been a few minutes since the others had left the ship to find the imprisoned Wookies who were aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer when Hera noticed Ezra was rubbing his arm up and down in worry!

Ezra: Whoa... I'm... I'm in space!

Hera: You okay? 

Ezra: Yeah, I'm just worried about Kanan and the others...

Hera placed a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder, knowing that the others will be fine!

Hera: You know, you're a very creative kid... You sound like someone I used to know! Heh, you kind of remind me of Kanan when he was younger!

Ezra smiled at that when suddenly they see a huge Imperial Star Destroyer appear over their ship. Feeling the Force was trying to warn him, Ezra's fear for Kanan and the others increased!

Ezra: This whole mission was a setup! They lured us here! 

Hera: It's beginning to look that way. Our crew boarded that transport to selflessly rescue Imperial prisoners. They have no idea they walked into a trap. No idea what's coming! Someone needs to go warn them, Ezra!

Ezra reaches into his yellow backpack and pulls out something he hasn't touched in a while... A lightsaber that belonged to the Padawan of his Father, Ezra looks at it for a moment before bolting up from his seat!

Ezra: Stay here!

Although she was shocked that Ezra had a lightsaber as well, Hera immediately turns her seat around, confused about what Ezra is doing! 

Hera: Ezra, what are you doing?! W-Where are you going?!

Ezra just looks at her firmly, the same that his real Father would!

Ezra: To do the right thing! A wise girl once told me when I was little that if all you do is fight for your own life, then your life is worth nothing. They need me, Hera. They need me right now... Which is why I can't believe I'm doing this!

As Ezra hurries out the door with his lightsaber, Hera smiles at him... He truly was a Jedi at heart, just like his Father and Kanan were!

Hera: I can...

Back on the Imperial Ship, Kanan was trying to get the door open so that he and the others could escape!

Zeb: Sometime today would be nice, Kanan!

Sabine: Especially since our comlinks are jammed!

Kanan: I'm trying! Come on, come on!

Suddenly, Ezra opens the door while holding the lightsaber that once belonged to his Father's student, much to Kanan's and Sabine's shock!

Sabine: Ezra! Wait? You're holding a lightsaber?

Kanan: Kid, what are you doing here? I thought that you were on the Ghost with Hera!

Ezra: First of all, I'll explain everything to you guys later Sabine! And second of all Kanan, I'm rescuing you guys! What does it look like?! This mission was a set-up to capture you guys, that's why I came to warn you...

Suddenly, Agent Kallus appears behind them as the door opens with more Stormtroopers!

Agent Kallus: Do tell, youngling!

Immediately after he notices that Kallus sees Ezra's lightsaber, Kanan quickly reaches for Ezra's arm and grabs it!

Kanan: Run!

Ezra quickly deactivates his lightsaber before reattaching it to his belt! Soon, Kanan, Sabine, and Chopper had made it through the Airlock that leads back to the Ghost! 

Kanan: Chop, tell Hera to take off!

But just as Ezra and Zeb made their way towards the Airlock, Kallus grabbed the kid from behind and locked him in a neck hold, causing Zeb to turn around in shock!

Ezra: (Gasps) Let go!

Zeb was trying to shoot Kallus, but he couldn't because there were too many Stormtroopers and Ezra was in the line of fire!

Zeb: (Groans)

Ezra was struggling to get free but it was no use!

Ezra: I'm trying!

Fear filling the man's heart just like it did back on his homeland, Zeb turned to run!

Zeb: Sorry kid... You did good!

Zeb turns to run away in fear, leaving a terrified Ezra captive in the hands of the Empire! Once onboard, Zeb closes the airlock that was connecting to the Star Destroyer and the Ghost, before collapsing on the floor in shame for leaving Ezra behind after he risked his life for them!

Hera: There! Airlock shut! We're out of here! Chop, jam their tractor beam! 

As the Ghost departed from the Stay Destroyer, Kallus held Ezra captive as one of the Stormtroopers reported the bad news!

Kallus: Such a noble act, just like a Jedi!

Stormtrooper: I'm sorry to report, but the Rebels have escaped and got away sir!

Kallus smirked evilly, before handing their new prisoner over to the trooper!

Kallus: Not to worry, at least we got our hands on one of them... And a Jedi youngling no less! Take the boy to an Imperial Prison Cell, one that has an Imperial Torture Chamber! But leave his lightsaber around his belt where it is Trooper!

Stormtrooper: Yes sir!

Back on the Ghost, Zeb joined the others in the cockpit, where they were relaxing in their seats, as Hera commented on Ezra's Jedi heroics!

Hera: The whole thing was a setup, the kid did all right!

Kanan smiled gratefully at Ezra's rescue.

Kanan: He did okay... (Sees that their young ward is not with them at all before he turns to Zeb!) Where is he?

Zeb tried to cover up the fact that he had left the youngling behind in the hands of the Empire!

Zeb: I thought... I thought he was with you!

Hera looks at Kanan who is just as confused as she is, knowing since he knew that Ezra was with Zeb right before he got on the Ghost! Sabine felt her anger rising a bit, worried that Zeb did something to him!

Sabine: Zeb, what did you do to him?!

Zeb: I didn't do anything to him! But that ISB agent grabbed him...

Hearing their friend whisper that Kanan, Hera, and Sabine all screamed in horror for Ezra's life!

All three: WHAT?!

Zeb: The kid got grabbed, okay?!

Hera was furious with Zeb for leaving the boy behind after he had risked his life to save all of their lives!

Hera: Garazeb Orrelios!

Kanan turned to Sabine sadly, both of them knew that Hera's anger was something to be terrified of more than anything!

Kanan: Uh-oh, three names!

Sabine: Yeah, that's never good!

Zeb: Come on! We were dumping him after the mission anyway, right? This saves us fuel... They'll go easy on him... He's just a kid!

Hera and Kanan looked at each other, the both of them knew Ezra was going to consider staying with them! They also knew that Empire would never go easy on anyone, especially just a kid who was force sensitive! They needed to do something, and fast!

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