Chapter Eighty-Six: Chopper knows where Hondo will be?/Ezra's choice!

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Inside the Broken Horn after locking Azmorigan up in a cell and reclaiming his droids, Ezra explained the bad news to Visago and Omega! Visago and Ezra sighed, knowing that this day couldn't get any worse than it already has!

Ezra: Well, looks like you get your ship back, as promised...

Visago: Yes, but I lost all my credits and my generators!

Omega frowned, technically they were Ezra and her friend's generators!

Omega: Eh, technically, they were our generators!

Visago frowned, seeing that the young Clone had a point!

Visago: I hate children, but... You're right!

Ezra sighed, not sure how he's gonna find Hondo or explain all of this to the others!

Ezra: Not sure how we're gonna explain all this...

Chopper beeped gently, saying he knows where Hondo will be!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: What do you mean you know where Hondo will be?

Chopper pointed his tiny little robot arms to the ship's pilot systems, saying that he is headed back to Garel!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Omega: Oh! He's headed back to Garel! Mind if you give us a ride back?

Omega hands Visago some credits before the Smuggler takes the spare credits! 

Visago: Looks like we have a deal... Not bad, for a kid!

Ezra smirked, he's been teaching her a little bit about negotiating!

Ezra: I'm teaching her the fine art of negotiation!

Omega: (Scoffs) That you are!

As Visago warms up the hyperdrive, the Smuggler is impressed at how Ezra has come during his Jedi Training!

Visago: You know, Ezra was pretty impressive back there!

Omega: His training's paying off... My name's Omega! My squad were soldiers of the Republic, but let's just say we don't see eye-to-eye with the Empire... We came because Ezra was in trouble of losing sight of who he was! Jedi or not, he's still a child... He needs his crew and his family!

As the Broken Ship made the jump to lightspeed, Ezra chuckles about something!

Omega: What is it?

Ezra starts explaining to his allies about his conversation back in his cell with Hondo from earlier!

Ezra: Back when me and Hondo were locked up in our cell, after learning that I was a Jedi, he offered me to join his Crew since I had too much responsibilities!

Chopper was confused, hoping that he still didn't consider Hondo's offer!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: No, no, I don't want to leave the Ghost! I... I mean, not really! Maybe I would make a pretty good pirate! Inquisitors don't hunt them, do they? I don't know, it's still complicated...

Omega: And why do you find that funny?

Ezra smiled a little, explaining what he feels in his heart!

Ezra: It's funny, because... At one time when I was little after Kaitis betrayed me and his own parents, and his only sister I might have joined his crew in the blink of an eye without any hesitation at all! But now... Things are different! My life was different now... I'd rather be with Kanan and the others than be a Pirate Jedi! 

Omega smiled, knowing that same feeling with Hunter as Ezra does with Kanan all too well indeed...

Omega: I know I made a mistake, and I have a lot to learn, but you don't have to get rid of me... I left Kamino with you! This is where I wanna be...

Hunter: Tell you the truth, kid, I guess I've got a lot to learn too! If this is where you want to be, then this is where you'll stay...

Visago smiled gently, knowing that just his birth Father, Ezra truly is a Jedi!

Visago: Oh Ezra... Whether you realize it or not, you truly are a Jedi! 

Ezra smiled, remembering an old saying Tech gave to Hunter after rescuing Eldra's old Jedi Wookie friend...

Hunter: They're both just kids... But they don't get to be... (Sighs) Not in this galaxy!

Tech: "When a young one leaves, the trees weep... But when they return, the trees sing!" "As this child has found his new home, perhaps, one day, we all will find a new path..."

Hunter: Hopefully... (Sighs) One far away from war!

Omega and Visago placed a warm hand on Ezra's shoulder whether they're on good terms or not, they all will make sure that Ezra will stay with the Ghost Crew!

Visago: And to tell you the truth, Ezra... I guess that just like you, Omega, me, and all our other allies we all have got a lot to learn too! So how is being with Kanan and the others?

Ezra: Sometimes I forget what it is like to be on my own...

Ezra smiles sweetly at Visago and the little girl who is starting to become like a little sister to him more and more each day finishes that statement!

Omega: But if being with Kanan and the others is really where you want to be, then that is where you'll stay! Still... I almost feel bad for Azmorigan!

Ezra shook his head, even though he almost tried to kill him, he knew that those three Smugglers/Pirates will be fine! And he knew that there was no need to worry, he's made his choice!

Ezra: Nah, he, Visago, and Hondo will all be fine! And don't worry you and Chopper worry, Omega... I've made my choice!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Omega grinned at Chopper and Ezra, knowing that things will just fine now!

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