Chapter Sixty-Four: Escaping Vader's attack/A little fun!

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In the nose gun, Ezra had passed out in the nose gun's chair! Just then, Kanan rushed into the room, seeing his Rebel friend was out cold! Quickly scooping Ezra into his arms, Kanan carried the kid back to the cockpit and saw back down with Eldra and the others, trying to wake his Padawan up!

Kanan: Ezra?!

Minister Tua and Hera looked worried at the ex-Jedi and the young boy while the Pilot was trying to fly the Ghost!

Minister Tua: Kid!

Hera: Kanan, what's wrong with them?!

Kanan gently nudged his student's shoulders, he doesn't know!

Kanan: I don't know, I don't know!

From her seat while holding Ahsoka in her arms, Eldra gently reached out with one of her hands and nudged her little adoptive brother's shoulder's as she tried to wake him up, her worry held the concern for the kid as much as Kanan's did!

Eldra: Ezra, can you hear me?! Ezra!

As he and Eldra struggled to wake Ezra and Ahsoka up, Commander Sato saw that Vader broke off his attack!

Phoenix Soldier: The Imperial pilot broke off his attack! They did it!

Commander Sato: Captain Syndulla, whatever you're doing, keep it up! The fleet can recover!

Hera turned her concerned and worried face away from Ezra and Ahsoka while trying to steer the Ghost, knowing that Commander Sato has to get the Fleet out of here now!

Hera: No! Commander, you need to get the fleet out of here now!

Commander Sato refused, not wanting to abandon his Squadron's Command ship!

Commander Sato: I will not abandon our command ship!

Kanan agreed with Hera, knowing that Commander Sato doesn't have a choice!

Kanan: You don't have a choice, sir! Without a hyperdrive, you must abandon ship!

Suddenly, one of his Soldiers saw that they have much bigger problems to worry about!

Phoenix Soldier: Sir, we have Star Destroyers in Sector 5!

A few Star Destroyers had entered the system, with Agent Kallus and Kaitis awaiting Vader's orders!

Agent Kallus: Lord Vader, we have entered the system and await your orders!

Darth Vader: Move your Destroyers to block their escape, but hold your fire... I want these rebels alive!

Kaitis: Yes sir!

Kanan saw that they had bigger problems to worry, knowing that it is now or never!

Kanan: It's now or never, Commander!

Knowing that Captain Syndulla and Kanan are right, Commander Sato decided to abandon ship!

Commander Sato: I regretfully agree... All hands, abandon ship... You'll have to keep that fighter occupied!

Hera knew that wouldn't be a problem, they definitely seemed to have Vader's attention for sure!

Hera: Don't worry, sir! We seem to have his attention...

As Vader is hot on their tail, Hera gets an idea how to lose them and the Star Destroyers as well!

Zeb: Suddenly, there's a lot to do back here!

Hera: Sorry to spoil your fun, Zeb, but I'm ordering Chopper to divert all power to the hyperdrive, including cannons!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Sabine is confused, what is Hera up to now?!

Sabine: Hera, what are you doing?!

The Minister smiled, she has an idea of what Hera had in mind!

Minister Tua: I think I know!

Kaitis: Admiral, Lord Vader has separated one of the rebel ships from the rest of the fleet!

Admiral: Then that is our primary target!

As their Command Ship becomes nothing more than space junk due to the hyperdrive core being badly damaged, Commander Sato told their leave to Hera!

Commander Sato: Ghost crew, the escape pods are secure! Fleet, commence hyperspace jump!

Hera nods, agreeing to meet them at safe haven!

Hera: Copy that, Commander... We'll meet you at safe haven!

As soon as the Fleet makes the jump to hyperspace, Sabine knows that's their cue to get out of here!

Sabine: The fleet is away... Get us out of here!

Hera: Everyone, hang on!

As Vader keeps chasing them, Hera tells Chopper to hurry up!

Hera: Chopper, angle all deflectors astern!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Hera: The Star Destroyers aren't the ones firing at us! Now, do it fast!

Chopper beeped in annoyance, but knew Hera was sure of what she was doing! Meanwhile, the Imperials got ready to activate the tractor beam!

Imperial Officer: Target moving into range.

Admiral Titans: Activate the tractor beam on my signal!

Kanan and Eldra both saw what they were up to, knowing that now might be a good time to make the jump to lightspeed!

Kanan: Hera!

Eldra: Uh, any time, Spectre-2!

Hera frowned, silently asking the Empire to take the bait!

Hera: Wait! Wait...

Imperial Officer: Now!

Hera smirked before she made the jump to hyperspace, knowing that someone will be in hot water with Darth Vader!

Hera: Gotcha!

As the Ghost Crew safely made the jump to lightspeed, Vader was pulled into the tractor beam instead!

Agent Kallus: Status report on the rebel craft!

Imperial Officer: Sir, we've locked onto a ship, but it's not the rebel craft... It's Lord Vader's ship!

Agent Kallus and Kaitis frowned at that before the young boy asked his new Master to be released!

Kaitis: Release... Release him immediately!

The Officer does so and while the Admiral and Kallus both knew that it wasn't his fault... But Lord Vader won't know that!

Agent Kallus: It's not your fault, Officer...

Imperial Officer: (Sighs with relief!)

Admiral Titans: But Lord Vader won't know that!

Imperial Officer: (Gulps)

Both: (Giggling)

While Agent Kallus and the Admiral giggled at that, Kaitis smirked at Ezra's return to Lothal! Finally, someone who knows how to teach Ezra on how to have a little fun!

Kaitis: (Evil Chuckling) Finally! Someone who knows how to teach young Skywalker on how to have a little fun!

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