Chapter Sixty-Seven: Ezra's memories of his Birth/An old friend...

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On the Ghost, Kanan was looking for Ezra so that they could go to the meeting with Phoenix Squadron when he heard a familiar voice coming from the kid's shared room with Zeb! He realized that he was listening to his Father's recording to help people with their own lightsaber training on his holocron that he had given his student as a gift a few days ago!

Anakin: Keeping your saber moving is key to deflecting the fire of multiple adversaries... Fluid motion, one into the next, into the next, and so on... I've made some adjustments to the classic Form IV techniques that I think you'll find work well against droids and other ranged attackers... Here, I'll show you! One, two, three... Again! One, two, three! Practice these exercises mindfully, and you'll see improvement, I promise!

Ezra smiled gently, glad that Kanan had given him an actual image of what his Father looked before the Jedi Order was destroyed... Gently, he reached for his special family locket around his neck, which he never took off even once since Eldra helped him make it! His sapphire eyes filled with bittersweet tears, remembering the day Master Kenobi brought him to Eldra and her family when he was just an infant baby after Order 66 happened...

On Lothal in a nearby house almost 16 years ago, Eldra and Kaitis had just come home after escaping Order 66 after their Clone Troopers had turned on them... Eldra barely made it out with her life, but her Jedi Knight Master Quinlan Vos was separated from her during their escape... She didn't know if he survived or not! Kaitis however, refused to talk about the demise of his own Jedi Master Mace Windu... Eldra could sense that there was a lot of darkness and anger coming from him, but her brother still refused to tell them anything!

Just then, the four of them had heard on their door!

Young Eldra: Who could be knocking at this hour?!

Mira: I'll get it!

Her mother opens the door, and is surprised to find Obi-Wan Kenobi his Jedi robe covering his face! A great smile made its way to Eldra's lips, glad to see one of her Jedi friends after what happened!

Young Eldra: Obi-Wan! Quick, come inside before someone sees you!

Mira: Master Kenobi! Please, come in!

Mira quickly welcomes the young man in, he was glad to see his two friends survive the Purge! 

Young Obi-Wan: It's wonderful to see you and your brother survived the Purge as well too, Eldra... But I just wish our reunion was on more pleasant terms!

Young Eldra: Tell me about it!

After Mira and Ephraim made Obi-Wan some warm Tea for him to drink to help regain his strength, he explained what had happened, with the Clones, everyone in the Jedi Temple even the younglings being killed, and the death of Anakin and Padme... Ephraim and Mira frowned, she knew how close both their daughter and Obi-Wan were with both Skywalker and the former Senator of Naboo!

Ephraim: I'm sorry...

Mira: And the babies?

Young Obi-Wan: Senator Bail Organa and his wife are raising his twin sister on their home planet of Alderaan and Anakin's step-brother and his wife are raising his twin brother on Anakin's home planet of Tatooine right now, but... I'm not sure about their younger twin brother!

Eldra looked up from her seat at the Dinner Table, seeing that Obi-Wan held a small baby in his arms, covered by a little baby blanket! Kneeling down to the young boy's level, she gently moved back the covers of the baby blanket... Seeing the young baby's small dark raven hair on his head and his beautiful blue sapphire eyes, she asked Obi-Wan what his name was!

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