Chapter Ninety-Four: Hera's promotion.../All part of the plan, Master!

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Back on Commander Sato's ship, he and Quarrie were discussing the plans to make more of these B-wings for their cause!

Commander Sato: It seems Senator Organa has found a ship works sympathetic to our cause, and willing to manufacture more of these B-wings in secret...

Quarrie: Project Shantipole will continue under my supervision, of course... There are many adjustments that need be made!

Hera smiled, thanks to Quarrie and his ship, they helped a lot of people today!

Hera: Quarrie, thanks to you and your ship, we helped many people today!

Quarrie smiled at Hera before he left, he just hammered it together but she was the one who made it soar!

Quarrie: I just hammered it together, young pilot... You made it soar!

Commander Sato agreed, before he brought up Kanan's recommendation!

Commander Sato: Indeed... Your heroics are unparalleled, Captain Syndulla... That is why I agree with Kanan's recommendation!

Both Hera and Ezra frowned at that, what has Kanan done now?!

Hera: Wait? Your recommendation?

Ezra: Okay, Kanan... What have you done now?!

Kanan held his hands in defense, telling them both to relax and to listen to the Commander!

Kanan: Just listen to the Commander!

Commander Sato: You are to be promoted to Phoenix Leader... Our fighter pilots will benefit greatly from your expertise!

Ezra was a bit shocked but saluted a shocked Hera along with the others, as Kanan gave a fingered salute as well!

Kanan: Good job, Captain Hera...

Hera smiled as the shock faded, before she gave his own salute! 

Sabine: You do realize of course Hera that spinning is not flying?

Hera smiled, but it's a good trick!

Hera: But it's a good trick!

Kanan placed a proud hand on Ezra's shoulder, knowing that the trick came from Anakin and that Ezra had something to do with Hera's new trick back there!

Kanan: I imagine that it was your father's own spinning trick and that you had something to do with that?

Ezra smiled proudly at his mentor, all part of the plan as usual!

Ezra: All part of the plan, Master!

Everyone smiled proudly at Hera and Ezra, knowing that they were both born to fly and to help for those in need, just like their parents were!

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