Chapter Thirty-Five: Just a Soldier?/He's alive...

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The days that Kanan was held captive by the Empire did not go well for his friends... Sabine didn't paint anymore in her room without Kanan around since the Jedi liked her art and gave inspiration for her paintings, something that her real family had never done before they joined the Empire and left her... And after her Sister Figure got greedy and left her for dead, her paintings are what helped form a bond between her and Kanan when they found her when she was distrustful, breaking the ice between them... Zeb felt like he was losing a good friend, again... After Lasan had fallen and was left as good as dead by the Empire, Kanan found him and helped Zeb through the guilt of letting his people down, knowing what that felt like after the Clones killed his Master, especially since Crosshair did it by choice compared to the rest of his team, who didn't even after their Chips were removed before his Chip was... Chopper didn't tease Zeb or Ezra at all, he just sat inside Kanan's empty room when he wasn't charging... As much as he pained himself to admit it even though he wouldn't admit it to anyone, he missed his friend despite their arguments... Hera had loved Kanan from the moment that they had met on Gorse, telling why she and Chopper had left her home world of Rlyoth after her Mother was killed in the resistance and her Father cared more about Rlyoth's freedom than his own Daughter... And she knew that Kanan felt the same way after he told Hera about the Clones and what happened with Master... Now with him captive by the Empire, Hera was barely holding it together for the others! But no one took Kanan's absence harder than Ezra did... From the first day that they had met on Lothal, Ezra kept a special part of himself opened up to his Master... A part of him that he closed himself off from after Kaitis betrayed him when he was only 10 Years Old, especially since he decided to come back for him after the Empire had captured him when they had first met, despite his own Jedi haunted past... Less than almost a week after Kanan's capture, Ezra remembered how he decided that they have to stop moping around and rescue Kanan, the same way that he had done for him!

Sabine: How are we gonna find out where they've got Kanan now? Hate to be the pessimist, Ezra, but how do we even know...

Ezra: He's alive, Sabine. I know it!

Sabine: Odds are they've still got him at the Imperial Complex... If they do, we all know he's as good as gone.

Ezra: He's not gone, and he's not in the Imperial Complex...

Zeb: How do you know that?

Ezra: I just know...

Zeb: We can't make a plan based on a feeling!

Ezra: Yes, we can! We do it all the time!

But later that day, Ezra received a transmission from Eldra who was using Fulcrum's Code without their permission!

Eldra: How'd it go?

Ezra: It didn't...

Eldra: Kanan knew the risks, accepted them. I'm sorry but you must focus on your next objective.

Ezra: But, Eldra, Kanan is our objective. We can still find him!

Eldra: Not this time! At what cost? You? Your unit? The overall mission? There's something else, Ezra. The transmission you were able to beam out has attracted attention, not just from civilians, but from the highest levels of the Empire.

Ezra: It was Kanan's plan. I guess it worked...

Eldra: Your mission was to be unseen, unnoticed, and now... 

Ezra: Kanan wanted to inspire people, he wanted to give them hope!

Eldra: Well, he was successful... But if you are caught, if Ezra is caught, that hope will die! To protect your unit, to protect you, you must stop your search for Kanan and go into hiding!

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