Chapter Forty-Five: When have we ever followed orders?!/Ezra's not answering!

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On the lower platform, Crosshair protects an unconscious Ezra from Kaitis, remembering when he, Echo, and Omega saved both him and his adoptive sister from Kaitis and the Empire at least 5 Years ago...

Young Eldra: What's with you? 

Young Kaitis: You know, I tried to look out for you guys... But you got too much heat on you, and you brought it here to my place of business! I had to make the best of a bad situation...

Young Ezra: What did you do?! 

Young Kaitis: Sorry, kiddo... (Door slides open)

Young Ezra: Huh? (Sees that their Ship is blasted to bits, causing the remains of it to almost both Eldra and him!) You called in the Empire on my Adoptive Parents!

Young Kaitis: I wouldn't expect you to understand! If it hadn't been for your real parents, both mine and Eldra's Masters would both be alive right now! If you hadn't even been born, I would still have my own life right now!

By the time their ship is destroyed, Omega, Echo, and Crosshair showed up while they were getting supplies on Lothal for the rest of their team!

Omega: Crosshair, who is that?

Echo recoginzed the girl as the former Jedi General Eldra Bridger from the Clone Wars!

Echo: It's the former Jedi General known as Eldra Bridger from the Clone Wars!

Omega is confused, she thought all of the Jedi Knights, Masters, Padawans, and Younglings were killed!

Omega: What?! But I thought that you guys told me that all of the Jedi Knights, Masters, Padawans, and Younglings were killed!

Crosshair rubbed his head nervously, knowing that some of the Jedi Knights must have survived!

Crosshair: Yeah, well... My guess is that some of the Jedi Knights like the Young Jedi Padawan kid on Kaller must have survived Order 66!

Omega: What? Whoa... And it looks like there's a Jedi Younging with her! And on top of that, both he and Eldra are trapped under their burnt ship!

Omega: (Gasps) And the worse news is that former Commander Kaitis Bridger has betrayed both of them to an Inquisitor and the Empire!

Echo: Well, that's just great!

Crosshair: Alright, what's the plan on how to rescue them?

Omega smirks, way ahead of him!

Omega: Echo, you and Crosshair help Eldra and the kid, make sure that nothing happens to them, I'll cover you!

Crosshair: She's calling the shots now?! I do not agree with this course of action, Omega! It is not safe...

Echo: You got a better idea?

Omega: It will be if you keep quiet... (Sighs) We already lost General Billaba, we're not gonna lose them too! Come on!

Crosshair frowned, knowing that they make a good point!

Crosshair: Okay, can't argue with that!

As Kaitis begins to approach the injured Jedi, Omega starts shooting her crossbow at him! The Inquisitor frowns, finally meeting the Young Clone face to face!

Grand Inquisitor: That's not very strategic, Omega... You don't need to use your enhanced senses to know you're outnumbered!

He hands Kaitis some credits, freeing him from the Bounty that the Empire had over him!

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