Chapter Forty-Eight: A new Chapter opens for Ezra!/An alternative solution!

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In the safe passage of Hyperspace, Crosshair crawled out of the Inquisitor's TIE, glad to be away from Kaitis and on Chopper's Transport Ship!

Crosshair: Oh Force... That was terrifying!

Ezra climbs out before he turns and pulls Kanan out as well, wanting to make sure that his mentor is alright!

Kanan: (Grunts)

Ezra: (Grunts) We got you, buddy... Are you okay?

Kanan smiled a little bit while panting, he was glad to be out of that cell and that Ezra is alive!

Kanan: Yeah... (Panting)

Ezra smiled before turning to Crosshair, nodding his thanks to the former Clone for not making the same mistake with Kanan that he did when he was a kid!

Ezra: Thank you...

Crosshair nods, knowing that he's glad to see Kanan and his child figure reunite with each other, much like someone else he had a close Parental bond with a Clone Wars survivor!

Crosshair: You're welcome...

The two of them shared a warm smile after being weeks apart from each other since Kanan was held captive by the Empire... The both of them turned around and saw that Hera had already climbed out of Sabine's TIE, and Zeb was trying to help the girl out of TIE as well! The two of them locked eyes with each other before Kanan got up and slowly walked over to reunite with Hera! Ezra, Zeb, and Sabine shared the same smile that the two Leaders did, they were all happy to have Kanan back... Kanan approached Hera, while what they did was rash and reckless, he owes all of his friends a great debt of gratitude!

Kanan: I owe you all a great debt of gratitude... Even if what you did was rash and reckless!

Hera shook her head while smiling, knowing that they would have come back for him even if he ordered them not to!

Hera: You're welcome, dear!

As the two of them shared a hug, Chopper came into the room, interrupting the lovely moment between them! Ezra rolled his eyes a little bit, knowing that is his way of showing that he is glad Kanan is safe too!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Kanan and Hera both just shook their heads, nice to see him Chopper's voice is happy too! But Ezra however was a bit confused, if Chopper was in here flying the Transport Ship, then who was flying the Ghost?

Ezra: Wait... If Chopper was in this transport ship, then who was flying the Ghost?

Hera and Kanan frowned at each other, they are just as confused as the kid is! After heading to the Ghost, Chopper displays a hologram of the Senator who owns R2 and 3PO!

Senator Organa: Hello, my friend... It is good to see you again!

Kanan is confused, he only met him for just a few moments and doesn't even know his name!

Kanan: I don't understand... I met you once, for a few moments... I don't even know your name!

Hera smiled, before revealing the truth to him!

Hera: His name is Senator Bail Organa!

Kanan: And the crews of the blockade runners?

Senator Organa: Members of other rebel cells...

Sabine, Ezra, and Zeb were shocked!

Sabine: There are other cells!

Ezra: We're a cell? Wait? Did you know we were a cell?

Zeb: Uh, no...

Crosshair: We weren't supposed to meet... That way, if captured, we couldn't reveal the other rebels to the Empire!

Kanan rolled his eyes at Ezra, that would explain why Tarkin thought that he knew something about a larger Rebellion!

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