Chapter Sixty-Nine: Landing on Seelos System.../Meeting Captain Rex!

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As soon as the Phantom started to land on the Seelos System, Kanan steered the shuttle while Sabine worked on getting the old Clone Wars tactical droid's head working so that they could find Rex!

Kanan: Well, let's fire this thing up!

Sabine: I think it's scanning for a signal of some kind!

Ahsoka: Good luck...

Ezra: Yeah, Ahsoka's right! You could really get lost out here!

Zeb: Maybe that was the idea... What if this great commander we're looking for doesn't want to be found?

Ahsoka and Ezra both glared at the Lasat, not helping!

Ezra: Zeb, you're not helping!

Zeb: Just a simple question!

Ahsoka: Just drop it! (Sighs)

Suddenly, Sabine noticed that the Droid's head was homing in on something!

Tactical Droid: 7567... 7567...

Sabine: It's homing in on something!

Tactical Droid: 7567...

Sabine: There... Up ahead!

Tactical Droid: 7567...

Kanan steered the Ship to where Sabine was pointing, and everyone was shocked to see an old Republic Tank that was used during the Clone War!

Ezra: Whoa!

Sabine: Now that is a work of art...

Kanan: Looks like an old Republic tank, used during the Clone Wars...

Kanan's mind flashes back to his memories from Order 66...

???: Execute Order 66...

(Blasters Firing)

Caleb: Master... Master!

Depa: You must run! Run, Caleb! RUN!!!

Caleb: (Gasps) Stay away from me!

Hunter: Kid, wait! Come on down, kid! We're here to help! No!

Caleb: Liar! (Caleb grunting)

Hunter: Crosshair, stand down! Don't! Take it easy, kid... Easy... I'm on your side...

Caleb: Stay back!

Hunter: Just hear me out...

Caleb: No! You killed her!

Hunter: (Sighs) The others did, I'm just as confused as you are!

Caleb: Stay back... Stay back!

Hunter: I can help you... Come with me...

Grand Inquisitor: What do you think your rebels would do if they knew their leader was a coward? You're even afraid of your own power, you don't have the courage to wear your full saber out in the open!

Kaitis: You couldn't save your master then, and you can't save your followers now! And that's when you should start worrying, Young Caleb!

Ezra could see that Kanan was troubled about something, before placing a worried hand on his shoulder, remembering what Kanan told him about his friend being unsure about getting into another War with Hera after surviving one...

Kanan: (Sighs) I survived one war... I'm not ready for another one! I saw what it did...

Ezra: To the Jedi?

Kanan: To everyone...

Ezra: Something wrong? You know, you can stay here if seeing Rex bothers you that much!

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