Chapter Eighteen: A Rebel Hanukkah

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It had been only a few days since the incident with the Inquisitor and Ezra's former now-turned brother, and ever since then, Ezra's abilities as a Jedi are growing stronger than ever! One frosty morning, Kanan was outside of the Ghost practicing his lightsaber skills when he saw that Ezra was sitting alone on the loading ramp of the ship, looking at a very special book. Sensing that his student was a little bit upset, Kanan deactivated his lightsaber before he joined the boy on the ramp!

Kanan: Hey kiddo...

Ezra wiped away the tears that were threatening to fall from his Sapphire eyes when he sees Kanan coming over to sit beside him.

Ezra: Hey Kanan...

Kanan: So... What are you looking at?

Ezra barely manages to hold back a sob before handing his special book to Kanan. Kanan takes it and sees what picture is making Ezra cry. He sees a beautiful blue picture with silver candles lit with green and yellow lights. The picture has silver star decorations over it along with blue paint, shining in blue sparkles. Kanan is shocked as he reads the silver writing. (AN: See the picture above in case you don't understand.)

Kanan: Happy Hanukkah... Wait, you and your siblings used to celebrate this holiday when you were little?

Ezra smiles softly, but almost a little bittersweetly...

Ezra: Yeah... After my adoptive parents were taken away from us almost eight years ago, Kaitis and Eldra were all I had left in my life... Even though she was torn from losing both her Master and her parents, Eldra still wanted to celebrate it with her only little adoptive brother! Sure,  it was only me, her, and Kaitis... But, it was our family! Like I said it happened a while ago so I, uh...

Kanan looks at him in shock, causing him to finish the sentence sadly and was filled with guilt.

Ezra: Didn't want to bring it up... She always wanted to make sure that I never gave up hope, saying that was the greatest lesson that my birth Father and your own Master ever taught her as a kid, Kanan... It's nice. But, this year, I-I'm not with her, and... Kaitis hates me because he blames my birth and Anakin for what happened to the Jedi Order and his Master... And when I heard about the problem with your own Master knowing that my former brother and sister weren't the only ones who lost a mentor the night that I was born, I don't know... (Starts to tear up at the fact that they both lost someone that night, before bowing his head in shame...) Maybe I was jealous or, just, needed a distraction! I was dumb. I'm sorry!

Kanan is about to console as Ezra grabs the book away from him, silently crying as Kanan pulls him into a hug. Ezra sighs, before wiping his tears away just as Kanan helps him up to his feet.

Kanan: I'll tell you what, how about I bring you to a special place that me and my own Master used to go to when we used to celebrate Hanukkah together?

Ezra smiles before hugging his Master, confirming that as a yes. The boy runs off to get ready, leaving Kanan alone, happy that his student is able to heal a little bit after what happened with Kaitis... Later that evening, Kanan and Ezra had set up camp on the remote planet of Hoth. Even if it was a cold and icy planet, it wasn't as cold as it usually was! After setting up the tent, the two of them started to eat some of their Hanukkah food. They had Greek Honey Puffs, Cottage Cheese Noodle Kugel, Whole Grain Jewish Apple Cake, Egg-Free Vegan Matzo Ball Soup, Honey Wheat Raisin Challah, Stove-Top Applesauce, Cream of Artichoke Soup, and Lemon Poppy Seed Hamantaschen Cookies. After eating, Ezra was thrilled by the food that Kanan had made for Hanukkah!

Ezra: (Sighs) I don't think I've ever had that much food in my life!

Kanan: Me neither!

The both of them laugh as Ezra turns back to his special book, smiling bitterly but sweetly.

Ezra: You know, this is the first Hanukkah that I've actually joined or felt happiness in for... Almost 5 Years! Back before I had turned 10 Years old, things between me, Eldra, and even Kaitis were so different! Back when we lived alone on the streets, Hanukkah was our biggest holiday or adventure that we had almost every year! We'd suit up, face the unknown, search for the best place to watch the Festival of Lights on Lothal! Sure, it was just a childhood memory of seeing Celebration of Lights, but... It was ours!

Kanan smiles gently before placing a comforting hand on Ezra's shoulder, knowing that he will stand by Ezra no matter what happens in the future!

Kanan: The Empire rules with Fear, and not everyone in the Galaxy can be as strong and brave as you have been! I know that seeing Kaitis back at the Spiral after he had betrayed you and Eldra for the second time almost Five Years ago and left the both of you for dead if wasn't for Echo and Omega was a bit overwheming and to be completely honest... If it were me seeing Rogue Clones after I lost my Master or Sabine with her Family after they betrayed her at the Imperial Academy in your shoes, I can't say that either of us wouldn't be feeling the same way! But you becoming an actual Jedi Knight and learning the truth about what happened to your real Father is a long time away... But just know that when that time comes, no matter what you decide, I will be right here with you!

Ezra smiles with tears of joy, before embracing his Master!

Ezra: Thank you for making today's Hanukkah the best that I've had in years and for being there for me when I needed you the most...

Kanan: Hey, you've got it... I'll always be there for you, even when you don't want me to be!

As the two embraced, little did the two of them know how far Ezra's brother would go to get revenge on him, even if it meant hurting Kanan--The one person that Ezra trusted more than anyone else in the world, and someone who was once his closest friend during in his Youth before Order 66 had happened!

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