Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven: It's okay to cry.../Finding Peace!

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Later that night in hyperspace on the Ghost, Ezra was fast asleep in Kanan's room while the Jedi was gently humming a soft song to his Student to help him sleep, seeing how the kid had a long day!

I'm really going through hell by myself,
And I ain't getting no help...
I'm really trying to hold on,
But I don't know how much I have left!
I stare into the sky,
I wish that I could fly,
I'm finding it hard,
Now I've gotta be strong!

It's okay to cry,
Those tears will dry...
I'm finding my way out,
Just gotta be strong,
It's okay to cry,
Those tears will dry...

I'm not getting any luck when I move forward,
I end up stuck...
I'm finding it hard to keep going,
But somehow, I know I'll never give up!
I'll wipe those tears from my eyes,
In my mind I can fly,
I'm finding it hard,
Now I've gotta be strong!

It's okay to cry,
Those tears will dry...
I'm finding my way out,
Just gotta be strong,
It's okay to cry,
Those tears will dry...

I don't know if I can take it for much longer, 
Feels like I'm breaking...
I'll do my best to hold on...
And I'll stay strong!
I'm finding it hard now
I've gotta be strong
It's okay to cry,
Those tears will dry!

I'm finding my way out,
Just gotta be strong,
It's okay to cry,
Those tears will dry...

I'm finding it hard now,
I've gotta be strong
It's okay to cry ,
Those tears will dry...

I'm finding my way out,
Just gotta be strong,
It's okay to cry,
Those tears will dry...

Seeing his Padawan fast asleep, he remembered his conversation his Ezra earlier about how right he was about how he understood what the kid was going through about not knowing who his real parents were actually!

Kanan: Listen Ezra...

Ezra: Oh boy, there it is: Lecture Number Four Thousand Five Hundred Sixty, why you shouldn't let your feelings or your emotions cloud your judgement! I know Kanan, I know!

Kanan: No Lecture, kiddo... What I was actually going to say... Is that you were right back there on Garel!

Ezra: Wait? I was?

Kanan: Yeah... To completely fair, I never knew my Mother either, or my Father for the matter like you did!

Ezra: Oh! I'm so sorry... Who raised you?

Kanan: My Jedi Master Depa Billaba... I basically grew up on that Jedi Temple!

Ezra: That's why you're a Jedi Master! (Hits Kanan's shoulder with gentle fondness!)

Kanan: Ow! Like I asked, know-it-all!

Ezra Oh, shush!

Both: (Chuckling)

Kanan gently rubbed his fingers through Ezra's hair, as the kid saw his adoptive parents in a dream...

Ephraim: It's beautiful, isn't it, son?

Ezra: Yeah... So peaceful!

Ephraim: That is all going to change when the Empire arrives.

Ezra: But I don't want things to change.

Mira: They already have, Ezra... You have made us so proud!

Ephraim: You are going to need to stay strong... Can you do that, son? For us and your real parents? No matter what Kaitis does or says to you?

Ezra looked down his Family Locket, before bravely nodding his head yes!

Ezra: Yes, I can...

Ephraim: That's our brave little Jedi! Take care of our Daughter, Kanan, and the others for us... She and the others are great people! Tell Sabine to keep him in line when you or even Hera can't though!

Ezra: (Chuckles) Sure thing, Dad!

Ephraim: Blood or not, you are still Eldra's little brother, as well as mine and your Mother's little son of Hope for Lothal and the Jedi Order... And we will love you, no matter what path you choose!

Mira: Remember, Ezra... Without hope, we have nothing...

Just then, Ezra woke up as Kanan's voice got his attention, knowing that it'll be morning soon...

Kanan: Moons are setting... It'll be morning soon! (Sees that Ezra is shaken up by something!) You okay?

Ezra tries his best to explain what he saw to Kanan, even though he couldn't how it was even possible!

Ezra: I saw them, Kanan! My adoptive parents... They were right here... I can't explain how!

Kanan frowned before kneeling down to Ezra's Level, knowing why Ezra saw his adoptive parents!

Kanan: The Jedi teach that life doesn't cease at death, but merely changes form in the Force... Your parents are alive inside you, Ezra... They will be! Always...

Ezra smiled a little bit, before Kanan asked why the kid has been so quiet lately...

Kanan: You do have to admit, it's good to hear no Star Destroyers attacking us for a change, kiddo... (Sees that Ezra is quiet about something!) Why so quiet?

Ezra frowned, wanting to thank the Jedi for everything that he's done for him, knowing that Kanan was always there for him when he needed his Master the most!

Ezra: Thank you... For everything you've done for me... You're always there... When I need you most!

Kanan placed a gentle on the boy's face, realizing that was a vulnerable part of Ezra that the kid only left himself open to Kanan and the others... He pulled his student into a vulnerable hug, knowing that he knows what it is like to lose someone close and not have anyone and didn't want Ezra to be regardless of how this War turns out!

Kanan: Hey... I know what it's like to lose someone close and not have anyone... When I lost my Master, I was alone... Regardless of how this turns out, I didn't want you to be...

Ezra smiles before returning the gesture, knowing that he can always count on Kanan and the others to be there for him, even when he doesn't want them to be! Outside the door, Sabine overhears the whole conversation and smiled at the way how she was right about Kanan being able to help Ezra, knowing that some laying low time in the morning is exactly what everyone needs right now! 

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