Chapter Forty-Seven: Evacuation/Escape from Mustafar!

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In the main room, the officer reported to Tarkin about how bad the damage was, knowing that an evacuation was in order!

Imperial Officer: There's damage to the power core, the hyperdrive's overheating! We can't hold the ship... We need to evacuate, sir! For your safety, we need to leave now!

Tarkin frowns, knowing that the officer's right! In Bay 5, Hera, Sabine, and Zeb got into the TIE and were ready to leave! The only problem was, Ezra wasn't there!

Hera: Ezra, we're in the TIE! Where are you?

Ezra: On my way! Go!

Hera frowned, she and the others were not leaving without him and Kanan!

Hera: We are not leaving without you and Kanan!

Before the kid or Crosshair could reply to that, Kanan grabbed the comlink from Ezra before answering for him, much to Hera's, Sabine's, and Zeb's relief!

Kanan: Will you just listen to the kid? Don't worry, I've got him!

Ezra: You mean, I've got you!

Kanan: You take care of Zeb and Sabine, I'll get him out of here... Trust me!

Hera smiled as she steered the TIE out of Bay 5 as it began to destabilize! Unfortunately, the rest of the TIES were trying to shoot them down! Zeb knew that this wasn't good!

Zeb: We had to take the TIE that has a bull's-eye painted on it!

Hera started to contact Chopper, knowing that they need to get out of here and fast!

Hera: Spectre-3, we're gonna need to get out of here fast! Send a signal so we can link up for hyperspace! Do you read? 

But Chopper wasn't answering, much to Hera's worry!

Hera: Chopper's not answering...

Sabine and Zeb knew that this wasn't good! In the hanger Crosshair, Ezra, and Kanan saw that the Inquisitor's TIE was still there!

Kanan: The Inquisitor's TIE!

Ezra smirked, it's not like the former Jedi Hunter is gonna use it!

Ezra: Well, we know he's not gonna use it!

Kanan sighs, sometimes the kid worries him!

Kanan: (Sighs) You know what, kid? You worry me sometimes!

The three of them hopped inside the Gray TIE, as Kanan started it up and steered it out of the hanger! Back in Sabine's TIE, Zeb was upset that Chopper had abandoned them!

Zeb: I can't believe that bucket of bolts abandoned us!

Luckily, Kanan showed up and saved them!

Crosshair: Still showing off huh, former Commander?

Kanan smiles as Ezra responds that they got Hera's back!

Kanan: You know me, Crosshair!

Ezra: We got your back!

Sabine: Thanks... But without Chopper's transport, we're going nowhere fast!

But Chopper's missing transport was the least of their problems since they got more TIE fighters closing in!

Hera: We got TIEs closing in!

Ezra: How many?

Hera: Too many!

Zeb: We're in a bit of a tight spot.

Sabine: Yeah? Well, these things weren't built for three!

Zeb: I meant out there, not in here!

Hera: Trying to concentrate!

Crosshair winced before turning to the two Jedi, wondering if this kind of stuff always happens to them!

Crosshair: Does this kind of stuff always happen to you and Ezra in the Clone Wars and ever since the Empire took over?

Kanan: Everywhere we go!

Unfortunately, they found themselves cornered by all the TIE fighters, Zeb knew that was it, they are dead!

Zeb: Great! We're dead, we're dead! That's it! I'm dead, you're dead! Everybody's dead!

Ezra placed a proud hand on Kanan's shoulder, it was really nice getting to know all of them! If he has to go down fighting, then... He couldn't think of a better Jedi Master to go down fighting alongside with!

Ezra: I just want to say it was really nice getting to know all of you! Well... If I have to go down fighting, then... I couldn't think of a better Jedi Master to go down fighting alongside with!

Kanan smiles, grabbing Ezra's tiny hands in his own on the steering, feeling the exact same way about his Student!

Kanan: Right back at ya, kiddo...

As both TIES are about to be shot down, Hera, Zeb, and Sabine braced for impact while Crosshair winced, this is gonna hurt! Ezra shielded Kanan's arm, wanting to spend his possible last final moments protecting his Jedi friend! While steering the TIE, Kanan gently leaned into his student's touch, wanting the exact same thing! But before the Six of them could meet their possible end, a bunch of Rebel Ships jumped out of hyperspace and started firing at the enemy TIE Fighters, saving the Crew! Zeb, Sabine, and Hera reopened their eyes, seeing that Chopper's transport and the Ghost was with them!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Zeb: Chopper! You came back!

Ezra winced, as he, Crosshair, and Kanan reopened their eyes, confused who Eldra's new friends are!

Ezra: Who... Who is that?

Kanan smiled, knowing that they are on their side this time!

Kanan: I don't know, but I think they're on our side!

Hera smiles before telling the two Jedi to dock with Chopper's transport so that they can escape!

Hera: Kanan, Ezra, dock with Chopper's transport so we can make the jump into hyperspace!

Ezra smiles, that's the best order that he has heard all week!

Ezra: Now that's the best order from Hera that I've heard all week since you've been gone, Kanan!

Kanan laughs a little bit, couldn't have said it better himself!

Kanan: Couldn't have said it better myself, kid... Let's go home!

Both the TIE Fighters docked with the Transport, causing their ride home along with the Ghost, and all the other Rebel Ships to make the jump into the hyperspace! Ezra sighed with relief as Kanan placed a comforting hand on the kid's shoulder!

Kanan: Sorry, Ezra... I know I promised you'd never have to face Kaitis alone again without me there to help you...

Ezra: You did the same for me... 

Crosshair smirks, when the kid sets his mind to something just like his Master does, Ezra is kind of frightening!

Crosshair: Heh! When you set your mind to something like your Padawan does Kanan, you and Ezra are both kind of frightening!

Ezra and Kanan both smirked at each other, Crosshair doesn't know the half of it! 

Both: (Laughs while smiling with relief) You don't know the half of it!

On his evacuation Ship, Tarkin watched along with Kaitis with the Imperial Officer in charge of the evacuation as Ezra and the others escaped!

Imperial Officer: The rebels have escaped, sir!

Tarkin glared at the escaping ships, while Kaitis turned away, knowing that things between him and Ezra will never be the same again after today!

Kaitis: I'll find you, Eldra, Kanan, and Lady Tano, Ezra Skywalker... Wherever you are!

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