Chapter Seventy-Six: Kanan talks to Ezra about Order 66!/More Inquisitors?

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Far off in the forest of Saleucami, Kanan was taking a walk to calm down from Tech's comment that had made him upset earlier...

Wrecker: So, Commander, what kind of "suicide mission" do you have for us this time?

Crosshair: This isn't a demo job, Wrecker! It's strictly a retrieval operation...

Wrecker: What?! I can handle it!

Tech: Yeah, like Hunter asked you to handle the Regs back on Kaller while Hunter and Crosshair tried to help the Padawan escape and to make sure that nothing happens to him! What is your friend's issue, kid?

Kanan flinched, remembering how he was too blinded by his sorrow and anger for what Styles and Gray did to his Master to listen to Hunter! Ezra frowned at seeing his Jedi friend upset, knowing that Tech probably brought a sore subject for him without even comprehending Kanan's reaction! Hunter and Omega figured out the same thing, oh boy, were all three of them mad!

Omega and Hunter: How is that helping Tech?!

Ezra: TECH!!!

Upset at the way Tech hurt his feelings, Kanan tossed away his lightsaber into Tech's hands! Ezra and Hunter saw that Kanan was upset before the Leader handed the lightsaber to the young boy! The Jedi turned to leave, as Ezra reached a worried hand out towards him...

Ezra: Kanan...

Kanan gently turned away, he didn't feel like discussing it right now!

Kanan: I want to be alone!

Kanan sighed, wishing that he wasn't still haunted by what happened... Nearby while he was walking with Omega and Hunter, Ezra remembered when Eldra told him about what happened when she thought that she had lost her Master on the night of Order 66 before she and Kaitis came home and had adopted him, even when her own brother didn't feel like discussing his experience with Order 66...

Young Kaitis: You weren't there... You weren't even born!

Young Eldra: How is that helping, Kaitis?!

Young Ezra: What are you talking about?

Young Kaitis: I don't feel like discussing it...

Young Eldra: No! N-no, Ezra... You were right! I have been keeping something from you! Even if Kaitis refuses to talk about it with you, you at least deserve the truth about my experience with Order 66!

Young Ezra: Tell me what happened...

Young Eldra: Okay...(Sighs) It was at the end, the end of the war... Our fellow soldiers, the clones, the ones we Jedi fought side by side with, suddenly turned and betrayed us!

Ezra saw the unhappy look on Eldra's face, knowing that's why all the Jedi are gone!

Young Ezra: (Sighs) Eldra...

Young Eldra: I... I-I watched them kill my master, he fought along beside them for years, and they gunned him down in a second! And then came for me and my friends... Later they said they had chips in their heads that made them do it! Said they had no choice... (Sighs) Even after I escaped to return home to Mom, Kaitis, and Dad on Lothal before Obi-Wan gave you to us so that we could protect you from the Empire, it still haunts me...

Ezra frowned, feeling terrible for the pain and suffering that his older adoptive sister had to go through!

Young Ezra: I'm sorry...

As the memory of the little boy comforting Eldra fades away from his mind, Ezra stopped walking... Hunter placed a worried hand over the kid's shoulder, seeing that the kid was concerned about his Mentor!

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