Chapter One Hundred and Eighty-Three: Left behind... /Meet AP-5!

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Defying Hera's orders to stay away from the leg, Chopper went over to the Ugnaught Merchant, who saw that the little Droid was interested in the Droid Leg!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ugnaught Merchant: Ah! I see someone's interested in a new strut... One that matches!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ugnaught Merchant: Don't worry... I won't charge you an arm and a leg for it!

Meanwhile, the other Rebels had approached the fuel depot and found out that it was heavily guarded, just like Kanan said!

Sabine: Kanan was right... There's more security than ever!

Zeb: We can't afford to leave without getting what we came for...

Ezra shushed them to be quiet before both he and Hera spotted the Fuel!

Ezra: Shush! There's the fuel...

Hera: Let's get it...

Kanan agreed, but only if they did it quietly this time without any complications!

Kanan: Okay, but we do it quietly this time! No complications... 

Hera rolled her eyes at that, sure!

Hera: Sure!

Back at the nearby stall, the Merchant was telling Chopper that he could look, as long as he keeps his manipulators off the merchandise unless he's buying anything!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ugnaught Merchant: You can look, but keep your manipulators off the merchandise unless you're buying!

Chopper asked if the Leg was stolen, to which the Merchant denied immediately! 

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ugnaught Merchant: Stolen? No! Some of my treasures may be unregistered, yes, but it's not important where it comes from... It is the quality that matters!

Suddenly, the both of them heard a noise that sounded like blaster fire from the Imperial port! Turning his head away from the noise, the Merchant asked if Chopper was gonna buy the leg or not!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ugnaught Merchant: Hmm... Sounds like trouble at the Imperial port! Now, are you gonna buy the leg or what?

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ugnaught Merchant: 500... Do you want it or not?

But when the Merchant found out about Credits, he told Chopper to get lost!

Ugnaught Merchant: Credits? What do I look like, a Senator? Where's your owner anyway? 

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ugnaught Merchant: Independent? A droid? You mean you're broke... Go on! Get out of here! You're wasting my time!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

But when the Merchant turns away to talk to one of the Stormtroopers, Chopper steals the leg when he is not looking and tries to flee back to the Ghost!

Stormtrooper 1: Greetings, fine sir... I see you have a taste for quality motivator plugs!

Unfortunately, Chopper was spotted by the Merchant who noticed that the Leg was gone!

Ugnaught Merchant: Wait! Where's that leg?

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ugnaught Merchant: Hey! I've been robbed! Stop, thief!

Chopper: Uh-oh!

Ugnaught Merchant: Hey, trooper, sir... That droid with the orange crop top is a thief! He just stole a leg from me!

Stormtrooper 1: There's been a rebel heist... Could be connected... I'll call it in!

But while Chopper was being chased by several Stormtroopers, his Five Rebel friends had made it back to the Ghost with the supplies and had left Chopper behind! Seeing that he was left alone on Horizon Base, Chopper quickly ran inside a nearby departing Class four container transport to avoid his Imperial pursuers! After the transport left Horizon Base, the Stormtroopers saw that Chopper was gone!

Stormtrooper 1: Where'd he go?!

Aboard the transport, Chopper hid in one of the hatches! Meanwhile, the Cargo Deck Officer was talking to the Imperial Captain and the Droid AP-5, saying that they were all clear, and to keep a watch out for possible Rebel stowaways!

Cargo Deck Officer: Cargo transport 241, you are all clear! 

AP-5: This way...

Cargo Deck Officer: Keep watch for possible stowaways! There was a report of more rebels on the platform before we took off...

The Imperial Officer rolled his eyes, that's the third time this rotation already! 

Imperial Officer: Rebels again? That's the third time this rotation!

However, as the Deck Officer left, AP-5 told the Captain that the nav computer was off-calculated by .002!

AP-5: Captain... The nav computer is off-calculation by .002!

But the Captain didn't really care, he couldn't wait until the replacement got here!

Imperial Officer: You're an inventory droid, not a navigator, you old clanker! Go log the manifest! I can't wait until your replacement gets here...

But as AP-5 tries to explain his programming, the Captain tells him to go log the manifest again so that they can shuffle him off to the scrap heap!

AP-5: It is against my programming protocol to allow this Imperial vessel or its cargo to be late for its scheduled deliveries... 

Imperial Officer: After you program it, we're gonna shuffle you off to the scrap heap... Now get outta here, and go log the manifest!

AP-5 did what he was told reluctantly, knowing that some people these days just don't care about what happens to old Clone War Droids... Or so he thought!

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