Chapter One Hundred and Three: Meeting the Seventh Sister.../A rescue mission!

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On the special Star Destroyer in a cell, Ezra tried to reassure Sato that he will get them out of this!

Ezra: Don't worry, Commander... I'll get us out of this! I've been captured many times...

Commander Sato: You're not putting my mind at ease.

Ezra: Well, I've escaped a lot too...

Minister Tua: Uh, Obviously?

Suddenly, the Admiral of the ship opened the cell door! Ezra now knew that this whole thing was a trap!

Admiral Titus: Rebels... Out here searching for your missing patrol, I assume!

Commander Sato: We are members of the Corporate Alliance... You have taken possession of my ships illegally, and I demand you release us!

Titus rolled his eyes, knowing that the Commander is in no position to demand anything!

Admiral Titus: You are in a position to demand nothing, Commander Sato...

Ezra and Sato winced, hearing that the Admiral knows the Commander's name!

Admiral Titus: Ah, yes. I am familiar with your activities in this sector... I suspected if we captured even one rebel ship, others would race to the rescue... But I dared not hope we'd capture someone as significant as you... Not to mention the former Minister of Lothal would be with you!

Minister Tua rolled her eyes, pretending to be flattered by that compliment!

Minister Tua: (Scoffs) I'm flattered!

Admiral then turned to Ezra, confused who the young man was!

Admiral Titus: And what would your name be, young man?

Ezra rolled his eyes, before giving a sarcastic remark!

Ezra: Jabba the Hutt, who the heck do you think it is?!

The Admiral knows the face of Anakin's youngest son when he sees one!

Admiral Titus: Indeed... You are a tad small for a Hutt, but I know someone else that goes by the name Jabba... Ezra Skywalker! Little Jedi warrior, so proud... And tough!

Ezra glares at Titus holding his chin tightly, who is pretending to be flattered by the Admiral's niceness!

Admiral Titus: I imagine Agent Kallus will be quite pleased to hear you have joined us...

The two Storm Troopers held Ezra where he was, warning Titus to not touch the boy!

Storm Trooper 1: Sir, with all due respect, but you're not allowed to touch him!

Admiral Titus: And why is that?

Storm Trooper 2: Lord Vader's orders, he says those he doesn't trust aren't allowed to touch him in any way!

Ezra flinched as two stormtroopers held the kid where he was, securing him in place! Suddenly, two other voices answered behind the Admiral!

Kaitis: Quite so...

Seventh Sister: So you're the one that they call Ezra? The destruction that you and your crew caused on Lothal got my attention! Kaitis and Agent Kallus have been telling me so very much about you... I honestly don't see what all the fuss is about!

Ezra frowned, nice to see the new female Inquisitor and Kaitis too!

Ezra: (Scoffs) Nice to see you and Kaitis too, Seventh Sister!

Seventh Sister: Secure them in a more guarded cell! Admiral, you go talk to Kallus! Me and Kaitis will deal with Ezra, alone! You may talk to him later but youare not allowed to touch a hair on his head, is that clear?!

Admiral Titus: Very well, Seventh Sister!

The stormtroopers led Sato and others away from Ezra, while the rest of them led the boy with Kaitis and the Seventh Sister to a different cell as well! The female Inquisitor gently rubbed her hand against Ezra's cheek, she is going to enjoy this!

Seventh Sister: My pet told me you were here... I've been searching for you for some time! You and I are gonna have a talk... And if you're good, maybe some of your friends will survive!

Ezra gulped nervously, knowing that is gonna be most unpleasant! Meanwhile back on Garel, Rex was fiddling with his blaster! Just then, Kanan came in! Hera told Rex about Ezra and the others before the Jedi told Rex that this wasn't his idea!

Kanan: Look, for the record, this wasn't my idea!

Rex sighed, Kanan just has to play it cool and they'll be fine!

Captain Rex: Just try to act like a professional...

Kanan knew Rex's chip was removed years ago when Ezra was just a baby, but was concerned that Rex would forgot whose side he's on once they're in there!

Kanan: What if you get in there and forget whose side you're on?

Rex rolled his eyes as he puts his blaster away, disgusted by the thought of being on the Empire's side or wearing their junk armor!

Captain Rex: I would never be on their side or wear their junk armor!

Just then, Zeb came in with some junk armor disguises for them to wear!

Zeb: Here are your disguises.

Captain Rex: (Groans)

Kanan: Perfect... One of us just had to say something, didn't they?!

Rex shook his head, well he didn't know!

Captain Rex: Well, I didn't know!

A little while later, the two of them were still adjusting to the old Imperial armor!

Captain Rex: This garbage is nothing like clone armor!

Kanan: Looks a little tight on you, old man!

Captain Rex: Yeah? Well, at least I know how to wear it!

Hera: Kanan, Rex! Once you're in, signal me, and I'll come in with Phoenix Squadron to blast you all out!

Although that probably wouldn't happen, Rex was confused on how they were getting in anyway!

Captain Rex: And how are we getting in anyway?

Zeb: Chopper and Sabine are taking care of that problem!

Sabine found a Imperial Shuttle that they could use from the same troopers that Zeb knocked out earlier!


(Steam Hisses)

Kanan looked at the shuttle, how was it that the Empire lets them keep stealing these things!

Kanan: How is it the Empire lets us keep stealing these things?

Sabine: Oh. I thought it was the same one we used before! Also, Chopper's going with you!

The little droid appears behind her, covered in a red and black paint job! Omega and Crosshair were impressed, nice one!

Sabine: It's the only way he can go with you guys without the Empire knowing the difference!

Crosshair: Not bad!

Omega: Nice work, Sabine!

Sabine: Why, thank you! (Giggles) 

Rex and Kanan looked at each other, hoping that they can put aside their differences long enough to rescue Ezra and the others!

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