Chapter Eighty-Three: Something's not right.../Azmorigan stuns Ezra!

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After jumping out of Hyperspace, Ezra explained the mission to Omega and Chopper, since the little Droid was more stubborn than she was!

Ezra: Okay, look, someone's in distress, and if there's one thing I've learned from Kanan, it's that we help people in distress!

Omega: Well, let's go see what fine mess Vizago has got himself into now!

Kanan and Ezra: (Chuckling)

Ezra: Besides, I owe him a favor, and this could square us!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Kanan: What? I know how to fly!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: No, I'm not running away from my problems... I am simply helping someone with their problems! (Sighs) Like I told you guys, there's a difference!

The Phantom lands on Dantooine, causing them to get a better look at Vizago's ship!

Omega: That's Vizago's ship?

Ezra: The Broken Horn...

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Kanan: That's Vizago's ship, all right!

Omega: I wonder what happened...

Kanan presses a button on one of the Phantom's comm systems, trying to contact Vizago!

Kanan: Vizago! Cikatro Vizago, do you read me?

Kanan frowned at the others, knowing that something is wrong if Vizago wasn't answering his comm!

Kanan: Vizago's not answering, he always answers!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: Well, of course, we're going to board the ship!

Omega and Kanan agreed, knowing that it is the only reason why Vizago wouldn't answer his comms!

Omega: Vizago must be in trouble, we have to find him and help him!

Kanan: Yeah! I mean, why else wouldn't he answer his comm?

Chopper sighed in droid language, knowing that this has bad idea written all over it!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

On the Broken Horn, the four of them checked the comm system!

Kanan: They're shut off... That's never happened with Vizago before!

Omega: Something is definitely not right!

Luckily, Ezra and Chopper managed to hack into the ship's computer security systems and found that they have much bigger problems to worry about!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: I think we have much bigger problems to worry about right now, guys! Look at what me and Chopper found!

The two of them look at what Ezra and Chopper have found and it is not good! Two Smugglers were arguing over some five crates of power generators!

Hondo: Allow me to introduce myself... I am Hondo Ohnaka, proud owner of this fine but currently inoperative vessel!

Azmorigan: Where's Vizago? This is his ship!

Hondo: Ah, you know Vizago? Well, then we have a mutual friend... Yes, it was his ship! But we were enjoying a friendly game of sabacc and... Well, now it is my ship!

Azmorigan: Vizago bet his ship?

Hondo: Right after his droids, which are now also mine!

Ezra knows that he and the others need to check this out!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: Well, the good news is that we found the Commander's power generators!

Omega: Yes!

Kanan: The bad news is that we need to do something about those two!

Ezra nods, before deciding that they should split up!

Ezra: Alright we should split up, we'll cover more ground that way! Omega, you go with Kanan and find out if this Hondo person is lying or not about where Vizago is right now! Chopper, you're with me! But keep your comlinks on, that way if one of us is in trouble we'll be able to tell!

Choppe: (Chopper Beeping)

Omega and Kanan nod, before the two of them rush off to keep an eye on the Pirates from a distance! Kanan looks at Omega before admitting that he takes mostly after Hera sometimes!

Kanan: He takes mostly after Hera sometimes!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Ezra: I heard that!

In the main hold of the Broken Ship, Ezra and Chopper listened to the conversation between the two Smugglers!

Hondo: Uh, just a thought, but why don't we just call it even and go through with the original deal? Sounds good, yes?

Azmorigan: I appreciate your offer, humbly, but I don't think you're gonna be around to collect... 

Azmorigan, take the fruits of our labor if you must... That I understand! But this? Is it necessary?

Azmorigan: Oh, yes... You see, the Rang Clan has a nice bounty on your head... I'll collect on these generators and make an additional profit from your death!

Hondo: Your business plan is impressive...

Azmorigan: Of course, it is... It's mine!

Ezra and Chopper knew that this can't be good, trying to stay out of sight!

Ezra: Not good, we have to do something!

Unfortunately, Hondo and Azmorigan noticed him and his Droid from their hiding place!

Hondo: Uh... Who is that?

Azmorigan: Hey. Hey! I know you... From somewhere... Tarkintown's farm on Lothal! Droids, seize him! Have your blasters set to stun!

Ezra frowned, this is not good!

Ezra: Chopper, get out of here! I'll buy you some time so you can help the others!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Chopper rolled away and out of sight, just in time for the Droids to start shooting at the kid! Thinking fast, Ezra quickly pulled out his twin lightsabers and activated them, before he started deflecting the stun shots back at the droids! Hondo was shocked, considering it had been years since he had last seen a Jedi!

Hondo: Oh...

Ezra deflected all the stun shots, remembering Ahsoka's rough training from earlier! But just then, Azmorigan pulled out his blaster, causing Hondo to warm the kid!

Hondo: Kid, watch out!

Ezra hears him and tries to deflect Azmorigan's stun shots as much as he can, but his spare lightsaber was knocked out of his hand by the droids, causing Azmorigan to blast his custom-built lightsaber out of his hand!

Ezra: (Groans) Blast it!

Azmorigan: And that's the least of your problems!

Azmorigan stuns Ezra, knocking him out cold on the ground!

Azmorigan: Droids, take these two to another cell! We'll discuss business when the little Jedi kid wakes up! 

Droid: Yes sir, come with us Ohnaka!

The Droids essorted Hondo to his cell, while Azmorigan carried the unconscious Ezra on his shoulders evilly, knowing that will be fun!

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