Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six: Escaping Garel.../A change of plans!

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Meanwhile, Hera was asking where her comm was!

Hera: Sabine, where's my comm?

Sabine: Almost got it!

Sabine finally gets it working, causing Hera to contact the rest of Phoenix Squadron about some good news!

Hera: Hangar 16 has fallen! Phoenix Squadron, report! Ghost to Liberator! Give me some good news!

Rex and Minister read her, knowing that Fleet's gonna launch, it has to be now and they need her and the rest of her Crew to be ready!

Captain Rex: We read you, Hera... If the fleet's gonna launch, it's gotta be now!

Minister Tua: We are employing escape plan delta, Captain Syndulla! Are you ready?

Suddenly, Sabine and Hera see that Ezra, Zeb, Kanan, and Chopper are back now!

Sabine: They're back! Let's go!

Hera nods, before telling the Commander that it's time to go now!

Hera: This is Phoenix Leader... All ships, angle deflector shields and follow my lead!

Commander Sato: Copy that, Captain Syndulla!

On the Star Destroyer, Kaitis and his Inquisitor Siblings have arrived, they and the Admiral have noticed that several Rebel Ships are trying to escape!

Kaitis: Admiral, several rebel ships have launched!

Admiral: Prepare tractor beam!

Hera and Kanan ordered Ezra and the others to get onto the Ghost, time for everyone to go!

Hera: Zeb, get on the gun!

Zeb: On my way!

Kanan: Come on, kid! We gotta go! You too, Chopper!

By the time everyone got on and the Ghost had started to leave the planet, Kaitis told the Admiral to target the Command Ship!

Kaitis: Target their command ship!

Rex saw that they were trapped before telling Hera the bad news, who decided to go back for Tua, him, and Sato!

Captain Rex: They've slinged us in a tractor beam!

Hera: Kanan, I'm going back for Sato, Rex, and the others! Hang on!

Ezra holds onto his seat in the nose gun while Kanan does his best to reassure him, he hates it when she says that!

Ezra: I hate it when she says that!

Kanan: Don't worry... She was looking after everyone long before you and I came along!

Ezra: (Sighs) That is so reassuring!

Luckily, Sabine gives Hera a suggestion!

Hera: Don't worry, boys... 

Sabine: And this is not escaping... This is attacking! I'm open to suggestions! 

Sabine: I've got an idea! But it means getting close to that Star Destroyer... We can use the torpedoes to take out the tractor beam!

Ezra and Hera both seem shocked at that, they can do that?!

Ezra: Wait, can we do that?!

Hera: We're gonna find out!

Zeb sighed, hoping that the two girls know what they doing up there!

Zeb: Oh, boy...

In space, the Admiral saw what Hera was planning but Kaitis was not worried about it at all!

Admiral Konstantine: Sir, a second rebel ship is attacking our flank.

Kaitis: Let the fighters deal with it... Keep your focus on capturing the Command Ship!

Finally, Minister Tua saw that their help has arrived!

Hera: Commander Sato, we're going to break you free from the tractor beam.

Minister Tua: Phoenix Leader, I gave you a direct order to retreat!

But Sabine knew that she wasn't taking no for an answer this time!

Sabine: Just be ready to hit your thrusters!

Hera focused on her timing while Zeb got nervous!

Hera: Almost got it. Almost got it!

Zeb: Don't got it! Don't got it!

Hera: I'll get it!

Zeb: What are you doing? What are you doing?

Sabine: Did we get it?

Finally, the smoke cleared up, seeing that they did get it, freeing the Command Ship from the Tractor Beam!

Hera: We got it!

Minister Tua: Commander, we're free! Get us out of here, now!

As everyone made the jump to hyperspace, Sabine asked where they should rendezvous now!

Sabine: So, where are we rendezvousing with the fleet next?

Hera smiled, she and one of her agents has an idea where they can lay low for right now!

Hera: I have an idea of where we can low laid for right now...

As the Ghost and the other Rebel Ships escaped from Garel, Kaitis watched in frustration as Ezra escaped as well!

Kaitis: (Grunts) They got away again!

Lieutenant Lyste: We need back-up! Call Kallus!

Kaitis: Oh, sure, pal! And you wanna tell 'im what just happened?! That they got away again?! Go ahead!

Lieutenant Lyste: Good point...

Kaitis: Let's just pretend this never happened...

Lieutenant Lyste: What? 

Kaitis: Exactly!

While the Admiral dealt with Lyste's punishment of letting them get away again, Kaitis frowned, knowing that it's time to target some of Sabine's people now instead of Ezra's!

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