Chapter One Hundred and Eighty: Mixed Feelings.../Ezra regains Hope!

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After claiming the Jedi Temple, Kaitis was returning to his quarters, when he passed by Admiral Konstantine, barely noticing the Admiral at all! As the Young Jedi Hunter returned to his Cabin, Konstantine looked at the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister who simply just shrugged, both confused at Kaitis's strange behaviour as much as he was!

Both: Hmm!

After reentering his Cabin, Kaitis walked sadly over to Bed, before he flung himself onto it, nightmares of guilt pouring into his mind without end, especially since Eldra's not the one he needs to apologize to right now!

Force Vision Eldra: Didn't you think it was strange how Ezra suddenly wasn't able to talk to you about the Force anymore?! Even if Sidious lied to you and hid the facts, remember like Anakin is still his Father, you're still his Adoptive Brother!

Force Vision Kaitis: I'm so...sorry...

Force Vision Eldra: I'm not the one to apologize to!

Kaitis: (Crying) What if that's the last time that me, Eldra, and Ezra ever actually talked? Why didn't I say the Truth sooner rather than later rather keeping it all bottled up inside of me...

In her room on Ahsoka's Ship, Eldra wished that Kaitis could have told her the Truth earlier instead of always shutting her and the rest of her family and especially out!

When we first met,
Your heart was free...
Your hopeful eyes,
Saw only me...
Now you're looking for something,
Something I can never be!
When you are really,
All I need...
You keep on telling me "Later,"
But "Later" never comes around...
Please, stop telling me "Later,"
As you search for what just can't be found!
Take my hand...
Come with me now,
And we'll fly free!
No more "Later,"
We both know that's a lie!
Don't let this be the day I say...

When you met her,
You were set free...
Her love for you,
Was plain to see...
You kept looking for something,
A measure of security!
But she was really,
All you'd need...
You kept on telling her "Later,"
But "Later" never comes around...
Please, stop telling her "Later,"
Stop searching for what can't be found...
Take her hand!
Go with her now,
And you'll fly free...
No more "Later,"
We both know that's a lie!
This will be the day she says...


Kaitis and Eldra both frowned, knowing that things would never be the same again now... Back on the Ghost, Ezra was crying all alone in his Cabin, knowing that Zeb had left him to be alone right now... Ezra softly clutched his Family Locket to his Chest, knowing that even if Anakin made the wrong choice, Kaitis was much to blame for his and his Mother's death as his former Adoptive believed that he was!

Force Vision Kaitis: There he was, winning Duel after Duel until he loses one battle and gives it all up! Just like that! He should've been bitter... But no! Instead, he was always smiling... Always happy... I'll never understand it! I'm not Ezra... I won't do what he did, and I will not make the same pathetic mistakes!

Force Vision Ezra: I never meant for any of this to happen...

Force Vision Kaitis: Liar!

Force Vision Ezra: I don't care if you believe me... Kanan and Ahsoka both did... But like with her, Padme, and Anakin during her Trial before she left the Order, you didn't trust them! That's why we're here... Do whatever you want, but you're as much to blame for both Padme's Death and Anakin's suffering as I am...

Lost in the darkness, hoping for a sign...
Instead, there is only silence...
Can't you hear my screams?
Never stop hoping,
Need to know where you are...
But one thing is for sure,
You're always in my heart!

I'll find you somewhere...
I'll keep on trying, until my dying day!
I just need to know whatever has happened...
The truth will free my soul!

Lost in the darkness, try to find your way home...
I want to embrace you and never let you go!
Almost hope you're in heaven,
So no one can hurt your soul...
Living in agony, cause I just do not know...
Where you are!

I'll find you somewhere...
I'll keep on trying until my dying day!
I just need to know whatever has happened...
The truth will free my soul!

Wherever you are, I won't stop searching!
Whatever it takes, I need to know...

I'll find you somewhere...
I'll keep on trying until my dying day!
I just need to know whatever has happened...
The truth will free my soul!!!!

Just then, Ezra heard a gentle knock on his Cabin Door... He could tell that it was Kanan since he always knocked gently on the Door whether his Student was upset about something in the Past! Wiping away the tears from his eyes, Ezra told his Master that he could come in...

Ezra: Come in...

Kanan gently opens the door, before joining his Student on his bed... He could tell that Ezra was still shaken by what happened to him after he had learned the Truth about his Parents!

Kanan: Hey, kiddo...

Ezra: Hey, Master...

Kanan: How are you feeling?

Ezra: Yeah, great... Really, really great!

Kanan: Been thinking about your parents again?

Ezra: (Sighs) Yeah... What am I supposed to do the next time I see him, Kanan?! If Obi-Wan or my own Mother couldn't reach him, how can I...

Kanan saw the unhappy look on his student's face before he placed a reassuring hand on Ezra's shoulder, explaining that he still believed in the kid even if Vader was his Father!

Kanan: You and Ahsoka are the only ones who understand what it's like to be him at his age... There's still light in him, and you know it! Your Mother did, even in her final moments... (Sighs) You're right earlier... I can't protect you forever... Not even from yourself! All I can do is what I've done, train you the best I could... And it doesn't matter to me or the others that you're the Son of a Sith Lord, you're still a part of our Family, a Family Member that is not going anywhere, Ezra! Whether you like it or not, you're still stuck with us for the long run! Got it?

Ezra looked down at his Secret Family Locket, imaging his Parent's voices as well as his Twin Sibling's voices for the first time in almost 17 years...

Anakin(V.O): Happy Birthday, to our wonderful son...

Padme(V.O.): You fill our lives with joy!

Luke and Leia(V.O.): Don't ever change the way you are!

All Four(V.O.): Your beautiful, sixteen-year-old boy...

Ezra nodded bravely before Kanan brought the kid in for a comforting hug, vowing that he would prove his Mother right!

Ezra: (Nods bravely but Tearfully!)

Kanan: That's a good Jedi!

While the two of them shared a comforting hug, Eldra smiled bittersweetly at the Two of them... Just like Kanan, Eldra would always be there for Ezra no matter what, even when he doesn't want them to be...

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