Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Four: Ambush!/Shot to pieces!

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Soon, Hera had changed into a new Pilot outfit and was in her own ship and just exited the hyperspace jump to Concord Dawn! Hera saw how rough Concord Dawn has been the War!

Hera: So, that's Concord Dawn... Sure looks like it's been through a war!

Sabine chuckled from her own ship, more like a hundred wars... One thing is for sure, her people don't need a reason to pick a fight!

Sabine: (Chuckles) This system has endured more than a hundred wars... My people don't need a reason to pick a fight!

Just then, Phoenix-3 soon noticed that they've got some visitor ships approaching!

Phoenix-3: Phoenix Squadron, we have visitors!

Hera warned everyone to be on guard if in case things go wrong!

Hera: Everybody, stay sharp!

A hologram came up in her ship's computer, revealing Fenn Rau, who had his helmet on and was Captain of the Protectors answers Hera, demanding that she and the others identify themselves since they're trespassing!

Fenn Rau(Over the Comlink): Attention, unregistered ships! This is Fenn Rau, Protector of Concord Dawn! You are trespassing... Identify yourselves!

Hera: We come in peace, Protector!

Fenn Rau(Over the Comlink): Peace? (Chuckles) That's not a word I hear often... State your mission!

Hera: We request safe passage through your system!

Fenn Rau(Over the Comlink): Well, that depends... Who is asking?

Hera: Those who would stand with Concord Dawn against the Empire...

But after Hera said that, the tone in Rau's voice became very cold and bitter, which Hera did not like at all!

Fenn Rau: So you're the rebels I've heard about... How unfortunate for you!

Hera(Over Comlink): You haven't heard what we have to say...

Fenn Rau: I don't need to... Out here, I act in the name of the Empire!

As he ordered his Protectors to engage Phoenix Squadron, Hera tried to stop him!

Hera: Hold on, Protector!

But Rau wasn't listening as his weapons were already blasting the Phoenix Pilots to pieces and bits already!

(Weapons Firing)

Phoenix-3: I'm hit!


Sabine saw that they were losing Pilots fast, knowing that the Protectors weren't interested in talking!

Sabine: (Over The Comlink): Hera, what do we do? What do we do?

(Weapons Firing)

Sabine: I don't think they're interested in talking, Hera!

Hera knew that she was right, before asking everyone to take evasive action as they were locking onto more of their Pilots!

(Alarm Beeping)

Hera: Phoenix Squadron, take evasive action!

Sabine and the others did their best to avoid the fire coming from Rau and the Protectors, but they were too fast and the only Pilots that remained other than Hera were Phoenix-2, and Sabine! Hera knew that they need to get out of here and fast!

(Weapons Continue Firing)


Phoenix-5: (Screams)

Hera: Spectre-5, Phoenix-2, get out of here!

But Phoenix-2 knew that they couldn't since there was way too much fire for him to get an opening to make the jump to hyperspace!

Phoenix-2: There's too much fire... I can't get an opening!

Sabine knew that he was right, if they make any attempt to jump, then they'll be cut to pieces for sure!

Sabine: He's right... If we attempt to jump, we'll be cut to pieces!

Hera sighed, knowing that they are right before telling them where to head so that she can get their opening for them!

Hera: (Sighs) Good point... Then go to heading point 257... I'll get your opening!

Sabine seemed concerned for her, wondering what Hera is up to while the Pilot told her to just do what she's told!

Sabine: What about you?

Hera:(Over The Comlink): Just follow orders, Sabine... Trust me, I have a plan!

Sabine sighed with irritation, hoping that Hera knows what she is doing right now!

Sabine: (Groans) Roger that... But you better know what you're doing!

As she and Phoenix-2 made their way over to heading point 257, Hera smirked as she saw that Rau was taking the bait!

Hera: That's it, Protector... Follow me!

Rau however, was confused at what the young Pilot that he was trying to shoot to pieces was up to!

Fenn Rau: What are you up to?

But Sabine asked The Pilot where the opening was, knowing that they didn't have all day for this!

Sabine: Hera, where's that opening?

Luckily, Hera got it while saving Phoenix-2 from being blasted, much to his relief as he got the coordinates for their hyperspace jump!

Hera: Prepare to jump!


Phoenix-2: Coordinates set... Thanks, Phoenix Leader!

But he was shot to pieces before he could escape, urging Hera to tell Sabine to get going now before she's next!

Hera: Get going, Sabine!

Sabine refused, not without Hera! The Phoenix Lead just told her firmly but gently told her to just get going already, saying that she'll be right behind Sabine!

Sabine: Not without you!

Hera:(Over The Comlink): Just go! I'll be right behind you!

Sabine does so, and Hera is about to jump as well when Rau shoots her ship as well!

Fenn Rau: Close ranks!

(Weapons Firing)

The good news is that Hera makes the jump to lightspeed, but the bad news is that Rau's shot hits the engine of Hera's ship!

Hera: (Grunts)

The worse news is that Hera's engine is flaming up with flames, causing Hera to be knocked out and causes her ship to explode! It is still functioning, but like Hera's condition, who knows how long she or her ship can function or survive much longer without any proper treatment, both in Batca and repair Treatment!

Hera: (Grunting)


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