Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Three: Cham's message.../Mission accomplished!

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On a Light Cruiser that fast approaching, one of the Two Officers noticed that the Rebels have stabilized the Carrier!

Imperial Officer 2: The rebels have stabilized the carrier!

The second one ordered all ahead full, refusing to let those Rebels escape!

Imperial Officer 3: All ahead full... We must not allow them to escape!

Back on the Carrier, Ezra made his way out of his own turret and over to both Hera and Cham, who both had just stabilized the Carrier together... The two of them both turned to Ezra as he explained that they have a light Cruiser coming their way, but he thinks he knows of a way to stop it!

Ezra: The light cruiser is coming after us, but I think I know a way to stop it!

Cham got up from where he was, volunteering to help Ezra!

Cham: I'll help you...

While Ezra is shocked at that, he seems hesitate to leave Hera behind! Hera smiled at the kid, reassuring Ezra that it was okay, before telling him to go and hurry!

Hera: It's okay... Go... Hurry!

Cham turned to Chopper, before telling Chopper how to fix the Hyperdrive!

Cham: Droid, I shut down the hyperdrive's power coupling on the third and fourth reactor!

Chopper beeped with affirmation, before Ezra contacted Sabine, telling her to meet him in the Hanger!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping with Affirmation!)

Ezra: Sabine, meet me in the hangar!

In the Hanger, Sabine had armed their Stolen TIE Bomber with Numa's explosives just as both Ezra and Cham came in!

Sabine: I've armed the explosives...

Cham seemed concerned, before asking if this ridiculous plan will actually work!

Cham: You actually think this ridiculous plan will work?

Sabine nodded, before telling Ezra to give it a push since she's already set the anti-grav on!

Sabine: Yeah! Kinda fun, isn't it? I set the anti-grav... Just give it a push!

As Ezra does so with the Force, Sabine knew that this was Cham's chance to blow something up now!

Sabine: You wanted to blow something up? Here's your chance!

As Cham headed up towards the nearby cannon, Ezra had just finished letting the TIE Bomber near the Light Cruiser! One of the Officers saw it being set adrift, while the another thought that it was a foolish tactic! He ordered to stay on course, while expecting more obstacles!

Imperial Officer 2: They've set one of the bombers adrift!

Imperial Officer 3: A foolish tactic... Expect more obstacles, but stay the course!

Seeing that the TIE Bomber was in range, Ezra told Cham to take his shot now!

Ezra: Okay, Cham! Take your shot! And make it count!

Cham focused his aim perfectly, before taking his shot which hit perfectly on the Bomber, causing it to explode and engulf the Imperial light cruiser! One of the Officers realized that forward magazine's been hit, which caused to it to be filled with flames!

Imperial Officer 2: The forward magazine's been hit!

With its compartments filling with flames, the Burning Light Cruiser soon starts to plummet down to Ryloth! Charm relaxed, knowing that his people will at least be at peace for a while... And for the first time since Eleni's Death, Cham smiled...

Cham: (Sighs) For you, my people...

Hera smiled as well, glad that both her Father and her people will have hope and peace for while... Finally, Chopper told her that he had completed the repairs to the Fighter Carrier's Hyperdrive, before Hera made the jump to Hyperspace with the Stolen Ship, time to see what it can do!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping with Affirmation!)

Hera: (Sighs) All right, let's see what she can do!

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