Chapter Thirty: Count me in/Failure will have consequences!

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Later that night, Ezra, Kanan, and Sabine were picking up supplies on the Speeders, but were being chased by Stormtroopers! Luckily, Ezra was the one with the plan this time but was headed the wrong way! Kanan was confused, why were they heading into town and not heading back to the Ghost!

Kanan: Aren't we headed the wrong way?

Ezra: Don't want to lead 'em back to the ship, follow me!

Kanan and Sabine shrugged at each other, seems like the best choice they have right now! The Stormtroopers saw what they were doing!

Stormtrooper 1: They're making for town!

Stormtrooper 2: Order our units to split up, we'll box them in!

Ezra smirks, knowing that's exactly what he wanted them to do!

Ezra: Gotcha...

Stormtrooper 2: Stay on 'em. I'll cut 'em off!

Unfortunately, the first Stormtrooper got stunned by Sabine from the shadows! And when the second one reached a dead end, he didn't see anyone... Suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder... When he finally turned around, he saw that it was Ezra and Sabine! Aiming his lightsaber/blaster at him, Ezra stunned the bucket head! As the Trooper fell unconscious, Ezra smirked at his friends!

Ezra: Told you that would work!

Kanan smiled a little bit fondly as Sabine smirked, before placing a proud hand on Ezra's shoulder!

Sabine: You're finally getting the hang of this, there's hope for you yet!

Back at the Ghost, Kanan and Ezra had just entered the common room where they heard that Senator Trayvis was spreading lies about them ever since he recommitted himself to the Empire!

Alton: Senator Trayvis, now that you've recommitted yourself to the Empire, will your followers do the same?

Senator Trayvis: Most will, Alton. These were good people who simply wanted to make the Empire a better place, peacefully... But I'm afraid these insurgents have twisted my message
into something violent and frightening. Of course, I can't abide that... So I'm personally offering
a reward for their capture!

Zeb saw Ezra's hurt face from the lies that Trayvis was spreading before turning to Hera, wanting her to shut it off!

Zeb: Karabast! Shut it off...

Hera does so with a frown, still feeling sick that Trayvis betrayed Ezra's adoptive family like that just as Kaitis did!

Hera: Still makes me sick to think that Trayvis is working for the Empire!

Ezra frowned sadly while Kanan placed a comforting hand on his student's shoulder, knowing how to even the score!

Ezra: Every time we win, we lose!

Kanan: Well, I have a plan that might just even the score... If Trayvis can do it, we can do it, too!

Zeb was confused while Hera smiled at Kanan, liking this plan!

Zeb: What, we're gonna send out some kind of inspirational-type messages?

Kanan: Exactly...

Hera: Exactly...

However, Ezra and Sabine didn't seem to understand what Kanan was thinking!

Sabine: Umm, I don't get it!

Ezra: Yeah, Kanan. What are you thinking? We can't just send a signal... The Empire would track it
in half a second!

Luckily, Kanan had already thought of how they could avoid that!

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