Chapter One Hundred and Nine: I've gotta get my friend!/Ezra leads the escape!

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When Rex regained consciousness, some Imperial Officers had brought him to see Admiral Titus!

Captain Rex: (Groans)

Imperial Officer 1: Cell block AA-24 is compromised!

Imperial Officer 2: Escaped prisoners were last seen on level four!

Imperial Officer 3: They're impersonating our security personnel!

Seeing that their little guest has woken up, the Admiral realized that it was an old Clone that didn't join the Empire after the Jedi were hunted down like all the other Clones!

Admiral Titus: A clone...

Rex rolled his eyes, seeing that he is a bright one!

Captain Rex: (Chuckles) You're a bright one!

Admiral Titus: I had your number scanned... 7567, Captain Rex! You were a hero once... You and your kind brought peace to the galaxy! Why would you lower yourself to fight with traitors? Where is your loyalty?

Rex rolled his eyes, his loyalty was to the Republic, not some Empire!

Captain Rex: My loyalty was to the Republic, not your Empire!

Admiral Titus frowned, knowing that's what the Republic was now before he offered purpose for him again if he surrendered all his friends to him!

Admiral Titus: I serve the order you put into place, Captain... I believe you want to do the right thing! Surrender all your compatriots and I will offer you not only immunity, but reinstatement at an Imperial training academy... You could wear that armor and be proud of your service again!

Rex rolled his eyes, he's proud of his service but he really hates the junk armor that he is wearing right now! Besides... It's not the first time some Imperial has done something to make him turn on a Jedi and his student the way that Barriss did with him, Anakin and Ahsoka in the past!

Captain Rex: Oh, I'm proud of my service... But I really hate this armor! Besides, it's not the first time someone's tried to make me turn on a Jedi and his Padawan!

Titus frowned, like Kanan, Ezra, and even his old Jedi General really does get around!

Admiral Titus: Wow... Like Kanan, Ezra, and even your old Jedi General, you really get around! Oh well... That's unfortunate because you are going to die in it!

Admiral Titus activates an Imperial Interrogation Droid, causing it to use its Torture devices on Rex, making him scream in pain!

Captain Rex: (Rex Screams)

Even from the room that Rex is in, Kanan could still hear the Clone's screams of pain all the way from the Prison hallway and started to grow worried! He may not have always agreed with Rex, but he's still their friend, especially since he risked getting caught as a traitor to the Empire just to help him rescue Ezra and the others! Kanan's concern is pulled away from Rex's screams of torture however when he hears Ezra speak up after he and Chopper made to where Sato and the others were, the reactor is sabotaged now and it's time to get out of here!

Ezra: We sabotaged the reactor... Let's get out of here!

Kanan activated his lightsaber while firing with his Stormtrooper blaster, before asking Ezra to get Sato and the others to the blockade runner!

Kanan: Get Sato and his crew to the blockade runner!

Ezra was confused after he saw that Rex was missing, where was Kanan going?!

Ezra: Where are you going?

Kanan turned around while groaning, he cannot believe he's about to say this!

Kanan: (Groans) I've gotta get my friend!

As Kanan runs off, Ezra was confused! Did Kanan actually just call Rex his friend?!

Ezra: Wait! Friend?

But Ezra's confusion was put aside when he heard Commander Sato and Minister Tua speak up, knowing that they've got bigger problems right now!

Commander Sato: We can't get through!

Minister Tua: And where is Kanan going?

Knowing that Sato and the others need his help while Kanan and Rex are busy at the moment, Ezra reactivates his spare lightsaber before rushing ahead into the firing range of the Stormtoopers!

Ezra: Don't worry... I've got this!

Commander Sato: You've... Got this?

Ezra deflected the lazer blasts from the Stomrtoopers, while using his custom built blaster to stun them as well! Minister Tua, Commander Sato, and the others caught up to the young boy, seeing that Ezra was very capable of handling himself like he, Hera and Kanan said that he was! Ezra moticed his two lightsabers in his direction, telling them to follow him!

Ezra: Hey!

Minister Tua and Commander Sato nodded, knowing that Ezra's got this one!

Minister Tua: Come on!

Commander Sato: He's got this!

Everyone else followed the young boy who was leading the escape! Hera and Kanan both put him on this mission and placed him in charge because they both trust him, he's not letting them down!

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