Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen: Rescuing Alora.../Ezra's Fears!

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Meanwhile back on Takobo, Zeb refused to keep following Chopper since they have reached the point of where they have lost track of where they are going!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting)

Zeb: I'm not following you anymore... I've lost track of where we've checked!

Suddenly, Chopper noticed something that caused to roll off, much to Zeb's irritation!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting)

Zeb: Hey, where you going?

Finally, they found Kaitis and the Inquisitor's advanced TIE Fighter ships! Chopped Beeped mockingly at Zeb, saying that he found their ships!

Zeb: Okay, yes... You found them! Congratulations...

Unfortunately, the two of them hid when they saw one of the Seventh Sister's probe droids! Zeb sighed, if Ezra never sees another one of those things again, it'll be too soon!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting)

Zeb: I see it... It's one of those lousy probes! If the kid never sees one of those things again, it'll be too soon!

Zeb blasts the droid to bits with his bow-rifle, before telling Chopper that he can come out now!

Zeb: You can come out now... Let's blast this ship and get outta here!

But while the two of them were placing explosives inside their ships, Zeb heard a soft crying that was coming from Kaitis's TIE Fighter! Zeb sighed as he walks over to see where the distressed sound was coming from, hoping that it's not a baby Inquisitor!

Zeb: I really hope that's not a baby Inquisitor...

Luckily, it was Alora, causing Zeb's stern features to soften at the stolen baby... Chopper grunted, suggesting that they should just leave her here!

Chopper: (Chopper Grunting)

Zeb rolled his eyes, they can't just leave the baby girl here! They'll blow up the ship after they get Alora out of here!

Zeb: No, we can't just leave it here... We'll blow up the ship after we get the baby!

As Zeb carried Alora out of one of the cockpits, Eldra and the others had just arrived at the apartment that they were looking for! But as they did, Kanan noticed that Ezra seemed a bit troubled by something!

Kanan: What is wrong with you?

Ezra frowned, he found it weird that there was no sign of Kaitis and the Inquisitors yet!

Ezra: No sign of Kaitis and the Inquisitors... 

Kanan sighed, that's what worries him as well!

Kanan: (Sighs) That's what worries me as well!

Quinlan and Eldra opened the door to the apartment that Ahsoka told them about!

Eldra: This is it!

Unfortunately, they found the place was ransacked, making Ezra believe that they were too late!

Ezra: Kanan, I think we're too late...

Luckily, Quinlan found something that proved the boy was wrong! They found a female Ithorian on the ground holding a blue tooka doll on the ground, proving that she was alive!

Quinlan Vos: Over here... She's alive!

Ezra and Kanan knelt down to her level, knowing that the two of them could understand Ithorian!

Kanan: What's your name?

Oora: (Ithorian Speaking)

Ezra: Oora...

Kanan: Save your strength, Oora!

Oora: (Ithorian Speaking)

Ezra: "Pipey"?

Kanan: Her child... She thinks they came for her child! Two red blades... They didn't get it... She managed to send her child away with a droid!

Ezra held Pipey's blue tooka doll before giving it to Oora, promising to find Pipey for her!

Ezra: I promise you, Oora... We'll find your Pipey!

Kanan: Oora, as soon as you're able to, get to docking bay 12...

While Oora saved her strength, Ezra asked Kanan what do Kaitis and his Inquisitor Sibllings want with Oora's child!

Ezra: Kanan, what do they want with her child?

Kanan: I don't know, Ezra...

Ezra frowned, causing Quinlan to place a worried hand on the boy's shoulder!

Quinlan Vos: Huh? Something wrong, kid?

Ezra had a actual idea of what Kaitis and his Inquisitor Siblings wanted with Oora's child, but he hopes that he is wrong!

Ezra: I have idea of why Kaitis and his red blade Siblings would want Pipey... But I hope that I'm wrong!

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