Chapter Fifty-Seven: Runs in the Family/ Kaitis's anger grows stronger...

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On the other side of the city, Kanan and the other's side of the Shuttle had just crashed after Ezra's did! Zeb helped Hera to her feet, that was one of her better crashes!

Zeb: (Sighs) That was one of your better crashes!

Hera: Garazeb Orrelios, you know I never crash! I have very--

Zeb: Very exciting landings! Yeah, thanks for reminding me!

The two of them turn to help Kanan, Sabine, and Crosshair out of the wreckage as well!

Hera: Come on. Come on! Up, everybody! We're moving!

The Five of them quickly rushed to find some cover in a street alley where there aren't any Troopers around! Zeb and Hera lowered Kanan and Crosshair to sit down, while Sabine had managed to walk on her own! The Jedi pulled his helmet off, still coughing from the very exciting landing that they just had!

Kanan: Thanks guys... (Coughing) Are you still in one piece, Crosshair?

Crosshair: (Groaning) I think so!

He quickly makes his way over to Sabine, who

Kanan: Sabine!

Sabine: I'm okay...

Kanan: (Sighs)

Sabine: That ISB Agent set us up again! I knew that we shouldn't have trusted him when threatened Ezra and tried to frame Tua's almost Death on us! Now he's toast!

All of a sudden, Kanan notices that Minister Tua, Ezra, and even Chopper are gone!

Kanan: Guys, Ezra's gone!

Hera: And so are Minister Tua and Chopper!

Zeb: Oh, wonderful!

Kanan: I guess it can't get any worse!

Suddenly, they heard a nearby transmission from one of the Troopers!

Agent Kallus: A beloved citizen of Lothal, Minister Tua's work was cut short by the brainwashing of these criminal band of rebels! If you see them, summon Imperial authorities immediately! Trooper corps have been mobilized in an extensive sea...

After the Troopers left, Sabine rolled his eyes at Kanan, like this day could not get any better!

Sabine: Like this day couldn't get any better, Spectre-1!

Kanan raised his hands up in defense, well he didn't know!

Kanan: Well, I didn't know!

Zeb frowns, his rage at Kallus was getting worse by the minute!

Zeb: Kaitis... He hurt Ezra, he and Kallus were going to kill his own adoptive brother, the Minister of his own planet, and his own friend! They are the worst! If I ever see them again! (Grunts)

Sabine tried to calm him down, they have to focus on getting off Lothal and getting back to Phoenix Squadron first!

Sabine: Zeb, calm down! We have to focus on getting out of here and back to Phoenix Squadron first!

Kanan frowned, he wasn't going anywhere without Minister Tua and his two missing friends!

Kanan: I'm not going anywhere without Tua or my two missing friends!

Hera frowned, that makes that both of them!

Hera: Make that both of us!

Kanan picks up his comlink, trying to find Ezra with some comedy!

Kanan: Boo!

The noise startles Minister Tua, but Ezra does pick up his comlink, causing Kanan to ask where his student was!

Minister Tua: Ah!

Kanan: Ezra, where are you? Oh, wait... Hey, Spectre-3, your friend wants to talk to you!

Minister Tua sounded confused by that, wondering which friend that he was talking about!

Minister Tua: Uh...

Chopper starts beeping happily from his own comlink, knowing that it's Hera! Hera grabs Kanan's comlink from the Jedi's hand, asking if her childhood friend is hurt!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Hera: Chopper! Are you okay? Have they hurt you?!

Kanan knew that they didn't have time for that before he snatches his comlink back from Hera's hands!

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