Chapter One Hundred and Six: Freeing Ezra.../He takes after Hera sometimes!

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Meanwhile, back in Ezra's cell, Admiral Titus was still torturing Ezra with the metal hands on his Torture Chamber via the datapad!

Ezra: AAAHHH!!!

Admiral Titus: You must be terrified. You wake up in a strange place, wearing strange clothes, imprisoned by a strange Imperial Officer floating on a strange Star Destroyer. Strange, isn't it?

Ezra frowned while groaning through the steam and smoke from the electric shocks from his Torture Chamber, it's not the first time he's dealt with this kind of thing before!

Ezra: (Groaning) Hardly... It's not the first time!

That let the Admiral stumped... Jedi Knight or not, the child really does get around!

Admiral Titus: Wow... You really get around! Now... We can do this either the easy way... Or my vote... The hard way!

Ezra: (Groaning) I'll die... Before I'll tell you anything!

Admiral Titus: So stubborn, just like your Master...Even though Kaitis and the others believe you are a force that isn't to be underestimated, I am not impressed! Agent Kallus and the Fifth Brother will be along shortly though... In the meantime, we have time to wait for them... Besides, Kaitis did say that the bond between a Jedi teacher and his apprentice is strong...

Ezra frowned, knowing that Kanan is gonna be blasting his way through the doors of his cell any minute now!

Ezra: Which means my Master will be coming for me any minute now!

Admiral Titus smirked, before using his datapad to get him here faster!

Admiral Titus: Then set's see if we can get him here any faster...

Ezra: AAAHHH!!!

Outside in the hallway, Kanan, Chopper, and Rex had just arrived at the nearby cell that the Admiral was holding Ezra captive inside! The two of them took their Stormtrooper helmets off, seeing the Triple guard around the secure cell that Ezra's in!

Captain Rex: Look! That's where they're keeping Ezra!

Kanan: Are you sure?

Captain Rex: Ugh, who else doesn't know not to underestimate your Padawan like Kallus, Kaitis, and his Inquisitor siblings do and asked the new Admiral to have Triple guard around his cell like that?

Kanan shrugged, seeing the old Clone makes a good point about that!

Kanan: Good point!

Captain Rex: So how do we knock them without too much trouble... (Sees Kanan is already gone!) Kanan?

He sees that Kanan has already pulled out his Stormtrooper blaster and has it set to stun already!

Kanan: Sorry!

Captain Rex: Works for me!

As Kanan approaches them, the three Stormtroopers saw him approaching! The first one turns to the second one, he said that the three of them would be safe guarding his Jedi Padawan!

Stormtrooper 1: You said we'd be safe back here!

As the first begins to contact the Admiral, the second Trooper tells the third one that they will be fine... There's only just three of them and only one of him!

Stormtrooper 2: Come on, there's three of us and only one of him!

The third one shook his head, knowing that it won't matter!

Stormtrooper 3: It won't matter...

Ezra: AAAHHH!!!

Inside the cell, Ezra's screams of agony are put to a stop when he hears the first Stormtrooper contact him from his comlink!

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