Chapter Fifty: The crew's first mission with Phoenix Squadron/Ezra takes flight!

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Now a part of Phoenix Squadron ever since rescuing Kanan from the Mustafar System, the Ghost Crew were now on a mission to steal some shield generators from an Imperial freighter! Kanan, Hera, Sabine, Chopper, and Zeb were all in the Ghost with Phoenix Squadron's ships and pilots covering them from the Imperial TIE Fighters, while Ezra was flying the Phantom! Hera flew the Ghost close to the Freighter, before asking Phoenix 1 to keep the TIES off their backs!

Hera: Making a break for the freighter, keep the TIES off our back!

Phoenix 1: Split formation, Phoenix 2. I'll cut across their axis!

Phoenix 1 blasted a few TIES before Sabine wanted to make sure that there were some left for the rest of them!

Sabine: Good shot, Phoenix 1! Save some for the rest of us.

Phoenix 1: Phoenix 1 to Ghost, we've cleared a path for you!

Hera sighed, it was kind of nice having Phoenix Squadron watching their backs!

Hera: Phew! Kinda nice having Phoenix Squadron watching our backs!

Kanan shrugged, they were alright since they did okay on their own!

Kanan: We always did all right on our own.

Hera: True, but I prefer life with our new fleet to flying solo!

Kanan: Oh? You were solo? 

Their lovely banter however was interrupted by Chopper beeping very scared by covering his eyes with his tiny little Droid arms, warning Hera to focus a little more on not dying! Hera saw what her little buddy was worried about and quickly dodged the incoming TIE! Meanwhile, Zeb seemed to prefer his feet on solid ground instead of in space!

Zeb: I wouldn't mind getting my feet back on solid ground for a while!

Sabine rolled her eyes, knowing that someone has to tease Zeb while Ezra isn't around here right now!

Sabine: Come on, Zeb! Where's your sense of adventure? 

Zeb falls off the railing, clearly he was not enjoying this!

Zeb: Whoa!

Sabine simply shrugged a bit, guessing that he doesn't have a sense of adventure as she and Ezra did!

Suddenly, when a TIE is about to shoot them down, someone else saves them!

Ezra: Looks like you could use a little help!

Everyone smiled at the slight of the Phantom and their youngest member piloting it!

Sabine: Ezra!

Zeb: Nice shot, kid!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping Happily)

Kanan: Good to see you, Padawan... Ready to have some fun?

Ezra smiled, knowing that he'd rather be up with Kanan and the others than be stuck in a command center!

Ezra: (Chuckles) You know me, Spectre-1... I'd rather be up here than stuck in a command center!

Hera: Phantom, I'm moving into position.

Ezra: Copy, Spectre 2! I'm on my mark! Firing now!

Ezra fires, causing the cargo to be liberated and easy to pick up!

Ezra: Cargo is liberated! Spectre-2, you're clear for pickup!

Unfortunately, Hera sees that they've got themselves some unwelcomed company! Imperial reinforcements have already arrived!

Hera: Imperial reinforcements have arrived!

Ezra and Zeb rolled their eyes, well that's just great!

Ezra and Zeb: Ah, karabast!

Phoenix Squadron's pilots started covering them, but Ezra knew that it was really crowded now all of a sudden!

Ezra: Whew! Got real crowded all of a sudden!

To prove his point right, Phoenix 1 needs some help since there are TIES all over him!

Phoenix 1: I need a little help, they're all over me!

Sabine is already ahead of him, shooting down TIE Fighters!

Sabine: Got you covered, Phoenix 1!

Unfortunately, Commander Sato's command ship is losing their deflector shields!

Commander Sato: We're losing our deflector shields! Ghost, we must withdraw!

Hera was aware of that, but she is first getting what they came here for!

Hera: Acknowledged, Commander Sato! But first, we're getting what we came for! Zeb, get ready to pull those containers aboard!

Zeb begins to pull the containers on board!

Zeb: Almost in range!

The blaster fire is getting more and more, causing Ezra to get impatient knowing that they don't have all day!

Ezra: Um, anytime, Zeb!

Zeb: Come on, come on! 

Finally, the containers are in range and Zeb pulls them onboard!

Zeb: Ah, yes!

Hera smiles, mission accomplished!

Hera: Gotcha! Ghost to Phoenix Squadron, mission accomplished! Spectre 6, bring it in!

Ezra nods, before preparing to dock the Phantom with the Ghost!

Ezra: I'm in the pocket, five by one!

As the Phantom is docked with the Ghost, Kanan smiles seeing that Ezra's home! 

Kanan: He's home!

Phoenix Squadron and the Ghost Crew made the jump to hyperspace, scoring another victory against the Empire! Little did the young Jedi know that the Empire was going to send someone who bring questions about the past, a lot for both Kanan and Eldra... As well as both him and Ahsoka!

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