Chapter Fifty-Eight: A Ride out of here/Ezra meets Vader for the first time!

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At the checkpoints, Kanan and Crosshair were moving the crates had Zeb, Sabine, and Hera were all hiding inside of! Unfortunately, some Troopers stopped them!

Stormtrooper 1: What's this?

Crosshair: Power cells in need of recharging for the rebel pursuit!

But the Stormtrooper didn't buy it, wanting to check inside!

Stormtrooper 1: Hold it right there, Trooper... We have to check inside!

Luckily, Kanan waved his hand in front of the Trooper's eyes, using a Force Jedi mind trick on him!

Kanan: "You don't have to check inside."

Stormtrooper 1: We don't have to check inside...

Stormtrooper 2: Well, then, as you wish, Trooper. Move along!

As the two of them got to the Complex, Zeb wished that trick worked on Ezra!

Zeb: I wish that trick worked on Ezra!

As the Kanan took his helmet off and helped Hera out, Sabine and Crosshair hushed him to be quiet!

Crosshair: Zeb, will you be quiet?!

Sabine: You're gonna get us all captured!

Zeb rolled his eyes, as Crosshair helped Sabine and him crawl out of the crate!

Zeb: What? I need to breathe! Have you smelled me?!

Before the fight could continue while Kanan took his Stormtrooper armor off, Ezra and Minister Tua both climbed out of the sewer tunnels!

Ezra: Huh! See, Minister? That wasn't so bad!

Minister Tua: Don't think it matters if you're noisy! How can you even stand it down there, kid?

Ezra: Heh... I had to live down there and on the streets of Lothal for weeks after your government took my adoptive parents from me, you get used to it!

Kanan had finished taking his armor off, just as he saw Ezra and Tua climbing out! He and Sabine help the two of them out of the tunnel!

Kanan: Kid!

Sabine: Are you guys okay?

Ezra: Yeah, I'm okay... I'm okay... Phew!

Minister Tua: Yeah... All good! The good news so that so far, there's nobody around! This was a good plan...

Ezra smiles as Kanan pulls him up, of course it was a good plan!

Ezra: Of course it was a good plan... We came up with it!

Kanan smirked as he leads the way to find a Shuttle before Ezra asks someone to help Chopper!

Kanan: This way!

Ezra: Can somebody please get Chopper?

Zeb grabs Chopper before they run to catch up with the others! Meanwhile, the Stormtroopers that were nearby are still wondering if they were going to find Ezra and the others this time!

Stormtrooper 1: You think we'll find them this time?

Stormtrooper 2: We better!

Suddenly, Ezra and Zeb raised both of their fists from behind the Troopers without anyone else noticing!

Ezra: Found me...

The two of them knocked the Troopers out cold!

Ezra: Enjoy that?

Zeb: Maybe a little...

The Seven of them saw that there was a nearby Shuttle, causing Kanan to smirk at the Minister!

Kanan: There's a shuttle! What'd I tell ya?

Tua smiles, he did good for a Jedi!

Minister Tua: You did good!

Suddenly, Sabine saw a bunch of other crates... And when she opened them, she couldn't believe her eyes before she called Hera over to her!

 Sabine: Hera, look over here!

Hera came over to her daughter figure, seeing what she was excited about! They had hit the jackpot!

Sabine: Shield generators... Military grades!

Hera smiled, this just might help turn this rough day into a good one after all!

Hera: Zeb, Ezra, grab all we can carry... These might help turn this day around, the fleet could sure use them!

Zeb: Let's hope that this trip isn't for nothing!

But as Zeb, Chopper, and the girls helped the Minister get the crates aboard the Shuttle, Kanan stopped! He suddenly felt so cold, much like Ezra did back before they had landed on Lothal today when he was caught in his Force trance... Ezra stopped before he turned around as well, knowing that something was wrong if they were both feeling the same coldness that he had felt when he was trapped in the Force trance from earlier!

Ezra: Do you feel that?

Kanan did and whoever it was, it was far worse than the Grand Inquisitor!

Kanan: The cold...

From the shadows, Kaitis approached along with Darth Vader!

Minister Tua: Oh, wonderful...

Kanan: That doesn't look!

Ezra: It's not... It's him!

Kanan frowned, he hasn't seen Kaitis since Ezra rescued him from Tarkin's Star Destroyer a few weeks ago... He thought that Kaitis had perished as the Grand Inquisitor did!

Kanan: It's been a while... I was hoping that you fell on Tarkin's Star Destroyer when it was demolished a few weeks ago!

Kaitis smirked at the Jedi, he's not easy as a Dark Sider to kill!

Kaitis: It is a delusion to think that your actions have had any consequences... The hunt for any remaining Jedi continues its work, and Lord Vader and I have come for you...

Ezra frowned, he was done hiding before he came out from behind Kanan! 

Ezra: It wouldn't be the first time!

Darth Vader: Can it be... You're supposed to be dead... Ezra Skywalker! 

As Minister Tua joined the others, Ezra's hands were already reaching for his two blue lightsabers! Kaitis and Vader smiled, before reaching for their red-bladed lightsabers and activating them!

Ezra: I was begining to think that my presence of not dying on Mustafar went unnoticed by the Empire!

Darth Vader: You and your Master weren't planning on leaving without saying "Hello", were you? 

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