Chapter Four: Tortured/Kanan Goes Back For Ezra.

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On the Imperial Star Destroyer that Ezra was left behind on, Agent Kallus comes into the cell that Ezra was being held in where Ezra's lightsaber was still on his belt! The young boy was being held in an Imperial Torture Chamber, Ezra just glares at the ISB agent as he introduced himself!

Agent Kallus: I am Agent Kallus of the Imperial Security Bureau. And you are...

But Ezra just glared at him, refusing to say or tell him anything!

Ezra: I won't tell you anything!

Agent Kallus: Is that so? Well, let's see how far I can get out of you without you even telling me anything! (Pulls out a Holopad, revealing Ezra's Profile Picture!) You are currently calling yourself Ezra Bridger, is that correct? Imagine if Vader and the Emperor had found out who you really were, Ezra Skywalker! That is your given name, is it not? Ezra Skywalker? Son of Anakin Skywalker, the most powerful Jedi that there ever was during the Clone Wars before the rise of the Galactic Empire!

Ezra lowers his head in shame, before nodding his head yes and accepting the truth about his true heritage!

Ezra: Yes sir... Look, I just met those guys today. I don't know anything!

Agent Kallus: You're not here for what you know, "Ezra." You're here to be used as bait upon our return to Lothal!

Kallus knew that it was only a matter of time before the Rebels came walking into his trap, but Ezra didn't believe that Kanan and the others would come back for them as much as Kallus did!

Ezra: Bait? Wait? You seriously think that... (Laughs Sarcastically) Wow, you're about as bright as a binary droid. They're not gonna come for me... People don't do that...

Kallus simply brushed a bit of dust off Ezra's shoulder and smirked, not that it mattered since Ezra will be turned into an Inquisitor under Torture even if the Rebels don't come back for him!

Agent Kallus: (Inhales) Hmmm... Maybe not! But even if they don't come back for you, this way will make it easier for you to break down under Torture and become an Inquisitor to the Empire... And by the way, this will hurt!

Kallus smirks evilly as a Torture device near him starts to activate the Torture Chamber, causing Ezra to scream in pain!

Ezra: (Screaming in Pain!)

Kallus smirked evilly, he was clearly enjoying Ezra's Torture lesson! Back on the Ghost, Hera thinks that Zeb's statement about the Empire going easy on him was insane!

Hera: They'll easy on him, he's just a kid! This is the Empire that we are talking for Rlyoth's sake, Zeb! We have to go back for him!

Zeb thought that Hera had gone crazy!

Zeb: No, no, no! No way! You can't be serious!

However, Hera ignored him completely as she typed in the coordinates into the ship, knowing it was their fault that Ezra was there!

Hera: It's our fault that he was there!

Zeb: Oh come on, Hera! We just met this kid today!

Sabine sighed, while it is true that they just met Ezra, she also knew that they couldn't abandon the kid there, especially when she was the one who offered a home with the Crew in the first place!

Sabine: Sorry Zeb, but I have to agree with Hera on this one! Plus, I know first-hand what the Empire is capable of doing to the innocent! Chopper, what do you think?

Chopper spoke to her in Droid Language that she and Sabine understood, causing them to smile while Zeb was confused!

Zeb: What did he say?! What?!

Hera: He voted with us!

Sabine: Yes!

Zeb: Oh, come on! Why would I risk my life for a stranger?

Hera: Because Ezra risked his life for us! Ezra told me that if all you do is fight for your own life, then your life is worth nothing! He needs us, Zeb. He needs us right now!

Zeb: No, it's too late for him, Hera. We should run now, while...

Hera: You don't mean that!

Sabine ignored the others and turned to Kanan, who was deep in thought!

Sabine: Kanan? What is it?

Kanan started to think about the day that he had lost everything when he was little almost 15 years ago...

Kanan(V.O.): (Sighs) It was at the end, the end of the war. Our fellow soldiers, the clones, the ones we Jedi fought side by side with, suddenly turned and betrayed us. I watched them kill my master. She fought beside them for years, and they gunned her down in a second... And then came for me. Later they said they had chips in their heads that made them do it. Said they had no choice...

???: Execute Order 66!

???: Master... Master!

???: You must run! Run, Caleb! RUN!!!

???: (Gasps) Stay away from me!

???: Kid, wait!

???: And the Jedi rebellion has been foiled. The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated. The attempt on my life... has left me scarred and deformed. But I assure you. My resolve has never been stronger! In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire! For a safe and secure society!

Kanan sighs, refusing to let Ezra almost lose his way the same way that he did!

Kanan: Hera, Sabine, and Chopper right, Zeb! Besides, even if he wasn't a Jedi, I'm not leaving Ezra behind in the hands of the Empire! Hera, make the jump to hyperspace and do it fast!

Hera smiles, knowing that the Jedi spirit he used to have at a young age is starting to return once again! Zeb sighed, knowing that this is going to end badly!

Hera: Roger that, Kanan! (Makes the jump to Hyperspace to where is being held!)

Zeb: Alright... But mark my words, this will end badly!

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