Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Four: A terrible idea.../The Empire Strikes!

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On the other side of Garel, Zeb and Chopper were shocked at that suggestion, knowing that was a terrible idea!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping)

Zeb: Send Kaitis a message? Well, that sounds like a terrible idea... Besides, we haven't finished getting our supplies!

Hera knew that they didn't have time for this!

Hera: You can finish later! Just get back here now!

Ezra frowned, knowing that they didn't want to alert any of the Imperial Patrols here on Garel!

Ezra: Not too fast, Zeb! We don't want to alert any Imperial patrols...

Zeb rolled his eyes, Ezra worried way too much like Kanan did! In fact, he hasn't seen a single bucket head in sight all morning!

Zeb: Don't worry... Not a bucket head in sight... In fact, we haven't seen one all morning!

Ezra frowned, that is kind of strange!

Ezra: Well that's kind of strange, actually!

However, Sabine knew better than that since she was a star-Cadet at the Imperial Academy and knew the kinds of strategies that the Empire used!

Sabine: It's not strange... It's strategy!

Kanan shrugged at Ezra, both of them were confused what Sabine means by that!

Kanan: What are you talking about?

Sabine: The Empire always pulls back patrols before a major strike... Oh no!

Hera realized what Sabine meant by that and it was not good, realizing that they need to evacuate immediately!

Sabine: Well, Ezra, if you want to put the Past in the Past after what Kaitis did... Now would be the time! 

Hera: Zeb, get back to the ship... I'll contact Commander Sato... Hurry!

Suddenly, Zeb's comlink was jammed, causing the Lasat to lose his connection with Hera, confused at what she was trying to tell him!

Zeb: Hera? You copy? Hello? I wonder what she was trying to say...

Suddenly, Chopper saw some Star Destroyers, along with some bucket heads and Agent Kallus on them, causing Zeb to realize in a annoyed tone at what Hera was trying to tell him!

Chopper: (Chopper Beeping Worried)

Zeb: (Sighs) I think I know what she was gonna say!

In the Ghost, Hera told Sabine to splice their jamming signal, knowing that they need their our comms back online now if they're gonna escape from the Empire and Garel!

Hera: Sabine, see if you can splice their jamming signal... We'll need our comm!

Sabine nodded, before turning to Kanan and Ezra to get on the Phantom to reunite with Ryder and the others and get away off Garel!

Sabine: On it! You two better get going if you wanna catch a ride out of here and reunite with Ryder and the others...

However Ezra refused, he wasn't leaving Garel without Zeb and Chop!

Ezra: I'm not going anywhere until we get Zeb and Chop! Just have us ready to fly!

Ezra runs quickly out of the Ghost, knowing that he's not losing another adoptive Family member to the Empire! Kanan sighed, before chasing Ezra out after him, make that both of them!

Kanan: (Slow down, Ezra... (Panting) Wait for me!

Hera sighed, she couldn't believe how stubborn and brave Ezra was becoming more and more like them, his adoptive parents, and his real parents every day now!

Hera: I don't believe how much that kid is becoming more and more like us, his adoptive parents, and his real parents every day now!

Sabine gave the Pilot a gentle little smile before turning head in the direction of where Kanan and the kid went while she did her work, she can!

Sabine: I can!

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