Chapter Sixty-Three: The apprentice lives!/Visions about Anakin's true fate!

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While Darth Vader kept attacking, Minister Tua and Eldra followed Hera, Kanan, and Chopper to the cockpit! As Hera sat down, Kanan asked the kids to check in!

Kanan: Everyone, check in!

Zeb: Tail gun, check!

Sabine: Turret, check!

Ezra: Nose gun, check!

Eldra nods, knowing that everyone is in position!

Eldra: Check!

Hera: All right, kids, do Mom and Dad proud!

Minister Tua: Here he comes!

Soon Vader started blasting to Phoenix Home, causing them to lose their shields!

Commander Sato: We've lost our shields!

Hera: Ghost moving to engage!

Sabine was already on him, wondering who was this guy!

Sabine: I'm on him! Who is this guy?

As Ahsoka felt something familiar about him, Vader's last shot damages the hyperdrive core, causing Phoenix Home's ship to become dead in space!

Phoenix Soldier: Sir, the last attack damaged the hyperdrive core! We are dead in space...

Commander Sato: Phoenix Home to Ghost, we can't withstand another attack from that fighter!

Hera: Copy that. Phoenix Squadron, form up and focus fire!

As the remaining pilots of Phoenix Squadron did just that, Ahsoka noticed that there was something different about this lone fighter! She and Kanan could both knew that he was strong with the Force!

Ahsoka: The Force is strong with him... Kanan, let's find out how strong!

Kanan: How can I help?

Ahsoka: Just remember your training...

As Kanan helped Ahsoka, Eldra and Minister Tua did their best to help Hera deal with Vader!

Eldra: Enemy ship closing to attack range!

However, Ezra sensed something familiar about the pilot that was attacking them!

Ezra: There's something familiar...

Suddenly, Ezra felt the same coldness that he had felt earlier on Lothal... He knew now who it was!

Ezra: I feel... Cold!

Through their comlink connection, Ezra soon started explaining who it was to Eldra and two Jedi friends while they were focusing!

Ezra: I think I know who it is... Back on Lothal, I felt something! Kanan did too... The fear... The anger... The hate... It's the Sith Lord we faced!

All of a sudden, Ahsoka opened her eyes, sensing who it was!

???: You must choose!

???: Don't listen to him, Anakin!

???: It's not the Jedi way. He must live!

???: He's too dangerous to be left alive!

???: Please don't!

???: I need him!

???: Unlimited power!

???: What have I done?!

At the same time, Ezra had felt a different vision of voices, but it had the same painful emotions as Ahsoka's did!

???: Obi-Wan... I can feel you... Your fear betrays you... You don't have to worry... You're not going to die... Today!  I'm just going to take you to him... Lord Vader will be pleased! You didn't know... He's alive, Obi-Wan! Anakin Skywalker is alive! And he's been looking for you for a long time... And I will be the one to deliver you to him! You can't run, Obi-Wan! You can't escape him! We will find you! We will destroy you! 

???: You're not serving him, are you? You're hunting him... Let me help you!

???: Why would I ever trust you? 

???: Because we want the same thing!

???: Do we, Obi-Wan? Do you really want Anakin dead? Where were you while he was killing my friends? He was your Padawan... Why didn't you stop him? Why didn't you save us?  I don't need your help... I don't need anyone!

???: You won't stop him alone...

???: You have no idea what I've done alone!

???: This is the end for you, my Master... Admit you are beaten!

???: You cannot run, Obi-Wan!

???: I see through the lies of the Jedi... You're my enemy!

???: You should have killed me when you had the chance!

???: I do not fear the dark side...

???: I am what you made me!

Young Leia: What is it? Are you okay? 

Hearing his real twin sister's words, Ezra mutters one word out loud in horror!

Ezra: Anakin...

From his TIE Fighter, Vader had sensed who it was as well, he realized that not only that Anakin's youngest son was alive, but his apprentice was alive as well!

Darth Vader: The apprentice lives!

Both Ahsoka and Ezra screamed out in pain from all the fear, anger, and hate that they both sensed from Vader and due to them being unable to handle the panic, they passed out! 

Ezra and Ahsoka: AAHH!!!

Luckily, Ahsoka landed in Eldra's hands, causing the girl to grow concerned for both for her friend's well being and her little adoptive brother's!

Eldra: Ahsoka?!

Kanan: Ezra?! Minister, stay here with Hera and the others! I'm gonna go and get Ezra, I'll be right back!

As the Jedi runs off to the nose gun so that he can help Ezra, Eldra tries her best to wake Ahsoka up!

Eldra: Ahsoka, please wake up! AHSOKA!!!

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