Chapter One Hundred And Nineteen: Duel in Hammertown.../Hope for the New Order!

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On the other side of the City, Ezra and Eldra had just arrived at spaceport that leads to the Phantom! The only problem was that it was sealed shut, thanks to Kaitis and his Commanding Imperial Officer! Eldra tried to reopen the door while Ezra contacted Chopper to let them in, but it was no use!

Eldra: (Grunting)

Ezra: Let me in! Let me in, Chopper! Paranoid droid...

Ezra contacts Kanan, telling him and the others that their so-called friends have the door is locked!

Kanan: The door is locked, Kanan! The door is locked!

Unfortunately, Kanan, Zeb, and Quinlan made their way over to where the kids were while being chased by Kaitis and the others, proving that they were a little preoccupied at the moment right now!

Kanan: I'm a little preoccupied at the moment!

Turning around, Eldra and Ezra saw Kaitis and the Fifth Brother knock Quinlan, Zeb, and even Kanan, much to their horror!

Eldra: No!

Angered, Ezra activated his custom-built lightsaber defensive infront of Pipey, refusing to let his former adoptive Brother and the Inquisitor Siblings hurt the youngling! Kaitis and the Seventh Sister rolled their eyes, they don't have the time to waste on Ezra and Eldra right now!

Seventh Sister: I don't have time to waste on you and your sister, child!

The two of them forced the two of them against the wall, gently telling Ezra to give the youngling up... Before Kaitis gets angry!

Kaitis: Now give both Pipey and Alora back to me and my Inquisitor friends, before I get angry!

Fifth Brother rolled his eyes at that with the Seventh Sister, that's not him angry?

Fifth Brother: That's not him angry?

Seventh Sister told him to be quiet, knowing that he is not helping!

Seventh Sister: Shush! Not helping!

Ezra held Pipey gently but firmly in his arms, refusing to hand him or Alora over to the likes of them!

Ezra: You are not... Touching... Him or Alora!

But before the unfortunate fight between Ezra and Kaitis could go any further, the locked doors reopened! Eldra and Ezra sat up a little bit, confused at the bright white light at who unlocked the doors for them! The Seventh Sister's mask uncovered its self, frowned at who this unexpected person is! Ahsoka shows up in white light, along with Hunter and Omega! Ahsoka activated her white lightsabers, as Hunter and Omega both smirked at Ezra and Eldra, they and their friends are certainly tough to find!

Hunter: You and the others are certainly tough to find, kid!

Ezra: Hunter! Omega!

The Seventh Sister and Kaitis both rolled their eyes with a evil smile, while Ahsoka's presence was unexpected... But was certainly not unwelcome!

Kaitis: Ahsoka Tano... Always chasing after Skywalker's youngest child like you were always chasing after your Master! Sweet... But oh so predictable as usual!

Seventh Sister: Unexpected indeed, my dear... But not unwelcome!

Eldra gets up as she and Ahsoka nods at Ezra, Hunter, and Omega to the youngling back to the ship along with his friends, they'll take care of this mess!

Eldra: Little bro... You, Hunter, Omega go and get the youngling back to the ship!

Ahsoka: Both our ships, actually... Me and Eldra will clean up this trash!

Ezra nods, trusting his sister and his friend to handle themselves! Hunter and Omega agree with the boy as the two girls winked playfully at them, before engaging the three Jedi Hunter in a Lightsaber Duel! While the Inquistors and Kaitis had their own little preoccupied moment to deal with at the moment, Hunter and Omega helped Ezra up to his feet just as they noticed Zeb, Kanan, and Quinlan were just waking up from being knocked cold from a few minutes ago! As soon as Ezra was back on his feet, Ezra and Omega quickly urged them to get up, knowing that they have got to get moving!

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