Chapter Eleven: Information About Ezra's Family,

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It had been a few days since Ezra's first Force push with Agent Kallus and saving Zeb's life. However, his new life with Sabine hasn't been that great after hearing a very harsh conversation with Sabine and the others a few days ago after he had saved Zeb's life!

Ezra was walking to the common room for Jedi training with Zeb and Kanan when he heard Sabine's voice speak up from the common room!

Sabine: I'm sorry Kanan, but I think that Ezra is struggling to adjust to this new life!

Kanan: Oh come on now Sabine, he's only just arrived!

Ezra peeks his head through the doorway, listening to Kanan defending him against Sabine as Hera and Zeb speak up!

Hera: Okay, so he's not the best yet with explosive techniques, or Jedi training, or flying abilities, but nobody's perfect!

Zeb: He's trying and that's what matters! Honourable Lasan Rule 3: "No matter how bad things get, never give up on a follow Rebel!" Sorry for speaking so loudly; because of the dust from when I was cleaning out the vents earlier this morning, I still can't hear that great. Also, on an unrelated note: "HE'S OUR FRIEND!"

Ezra smiles sweetly at Hera, Zeb, and Kanan defending him before they all turn to Sabine!

Zeb: Right, Sabine?!

Hera: Right?!

Sabines frowns, a little bit shy and unsure...

Sabine: Well...

Kanan: Now Sabine, don't tell me that you're not happy to have the kid here!

Hera: Yeah! It was your idea to offer him a place with us in the first place!

Sabine: Hey, don't get me wrong, Hera! Of course I'm happy to have Ezra in my life...

Zeb just crosses his arms, knowing that there's a but in that sentence!

Zeb: But?

Sabine: But I don't know, it's probably my fault! I've gone so long without my own older sibling, Zeb... I guess that I don't really know how to have one, I...

Zeb sighs sadly as Ezra is shocked before Kanan spoke up!

Kanan: That's because you actually knew your real parents and had a real sibling! Ezra told the both of us the night that he joined us that he never knew his real parents or his real twin siblings, Sabine! Not to mention the fact that he lost his adoptive parents, he hasn't seen his adopted sister for years now, and his adopted brother betrayed him for an unknown reason!

Zeb: Kanan's right, Sabine... He's been on his own without real actual family for so long, you've got to get him time to figure out who he is and how he fits into this family!

Ezra sadly walks away, wishing he knew who his real parents were... As the flashback ends, Ezra holds a locket that has a hand-crafted picture of his real family in it, unsure of how he can fit into this new family exactly! Suddenly, Ezra hears someone knocking on the door, before he quickly hides the locket under his jumpsuit!

Ezra: Come in...

Zeb comes in carrying a bowl of Porridge that had some Jogan fruit on it for breakfast!

Zeb: Hey... I brought you some Porridge, in case you were hungry!

Ezra takes the bowl before he takes a few bites out of it, right before Zeb gets an idea!

Ezra: Mmmm... Thanks Zeb!

Zeb: Hey, I actually have an idea! Me and Sabine stole a TIE a few days ago before we met you. Maybe after lunch, me, you, and Sabine can go on a special mission on it?

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